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SWDAAGNT - Ad Hoc Agents: Technical and Detailed Names

SWDAAGNTS - Ad Hoc Agents

SWDAFAGNT - All Agents of Step with Error Indicators

SWDAFLXHEAD - Flexible Workflow: Output structure header data

SWDAFLXOUT - Flexible Workflow: Output Structure Workflow Outcomes

SWDAFLXRUSE - Flexible Workflow: Output Structure Reusable Unit

SWDAGUID - Structure for 32-Byte GUID for Use in BOR

SWDAHEAD - Ad Hoc Agents - Header Table

SWDANOTES - References to Notes for Ad Hoc Agents

SWDAOBJCTS - Relationship Between Object Type and Task Groups

SWDCIMNODE - Workflow Definition: Include Structure for Nodes (Def.)

SWDCOMPEVT - Old Structure for Terminating Events

SWDDUSRATT - Workflow Definition: User Attributes

SWDDUSRATTTXT - Workflow Definition: User Attribute Text Table

SWDD_DEMO - WF: Screen Structure for Demo Application-Specific Profiles

SWDFACTION - Form Types and Actions

SWDIAPIAGT - Agent for Workflow

SWDIAPINDA - Node and Agent in Workflow Log

SWDIAPINOD - Node in Workflow Log


SWDIAPI_PR - WF: Name Value Pair

SWDIAPI_WI - WF: Work Item

SWDIBINDEF - Workflow definition: Include structure for binding

SWDICHGLOG - Date, Release and User upon Creation and Change

SWDICNTIDX - Container Index

SWDIDSTEPS - Step Properties for WF Definition (Not Runtime)

SWDIEVNTS - Workflow Definition: Include Structure for Nodes (Runtime)

SWDIFLXKEY - Flexible Workflow: Reuse Unit (include)

SWDIFLXRUSE - Flexible Workflow: Reuse Unit (include)

SWDIFLXRUST - Flexible Workflow: Reuse Unit + Texts (include)

SWDIFORMS - Workflow Definition: Include Structure for Forms

SWDIFUNC - WF Definition: Function Module/Method

SWDIGLOBAL - Include Structure for Cross-Version Data

SWDIHEADER - WF: Include Structure for Header Data

SWDILEVNTS - Local Events

SWDILINES - Workflow definition: Include structure for lines (runtime)


SWDILOG - Internal Log of Changes to Workflow Definitions

SWDIMETHOD - Workflow definition: Include structure for secondary methods

SWDIMLINES - Workflow definition: Include structure for lines (def.)

SWDIMNODES - Workflow definition: Include structure for nodes (def.)

SWDINODES - Workflow definition: Include structure for nodes (runtime)

SWDINODES2 - Workflow Definition: Include Structure for Nodes (Runtime)

SWDIOBJCTS - Relationship Between Object Type and Task Groups

SWDIOUTPRO - Workflow Definition: Include Sructure Outcome Properties

SWDIPREDITORS - Header Data for Application Profile for WF Builder

SWDIPRHEAD - Header Data for Application Profile for WF Builder

SWDIPROPTS - Properties

SWDISFORM - Workflow Definition: Include Structure for START Forms

SWDISTEPS - Workflow definition: Include structure steps (runtime+def.)

SWDITASKS - Tasks Referenced Directly from Workflow Definition

SWDIUSRATT - Workflow Definition: Include Structure for User Attributes

SWDIWFCONT - Workflow definition: Include structure for container

SWDIWFCTXT - Workflow definition: Include structure for container texts

SWDKFUNC - Workflow Definition: Key for Function Module/Method

SWDKOBJCTS - Relationship Between Object Type and Task Groups

SWDKPROPTS - Workflow Definition: Key for Attributes

SWDPCMD - Web Activity: Possible Functions

SWDPCMDT - Web Activity: Possible Functions (Text)

SWDPEXCP - Web Activity: Possible Exceptions

SWDPEXCPT - Web Activity: Possible Exceptions (Text)

