Select data from sap tables SRMI

Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

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SRMIDAVAL - ID and Value (Up to 128 Characters)

SRMIDXSP00 - SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXSP02 - SRM Model: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST01 - SRM Demo Rec: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST03 - SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST04 - SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST05 - SRM Demo Doc: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST06 - SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST07 - SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST08 - SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMIDXST09 - SRM Records: Status Table for Indexing Documents

SRMINFTYP - Structure Type: HR Infotype/Subtype

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