Select data from sap tables STPO_

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Display SAP table details

STPOB - BOM item document table

STPOD - Additional Fields for Creation of Change Documents

STPOI - Internal BOM Items (for APIs)

STPOID - BOM Item: Identifier

STPOL - BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)

STPOL_ADD - BOM Reporting - Item Data Displayed

STPOS - STPO - Details

STPOV - BOM Item (extended for displaying where-used lists)

STPOV_ALV - BOM item (expanded for displaying where-used list), ALV

STPOX - BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)

STPOX_ALV - BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)

STPOX_DR - BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)

STPOX_DRF - Bill of Material items after explosion

STPO_API01 - API Structure for BOM Item: Fields that can Be Changed

STPO_API02 - API Structure for BOM Item: All Fields

STPO_API03 - API Structure for BOM Item: All + Identifying Fields

STPO_API03_COUNTER - STPO attributes with counter

STPO_APICN - Temp. Help Structure for Converting API Structures

STPO_DRAFT - Draft Data for BillOfMaterial Item


STPO_DRAFT_WI_PARAMS - STPO draft structure with other parameters

STPO_INCL_EEW_PS - Persistent Structure for Maintain BOM Item

STPO_INCL_EEW_TR - Transient Structure for Maintain BOM Item

STPO_INCL_EEW_X - Maintain BOM: Change Bar for Item Extension Fields

STPO_LINKS - EBOM MBOM links table

STPO_LINKS_DR - Draft table for EBOM MBOM Links

STPO_LINKS_DRAFT - Draft table for EBOM MBOM Links



STPO_MQC - User Exit for Material Quantity Calculation: Component

STPO_OPR - Program structure: component allocation to operation

STPO_V01 - Generated Table for View

STPO_V02 - Generated Table for View

STPO_VC - API Structure for BOM Item: All Fields

STPO_VMRP - Generated Table for View

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