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STOCK_CONDITION - Condition Items

STOCK_INVENTORY_S - Stock Inventory

STOCK_RATE - Security price





STOKEN - Description of an ABAP/4 source analysis token

STOKES - String Description of a Token in ABAP Source Analysis

STOKESX - Enhanced String Description of Token in ABAP Source Analysis

STOKEX - Extended description of an ABAP/4 source analysis token

STORAGEPAR - Fields for storage parameters in storage clauses

STORAGESRC - Source hierarchy for storage structure

STORAGE_LOC_SUBSTN_S_REQUEST - Storage Location Substitution Request

STORAGE_LOC_SUBSTN_S_RESULT - Storage Location Substitution Result

STORAGE_LOC_SUBSTN_S_RES_SET - Storage Location Substitution Result Set

STOREWB_EINSTIEG - Fields on General Initial Screen


STORE_HELP - Store Label & URL in HELP menu

STORE_LINK_IND - Store Link Indicator Table

STORE_SOHBAT - Sohbat: table for CRUD services (internal use only !)

STORLOC_EXC_S_VALDTNRSLT - Plant Substitution Exclusion Result Set

STORLOC_EXC_S_VALDTN_REQ - StorageLocation Substitution Exclusion Request

STORLOC_SUBSTN_EXCLN_S_REQ - Storage Location Subsitution Exclusion Excel Template

STORLOC_SUBSTN_EXCLN_S_RES - Storage Location Substitution Exclusion Mass Process Result

STORLOC_SUBSTN_SUBSTN_S_REQ - StorageLocation Substitution - Excel template fields

STORLOC_SUBSTN_SUBSTN_S_RES - Storage Location Substitution Mass Process Result

STORLOC_SUBSTN_S_VALDTN_REQ - StorageLocation Substituion Validation Request

STORLOC_S_VALDTN_RSLT_SET - StorageLocation Substitution Result Set

STORT_BW_V - Generated Table for View

STO_VAL_S_MASTER_INFORMATION - Master information for archiving Valuation Stock

STO_VAL_S_RECORDS_SELECTED - Selected Valuation Stock

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