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SRMNAVA - Structure for Name Value

SRMNAVSTACK - Entry in the Stack

SRMPARADEF - Parameter Definition (for Parameterized Requests)

SRMPARAVAL - Parameter Value (for Parameterized Requests)

SRMPATHORG - Org. Objects that Can Be Addressed in Process Route

SRMPATHORGT - Description for Possible Users in Workflow

SRM_ACADEMIC_TITLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SRM_ACCOUNTING_OBJECT_SET - Proxy Structure (generated)

SRM_ACC_OBJECT_SET_ASSIGNMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)

SRM_ACTIVATION - RCM: Subsequently Activate Delivered Functionality

SRM_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

SRM_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (Generated)....

SRM_ASC_DESC - Management Table for Performance Optimization

SRM_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SRM_ATTR_MDL - Attribute Model Definition for Generic Attribute Repository

SRM_ATTR_MDLT_CU - Texts for Attribute Models

SRM_ATTR_MDL_CU - Attribute Models

SRM_ATTR_MDL_LDM - Attribute Repository Def., Lang-Indep., Multi-Value Attribs

SRM_ATTR_MDL_LIM - Attribute Repository Def., Lang-Dep., Multi-Value Attributes

SRM_ATTR_META_CU - Attribute Metadata Customizing

SRM_ATTR_QUER_CU - Attribute Query Metadata Customizing

SRM_ATTR_SPS_CU - Assignment of SPS ID to Attribute Model ID

SRM_ATTR_VISL_CU - Attribute Visualization Metadata - List - Customizing

SRM_ATTR_VISU_CU - Attribute Visualization Metadata Customizing

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