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SRMRGCKEY - Element Key Context Counter

SRMRGCONF - Configuration Record Character Generation

SRMRGCONTC - Context Counter: Highest Counter Readings

SRMRGCONTK - Context Counter: Element Keys

SRMRGDEFREL - Registry: Defaults: Customizing Relation Types

SRMRGDEFRELT - Framework Registry: Customizing for Defaults: Relation Texts

SRMRGEDIAL - Record Number Generator: Element Dialog

SRMRGELEMT - Dialog Structure for Rule Elements

SRMRGELMKY - Key for Rule Element Access

SRMRGETYPE - Types of Rule Elements

SRMRGETYPT - Texts for Rule Element Types

SRMRGETYPU - User Interface Classes for Rule Element Types

SRMRGOBJEC - Results of Program Runs in Record Character Generation

SRMRGPARTS - Partial Results from Rule Elements for Record No. Generation

SRMRGRECRL - Generated Table for View SRMRGRECRL

SRMRGREFKY - Key for Access to Record Number

SRMRGRESER - Reservation

SRMRGRESKY - Key for Partial Result of a Rule Element


SRMRGRTYPT - RNG: Rule Types -- Texts

SRMRGRULE - Dialog Structure for Rules


SRMRGRULKY - Key for Access to Generation Rule

SRMRGSESSION - Information on Record Number During Session

SRMSG - BCOM Routing: Table of Messages

SRM_GENERAL_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)

SRM_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)

SRM_GLS_ERP_OUTTAB - Return Structure ERP - Vendor ID with Group GUID

SRM_GLS_ERP_PRODUCTS - Product Transfer Structure (for ERP)

SRM_GLS_ERP_VENDORS - Vendor Transfer Structure (for ERP)

SRM_GLS_EXTERNAL_PURCHASE_ORD - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SRM_GLS_EXT_PURCHASE_CORDER - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SRM_GSP_ALV_DISP_PROPS - Structure for Defining Columns in the ALV Display

SRM_GSP_ALV_EVENT_SPEC - Definition of ALV Events that the data provider handles

SRM_GSP_ALV_HIERARCHY_LEVEL - Description of a Node in the ALV Tree

SRM_GSP_ARCVFC - Basis for Virtual Field Catalog (ADK) with Attribute Search

SRM_GSP_ARC_RESULT - Stores the Result of an Archiving Operation

SRM_GSP_ARC_RUN_PROPS - Properties of an Archiving Run (GSP Archiving)

SRM_GSP_CONTENT_LOCATION - Structure for Storing Repository Category of a Physical Doc.

SRM_GSP_DISPLAY_DOC_BUFFER - Buffer for Displayable Documents (ALV)

SRM_GSP_HELP_F4 - Structure for F4 Help

SRM_GSP_TAGGING - Unique Document IDs of Documents to be Archived

SRM_GSP_VIRTFIELD - Virtual Field Catalogs Test (ADK)

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