SWDPFLXRUST - Flexible Workflow : Reuse Units Popup input/output structure

SWDPGRPHDR - Web Activity: Log Group

SWDPGRPPRT - Web Activity: Log of a Log Group

SWDPGRPTXT - Web Activity: Log Group (Text)

SWDPHEADER - Web Activity: Transmission Protocol Header Data

SWDPOPERS - Web Activity: Transmission Protocol Operations

SWDPPRCMD - Web Activity: Possible Functions Within a Log

SWDPPRCMEX - Web Activity: Exceptions Within a Function

SWDPTEXTS - Web Activity: Long Texts for Transmission Protocols

SWDRULES - WF: Rules according to which binding is defined

SWDSBINDEF - WF Definition: Bindings

SWDSCNTIDX - WF Definition: Container Index (Where-Used List from 610)

SWDSCONDEF - WF Definition: Conditions

SWDSCONT - WF Definition: Container (from 610)

SWDSDSTEPS - WF Definition: Definition-Relevant Steps Only

SWDSENTRY - Entry in Undo-Redo Stack

SWDSEVNTS - WF Definition: Events

SWDSEXPR - WF Definition: Expressions

SWDSFLXHEAD - Flexible Workflows: Header Data

SWDSFLXOUT - Workflow Definition: Flexible Workflow Outcomes

SWDSFLXREFT - Workflow Definition: Flexible Workflow, reference times

SWDSFLXRUSE - Flexible Workflows: Reusable Units

SWDSFLXRUTX - Flexible Workflows: Texts of Reusable Units

SWDSFLXVHLP - Workflow Definition: Flexible Workflow, value help for type

SWDSFORMS - WF Definition: Forms

SWDSFUNCS - WF Definition: Functions

SWDSGLOBAL - WF Definition: Cross-Version Basic Data

SWDSHEADER - WF Definition: Basic Data

SWDSLEVNTS - WF Definition: Local Events

SWDSLOCKS - Lock table

SWDSMETHOD - WF Definition: Methods

SWDSMLINES - WF Definition: Lines

SWDSMNODES - WF Definition: Nodes

SWDSPRECONT - Workflow Definition: Deliverable Content for Flex Workflow

SWDSPROPTS - WF Definition: Properties

SWDSSTEPS - WF Definition: Steps

SWDSTASKS - WF Definition: Tasks

SWDSTEXT - WF definition: Language-dependent texts

SWDSWFCONT - WF Definition: Container (Up To 46D)

SWDSWFCTXT - WF Definition: Container Text (All Releases)

SWDURLDEF - Wizard-Driven Definition of URL

SWDUSSTRIP - WF: User-defined tab page in WI display

SWDVCUSTOM - Generated Table for View

SWDVLEADOBJ - Generated Table for View

SWD_ACONT - Step Container

SWD_ADHEXT - Ad Hoc Workflows

SWD_ADH_ID - Ad Hoc Object: Key Field for BOR

SWD_AEVNTS - Display Structure Events

SWD_AFLOW - Complete Workflow Definition

SWD_AGENT - WF: Detail screen for agent assignment in WF editor

SWD_AHEAD - Header Data for Workflow Definition

SWD_ALINES - Workflow Definition: Interface for API (Lines)

SWD_ALOCEVT - Local Event

SWD_ANCHOR - Node and Insertable Tasks

SWD_APIXML - Structure for XML Output of Workflow Log

SWD_API_AG - WF: Agent

SWD_API_LG - Workflow Log

SWD_API_LN - WF: Lines

SWD_API_ND - WF: Nodes

SWD_API_PR - WF: Name Value Pair

SWD_API_TS - Tasks

SWD_API_WIS - Work Items

SWD_APROPTS - Attributes, Internal Display

SWD_ASTEP - API: Step Definition

SWD_BINDEF - WF Definition/Runtime: Bindings

SWD_BLOSTR - Workflow definition: Block structure

SWD_BUFKEY - Key for Workflow Definitions in Shared Buffer

SWD_BUTTON - WF: EATAB buttons for screens

SWD_CASE - Workflow Definition: STEP/LOOP Step Type 'CASE'


