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STC1BUTTON - Button List for Generic Table Control

STC1FIELDDAT - Structure for Describing a Field with Contents

STC1_PAR - General Table Control Parameters

STCCONT_ARC - Automation Runtime Classification

STCCONT_ARC_TAG - Automation Runtime Classification Tags

STCCONT_CC_ID_F4 - F4 help structure for CC_ID

STCCONT_CE - Configuration Entities

STCCONT_CEO - Configuration Entity Operations

STCCONT_CEP - Configuration Entity Parameters

STCCONT_CEP_T - Configuration Entity Parameter Description

STCCONT_CET - Configuration Entity Tags

STCCONT_CE_ASYNC_MSG_S - Asynchronous messages by Configuration Entity

STCCONT_CE_T - Configuration Entity Descriptions

STCCONT_CFG_CHN - Technical Configuration Channel Settings

STCCONT_CFG_SYS - Technical Configuration System Settings

STCCONT_CP_DISPLAY1_S - Structure using reference to Parameter Repository

STCCONT_CP_SCOPE_S - Scopes and Parameters

STCCONT_CRH - Configuration Content Header

STCCONT_CRN - Configuration Content Nodes

STCCONT_CRN_T - Configuration Content Node Descriptions

STCCONT_CRP - Configuration Content Parameters

STCCONT_CRP_T - Configuration Content Parameter Description

STCCONT_CRS - Configuration Content Selections

STCCONT_CR_DISPLAY1_S - Display fields for load from GIT

STCCONT_CR_DISPLAY2_S - Display fields for load from REPO share

STCCONT_GIT_CONF1_S - Configuration Structure for GIT Client

STCCONT_GIT_CONF2_S - Repository attributes for GIT client

STCCONT_LOG_CONTEXT_S - Application Log Context

STCCONT_PARAM_EDIT_S - Structure for Parameter Editor

STCCONT_REPO_CLMS1_S - REPO Solution Configuration File

STCCONT_REPO_CLMS3_S - REPO Solution Configuration

STCCONT_REPO_CONF1_S - REPO configuration validity

STCCONT_REPO_CONF2_S - REPO configuration file (Standard)

STCCONT_REPO_CONF3_S - REPO configuration

STCC_PARAMETER - Technical Configuration: Parameter List

STCC_RECORD_FIELD - Field value of a generic table select

STCC_RFCDEST - RFC Destination with Type (used for CTC API)

STCC_SLD_LIST - Technical Configuration: Standard SLD Return List

STCC_SLD_RESULT - Technical Configuration: Validation Rules for SLD Validation

STCC_SLD_RULE - Technical Configuration: Standard SLD Validation Result List

STCI_MPOS - MPOS-INCLUDE (Customer-Defined Fields for Maintenance Plan)

STCI_QMEL - QMEL-INCLUDE (Customer-Defined Fields for Notification)

STCK_CUST_TABLE - Customizing Table for Stock Champion

STCK_POP - Structure for Change Document Dialog Box

STCK_SOL_PROP - Solution Proposal Table

STCK_WORKLIST - Accepted solutions for Issue Stock Champion

STCNVG - Project Info System: Comparison Criteria (Copy)

STCNVGT - Texts for Project Info System Comparison Criteria (Copy)

STCTM_SX_PARAMETER - Task Parameter Definition

STCTM_SX_VALUE - Task Parameter Value

STCTM_S_DEMO - Structure for Control of Demo Task Behaviour

STCTM_S_FIELDPROP - Properties of a Field

STCTM_S_LOG - Task Log Entry

STCTM_S_MSG_CONTEXT - Message Application Log Context

STCTM_S_PARAMETER - Fieldname and Value

STCTM_S_PHASE_SEL - Select Phases

STCTM_S_PROTOCOL_MSG_CONTEXT - Message Application Log Context

STCTM_S_SESSION - Task List Run Entry

STCTM_S_TASK - External Task Attributes

STCTM_S_TASKLIST - Task Attributes

STCTM_S_TEMPLATE - Task List Variant Entry

STCTM_S_USER_SETTINGS - Task Manager User Settings

STCTT_S_CTRL - Test Task Controll Parameter

STCTT_S_DIFFERENT_PARAMETERS - Parameter of different Data Types for ABAP Unit Tests

STCT_AGR_BR - Business Roles

STCT_EDITOR - Input Editor

STCT_INPUT_DATA - Input Data Editor


STCT_LOG2 - Log (two rows)

STCT_PROFILE_F4 - F4 profile name

STCT_PROFILE_PARAM - Profile parameter and values



STCT_SICF_RESULT - Result SICF Activation

STCUST_AFVU - Customer Include Structure for Activities

STCUST_AFVU_OVR - Structute for CI Activity Overview

STCUST_AUFK - Customer Include Structure for Network

STCUST_AUFK_OVR - Structure for CI Network Overview

STCUST_EVWB - Customer structure for Earned Value Workbench.

STCUST_PROJ - Structure for customer fields for project

STCUST_PRPS - Customer Include Structure for WBS

STCUST_PRPS_OVR - Structure for Customer overview for WBS

STC_API_FUNCTIONS - STC API function details with versions

STC_BASSCN_HDR - Task List Group Header Data

STC_BASSCN_HDR_T - Task List Group Description

STC_CONT_CLM_PAR - Parameter Repository for cloud solutions

STC_CUST_PHASE - Automation Phases

STC_CUST_PHASET - Automation Phase Text Table


STC_EXEC_SETTINGS - Execution Settings

STC_EXT_CALLER_INFO - External Caller Information

STC_RS_BASIC_SCEN_ID - Range Structure for Task List Group

STC_RS_CE_APP_DATA - Structire to store CE and respective application component

STC_RS_SCENARIO_DESCR - Range Structure for Task List Descriptions

STC_RS_SCENARIO_ID - Range Structure for Task List

STC_RS_SESSION_FINALIZED - Range Structure for Task List Run Finalized

STC_RS_SESSION_ID - Range Structure for Task List Run

STC_RS_SESSION_STATUS - Range Structure for Task List Run Status

STC_RS_TASK_ID - Range Structure for Task ID

STC_RS_TASK_STATUS - Range structure for Task Status

STC_RS_TASK_TYPE - Range Structure for Task Type

STC_RS_TEMPLATE_ID - Range Structure for Task List Variants

STC_SCN_ATTR - Task List Generic Attributes

STC_SCN_HDR - Task List Header Data

STC_SCN_HDR_T - Task List Description

STC_SCN_TASKS - Tasks of a Task List

STC_SESSION - Task List Runs

STC_SESSION_BP - Task List Run Breakpoint

STC_SESSION_EXIM - Task List Runs for Refresh


STC_S_SCENARIO - Task List Entry

STC_TASK_DETAILS - Task details

STC_TASK_SKIP_UNSKIP_INFO - To get the information on skip/unskip

STC_TEMPLATE - Task List Variants

STC_TEMPLATE_T - Task List Variant Description

STC_TEST_TAB - Test Table for Task Tests

STC_TM_EXECUTION - Temporary Task List Run Execution Control

STC_TM_REGISTER - Task List Run Registration Table

STC_TRACE_CTRL - Task Manager Trace Control

STC_TRACE_EXT - Task Manger External Trace Registration

STC_TRACE_READ - Task Manager Trace Loadings

STC_TRACE_SAVE - Task Manager Trace Savings

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