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Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

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SRMPARADEF - Parameter Definition (for Parameterized Requests)

SRMPARAVAL - Parameter Value (for Parameterized Requests)

SRMPATHORG - Org. Objects that Can Be Addressed in Process Route

SRMPATHORGT - Description for Possible Users in Workflow


SRMPDIR_WO_PS - POID Directory Structure without POIDSTR

SRMPDIR_WO_PS_CLNT - POID Directory Structure without POIDSTR (with Client)

SRMPHF01 - SRM Demo Rec: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHF03 - SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHF04 - SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHF05 - SRM Demo Doc: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHF06 - SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHF07 - SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHF08 - SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHF09 - SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHFP00 - SRM Records: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHFP02 - SRM Model: Files of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHHR01 - SRM Demo Rec: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHR03 - SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHR04 - SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHR05 - SRM Demo Doc: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHR06 - SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHR07 - SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHR08 - SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHR09 - SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHRP00 - SRM Records: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

SRMPHHRP02 - SRM Model: Ougoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects

SRMPHNM01 - SRM Demo Rec: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNM03 - SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNM04 - SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNM05 - SRM Demo Doc: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNM06 - SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNM07 - SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNM08 - SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNM09 - SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNMP00 - SRM Records: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHNMP02 - SRM Model: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

SRMPHPR01 - SRM Demo Rec: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPR03 - SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPR04 - SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPR05 - SRM Demo Doc: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPR06 - SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPR07 - SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPR08 - SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPR09 - SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPRP00 - SRM Records: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHPRP02 - SRM Model: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

SRMPHRE01 - SRM Demo Rec: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRE03 - SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRE04 - SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRE05 - SRM Demo Doc: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRE06 - SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRE07 - SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRE08 - SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRE09 - SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHREP00 - SRM Records: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHREP02 - SRM Model: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI01 - SRM Demo Rec: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI03 - SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI04 - SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI05 - SRM Demo Doc: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI06 - SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI07 - SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI08 - SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRI09 - SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRIP00 - SRM Records: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPHRIP02 - SRM Model: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

SRMPLOG - Grouping of Fields for Log Display

SRMPLPOI - 4 Records Planner poid alv

SRMPOID - POID Parameter

SRMPOIDCR - Content Table for POID Content Repository

SRMPOIDCR_CLNT - Content Table for POID Content Repository (Client)

SRMPOTRANS - Customizing table for SRM to SCM PO transfer

SRMPRELAPP - SRM:Assignment App.-Specific Key to POID Relation

SRMPREL_WO_RA - POID Relation Table Without RELATTR Field

SRMPREL_WO_RA_CLNT - POID Relation Structure without RELATTR (with MANDT)

SRMPROPVIS - Property with Visualization

SRMPROTOCOL - SRM protocol entries

SRMPRXCTRL - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SRMPRXCTRLTAB - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SRMPSACPSE - AREA Parameter: Selection

SRMPSAPVSE - AREA Parameter Value: Selection

SRMPSASE - AREA: Selection

SRMPSCHKR - Check Result

SRMPSCOPL - Selection - Component Platform

SRMPSCOSE - Selection - Component Roles

SRMPSCRSE - Selection - Class Roles

SRMPSSPSE - Selection - SP

SRMPSSPSSE - Selection - SPS

SRMPSSTSE - Service Provider Type Selection

SRMPUDRADI - PU: Default Attribute Repository: AD: Include

SRMPUDRADQI - PU: Default Attribute Repository: ADQ: Include

SRMPUDRADVI - PU: Default Attribute Repository: ADV: Include

SRMPUDRADVLI - PU: Default Attribute Repository: ADVL: Include

SRMPV_VIEW - Display Structure for Log Data

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