SWD_CDYNP - Workflow definition: EATAB for customizing

SWD_CHKLST - Checklist as Tree Structure

SWD_CLIP - Clipboard

SWD_CNTELE - Internal Representation of a Container Element Definition

SWD_CNTIDX - WF Definition: Container Index (Where-Used List from 610)

SWD_CNTKEY - Container Key

SWD_COMBO - WF: Structure for COMBOBOX for domain fixed values

SWD_CONDEF - WF Definition/Runtime: Conditions

SWD_CONT - WF Definition: Container (from 610)

SWD_CONTLI - WF: Container List Item - Entry in Container List

SWD_CONTWU - WF: Where-Used List for Container Elements

SWD_CUSTOM - WF: Customizing

SWD_DATA - Workflow Definition: Help Structure

SWD_DEADLN - Workflow Definition: Internal Events (Deadline)

SWD_DECIS - Workflow definition: Structure for user decision

SWD_DECSN - Workflow definition: Manual decision

SWD_DEXETYP - Workflow Type and Description

SWD_DF14T - WF: Application component

SWD_DPROPS - All Properties

SWD_DYNDEL - Workflow definition: EATAB for deletion dynpro

SWD_DYNEVT - Workflow definition: EATAB for assignment exist./new events

SWD_DYNSUC - Workflow definition: EATAB for assignment event -> function

SWD_DYUTIL - Workflow definition: Help screen fields WF editor

SWD_EDITOR - Workflow Definition: Editor Control Structure

SWD_EDYNP - Workflow definition: EATAB for expressions for deadlines

SWD_EOTYPE - Object Category and Object Type for Events

SWD_ERROR - Workflow Definition: Error Checking a Workflow

SWD_EVENT - Screen Structure for Triggering Events

SWD_EVENTS - WF: Subsequent events (results, events, exceptions, ...)

SWD_EVNTS - WF Definition/Runtime: Events

SWD_EXCEPT - Workflow Definition: Internal Events (Exceptions)

SWD_EXITS - Program Exits

SWD_EXPR - WF Definition: Expressions

SWD_F4PARA - For Input Help and Check: Allowed Expressions/C. Elements

SWD_F4_PROP - Display Structure for Attributes

SWD_FDYNP - WF: Structure for search in workflow definition

SWD_FLDNAM - Workflow Definition: Field Names

SWD_FLXHEAD - Flexible Workflow: flexible header structure (SCREG)

SWD_FLXOUT - Flexible Workflows: Outcomes/Results

SWD_FLXREFT - Flexible Workflow: Reference times

SWD_FLXRUSE - Flexible Workflow: Runtime of Reusable Units

SWD_FLXRUTX - Flexible Workflows: Texts of Reusable Units

SWD_FLXVHLP - Workflow Definition: Flexible Workflow, value help for type

SWD_FNCTNS - WF: Functions as pushbuttons on work item display

SWD_FNDTSK - WF: Structure for Search Function in Workflow Explorer

SWD_FORK - Workflow definition: Step type 'FORK'

SWD_FRAME - Workflow definition: Group box texts

SWD_FSTEPS - Hit List of Search for Steps

SWD_FUNCS - WF Definition/Runtime: Functions

SWD_HDYNP - WF definition: EATAB header definition

SWD_HEADER - WF Definition/Runtime: Basic Data

SWD_HRS1205 - Copy of HRS1205 (Last Active Version)

SWD_HRTEXT - Query Abbreviation and Name of Workflow Template

SWD_HTMLCO - WF: Title and Command When Click for HTML Viewer

SWD_IADACT - Workflow Definition: Secondary Methods (Internal Structure)

SWD_ICON - Icon and Text

SWD_IEVENT - Workflow Definition: Internal Events (Results Step)

SWD_IEVNTS - Workflow Definition: Events in Workflow Builder

SWD_IF - Workflow Definition: Step Type 'IF'

SWD_IFDYNP - Condition

SWD_IFLOW - Complete Workflow Definition

SWD_IFUNCS - Functions

SWD_ILOCEVT - Local Events as Internal Table

SWD_IMETHD - Workflow Definition: Secondary Methods (Internal Structure)

SWD_INSERT - Workflow definition: EATAB selection workflow task

SWD_INTKEY - Workflow definition: Internal key structure for WFDKEY

SWD_IPOSMT - Workflow Definition: Secondary Methods (Internal Structure)

SWD_IPREMT - Workflow Definition: Secondary Methods (Internal Structure)

SWD_IPROPTS - Attributes, Internal Display

SWD_IREFT - Workflow Definition: Inlcude Reference Times

SWD_ITASKS - Tasks Referenced Directly in Workflow Buffer

SWD_LDYNP - WF: Request loop index for graphical step log

SWD_LEVNTS - WF Definition: Local Events

SWD_LEVTTYPS - Workflow: Rec Types for Workflow Event Receivers

SWD_LINES - WF-Runtime: Lines

SWD_LLINES - WF: Lines for presentation without EPCs

SWD_LSLINE - Workflow Definition: Line ID

SWD_LSTNOD - Workflow Definition: Node ID

SWD_MESSAG - Workflow definition: Message structure

SWD_METHOD - WF-Definition/Runtime: Methods

SWD_MLINES - WF Definition: Lines

SWD_MNODES - Workflow Definition: Node Table (Definition)

SWD_MOTYPE - Object Category and Object Type for Methods

SWD_MTHDS - WF: Secondary methods already used

SWD_NAVCOM - Command Structure

SWD_NAVPRO - Navigation Tree in Workflow Editor

SWD_NAVSTK - Navigation Stack for Workflow Builder

SWD_NAVSTR - Navigation Tree in Workflow Editor

SWD_NLINES - Workflow Definition: Interface for API (Lines)

SWD_NODEIDS - Node IDs for Navigation

SWD_NODEKEY - Workflow Definition: Node Key

SWD_NODES - WF-Runtime: Nodes (Part 1)

SWD_NODES2 - WF-Runtime: Nodes (part 2)

SWD_NODETAB - Tabs for Node Types

SWD_NTYPES2 - Node Types


SWD_NTYPE_SS - Subscreen Definition

SWD_NXTDIA - Next Text to Be Displayed in HTML Control

SWD_NXTNOD - Workflow Definition: Subsequent Node during Activation

SWD_ODYNP - WF: Screen Structure for Configuration

SWD_OPTION - Screen Structure for Personalization

SWD_OSTYP - Object Category/ESI Service and Object Type

SWD_OTHERS - WF: Other fields

SWD_OTYPE - Object Category and Object Type

SWD_OUTCOME - WF-Runtime: outcome structure (for swd_nodes)

SWD_PDYNP - Print View

SWD_PERSON - Personalization Structure for Workflow Builder

SWD_PRAFI - WF: Work Items

SWD_PRAPI - WF: Application-Specific Profiles: Relevant References

SWD_PRKEYS - WF: Key structure for application-specific profiles

SWD_PROFILE - Workflow Profile

SWD_PROPS - Possible Properties of a Workflow Definition

SWD_PROPTS - WF Definition/Runtime: Functions

SWD_PROTCL - Settings for XML Data Transfer

SWD_PRREPS - Report and Variant

SWD_PRSPRF - Workflow: Persistence Profile for Business Workflow


SWD_PRVARS - Variables

SWD_PRWF - WF: Structures for checkboxes for printing WF def.

SWD_REASGN - Workflow Definition: IOTAB Reassign Event

SWD_RECUSD - WF Definition : WF Templates Last Used by a User

SWD_RESULT - Workflow Definition: Internal Events (Results)

SWD_RETURN - Workflow Definition: Error Message

SWD_REVIEW - Display Review Workflows

SWD_REVWFS - Review Workflows


SWD_RSTREE - Workflow Definition: Node Structure for Tree

SWD_RTYPES - Workflow: Rec Types for Workflow Event Receivers

SWD_RULEAT - Rule Attribute

SWD_RUSED - WF Definition : WF Templates Last Used by a User

SWD_SAFLAG - WF: Search Area Structure (FLAGS)

SWD_SAOBJ - WF: Search Area Structure (Object Method)

SWD_SAOPT - Workflow Explorer Program Settings (Search Area)

SWD_SARE - WF: Search Area Structure (Storage in Program)

SWD_SAREA - WF: Search Area Structure (Storage in Cluster)

SWD_SBIND - Workflow definition: Binding (runtime+definition)

SWD_SCONT - Workflow definition: Container

SWD_SCRLEXP - Correlations

SWD_SCUST - Step Customizing

SWD_SDYNP - Screen Structure for Step Definition

SWD_SDYNP_FLX - screen structure for step ( flexible workflow extension )

SWD_SELECT - Workflow definition: Help structure for dynamic select

SWD_SETYPE - Type & Category of Objects in Persistent Object References

SWD_SEVNTS - Events for Rule-Based Workflow

SWD_SFLOW - Structure for a Workflow Runtime Representation

SWD_SFUNCS - Workflow Definition: Program Exits (Runtime)

SWD_SHEAD - Workflow definition: Basic data (runtime+definition)

SWD_SLEVNTS - Local Events and Exceptions

SWD_SLINES - Workflow definition: Lines (runtime)

SWD_SMETHO - Workflow definition: Secondary methods (runtime+definition)

SWD_SNODES - Workflow definition: Node table (runtime)

SWD_SPROPTS - Runtime Structure: Attributes

SWD_SRTTSK - WF: Data for Sorting Tasks in WF Explorer

SWD_SSEL - Workflow Definition: EATAB Choose Step/Operator

SWD_SSTEPS - Workflow Definition: Steps (Runtime + Definition)

SWD_STBIND - Workflow Definition: Binding for Steps (Temporary)

SWD_STEPS - WF-Definition/Runtime: Steps

SWD_STEVTS - Triggering Events

SWD_SUCCES - Workflow definition: Internal events (results)

SWD_SUPIF - Available and Supported Interfaces

SWD_SWIML - Swimlanes

SWD_TASKS - WF: All tasks in steps of workflow definition

SWD_TDYNP - Workflow definition: EATAB for technical data

SWD_TECH - Global Switch for Workflow Builder

SWD_TETYP - Node Type in Detail (with Texts)

SWD_TEXT - WF definition: Language-dependent texts

SWD_TLINES - WF: Lines with text

SWD_TRANSL - Workflow definition: Translation

SWD_TRECOL - Workflow Explorer: Structure of Tree Columns

SWD_TREE - Example structure for simple tree OCX

SWD_TREEIT - Example structure for simple tree OCX

SWD_TREOPT - Workflow Explorer: Personal Setting - COLUMN Tree

SWD_TSKHIE - WF: Environ. determination: Tasks in parent-child hierarchy

SWD_TSKLST - WF: Explorer Task List

SWD_TSKSEL - WF: Extended task selection

SWD_TSTCS - SAP Transaction Codes (Structure)

SWD_TS_HEAD - Tab Page Buttons for Steps

SWD_TS_STEP - Tab Page Buttons for Steps

SWD_UNDO - WF: UNDO function of Workflow editor

SWD_UNTIL - Workflow Definition: Step Type 'UNTIL'



SWD_USCUST - WF: User Settings Workflow Editor/Log

SWD_USELST - WF: List of task and node IDs for where-used list

SWD_USRATT - Workflow Definition: User Attributes

SWD_USRATTTXT - Workflow Definition: User Attribute Texts

SWD_VERSION - Workflow Header for Version Display

SWD_VERSNS - Versions of a Workflow

SWD_WEBFCT - Functions for Web Activity Depending on Logs

SWD_WEBROC - Router Classes for Web Activity for Each Log

SWD_WFCONT - Workflow definition: Container

SWD_WFCTXT - Workflow definition: Container texts

SWD_WFDKEY - Key Structure for All Workflow Definition Tables

SWD_WFDKEY_F4_DEBUG - Copy of 'SWD_WFDKEY' with Additional Search Help

SWD_WFDWIZ - Workflow Definition: Key Structure for all DB Tables

SWD_WFPERS - Workflow: Persistence Profile for Business Workflow

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