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SIW_STRN_CLASS - Klassendefniition


SIW_STRN_CLASS_SOURCE - Sourcecode Components of a class

SIW_STRN_INTERFACE - Interface (nested)

SIW_STRN_METHOD_IMPL - Methodenimplementation


SIW_STR_ABAP_KEY - Proxy: Abap Key

SIW_STR_API_CMP_ATTR - SXF - API Component Attributes

SIW_STR_API_CONFIG_ATTR - Attributes of a SIW Configuration

SIW_STR_API_ESR - SIW: ES Repository data for API

SIW_STR_API_HEAD - SIW: Head for API Component

SIW_STR_API_L0 - SIW API: Data for Virtual Interfaces (API-based w/o repos.)

SIW_STR_API_PROJECT_ATTR - Attributes of SIW project (API structure)

SIW_STR_API_PROJECT_UPD - Attributes of SIW project (API structure)

SIW_STR_API_PROJECT_UPDATE - SIW API: Update Structure for Project Header Information

SIW_STR_API_PROJECT_UPD_FLG - SIW API: Flags for Update Structure

SIW_STR_API_PROPERTY - Context Variables at the SIW API

SIW_STR_API_SERVICE_DATA - SIW API: service related information

SIW_STR_API_SERVICE_UPD - SIW API: service related information

SIW_STR_BADI_SORTER - Data for creating a badi sorter implementation

SIW_STR_BOPF_API_READR_CONTEXT - Additional context data for BOPF API reader

SIW_STR_CHECK_LANDSCAPE - Check of Landscape

SIW_STR_CLIF_CONTEXT - Context for a CLIF related production

SIW_STR_CONFIG_INPUT - SIW: project information for construction plans

SIW_STR_CONTEXT_PROPERTY - Application-defined Context Variables

SIW_STR_CREATE_PROJECT - Structure for project creation


SIW_STR_DDIC_TYPE - DDIC Type and Length for a SXF Simple

SIW_STR_DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Common service context for SIW

SIW_STR_DOMA - Object Description of a Domain

SIW_STR_DOMA_INFO - Object Description of a Domain (DD01V) - typed

SIW_STR_DOMA_META - Object Description of a Domain (DD01V) - Untyped

SIW_STR_DOMA_VALUE - Object Description of a Domain Fixed Value (DD07V) - typed

SIW_STR_DOMA_VALUE_META - Object Description of a Domain Fixed Value (DD07V) - Untyped

SIW_STR_DTEL - SIW Definition of a Dataelement (DD04V) - name and language

SIW_STR_DTEL_INFO - Object Descrption of a Dataelement (DD04V) - typed

SIW_STR_DTEL_META - Object Description of a Dataelement (DD04V) - Untyped

SIW_STR_ESR_DATA - Proxy and Service Repository Data

SIW_STR_ESR_KEYS - SIW: key elements of web services in ES Repository

SIW_STR_EXAMPLE_CONFIG_CONTEXT - Context for the Configuration Example

SIW_STR_EXPL_IMPLEMENTINGS - Explore Implementings

SIW_STR_EXP_MAPPING - SIW: Structure for expert mapping

SIW_STR_FUNCINFO - Information about a function module

SIW_STR_FUNCPOOL_CONTENT - Contents of a function pool

SIW_STR_FUNC_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of a function module

SIW_STR_FUNC_SIGNATURE - Signature of a function module


SIW_STR_GEN_SETTINGS - SIW Generation Settings

SIW_STR_GEN_SETTINGS_API - SIW Generation Settings

SIW_STR_IMPL_ATTR - Implementation Attributes of an SIW project

SIW_STR_IMPL_KEY - Project Key (Reference Structure for SIW Core Context)

SIW_STR_INTF_DETAIL - Proxy Interface Details

SIW_STR_KO200_EXT - SIW: Extended transport information

SIW_STR_L0FM_DATA - l0-by-fm data

SIW_STR_L0_CONTEXT_HELPER - helper for fm producer

SIW_STR_LEVEL1_DATA - Additional data for API based generation

SIW_STR_LINK_ATTR - SIW Signature Mapping Attributes

SIW_STR_LINK_FKEY - SIW Signature Mapping Attributes

SIW_STR_MAPPING_ATTR - Mapping Project Attributes

SIW_STR_MAPPING_FKEY - Mapping Project Attributes


SIW_STR_MASSTRANSPORT - structure for value pop for transport options

SIW_STR_MSG - Message/Exception

SIW_STR_NAMESPACE - SIW: Proxy Namespace

SIW_STR_NODE_SEARCH - Structure for node search pop

SIW_STR_OBJECT_ID - Identifies the Persisted Object Generated with SIW

SIW_STR_PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTES - Package Attribute Query Output Structure

SIW_STR_PIECE_ATTR - SIW: Attributes of an Object

SIW_STR_PIECE_ATTR_API - SIW: Attributes of an Object (View for External Interfaces)

SIW_STR_PRODUCTION_DATA - Organizational Data

SIW_STR_PROJECT_ATTR - Attributes of SIW project

SIW_STR_PROJECT_ATTR_EXT - Attributes of an SIW project (with Description)

SIW_STR_PROJECT_CONFIG - Project, Configiuration

SIW_STR_PROJECT_CREATE_DEFAULT - Structure for project creation default values

SIW_STR_PROJECT_FKEY - Foreign keys of project

SIW_STR_PROJECT_HEADER - project header

SIW_STR_PROJECT_STATUS - Status of a project

SIW_STR_PROXY_CONTEXT - UI Context Variable Structure for Proxy related data

SIW_STR_PROXY_CONTEXT_IN - Proxy Context (Inbound)

SIW_STR_PROXY_CONTEXT_OUT - Proxy Context (Outbound)


SIW_STR_PROXY_IN - Proxy Information (Inbound)

SIW_STR_PROXY_LOG - Proxy Information of Log

SIW_STR_PROXY_MESSAGE_HEADER - Proxy Information of Message Header

SIW_STR_PROXY_OP - Proxy operation data

SIW_STR_PROXY_OP_SIGNATURE - Signature of operation proxy

SIW_STR_PROXY_PROC_COND - Proxy Information of Processing Conditions (Query)

SIW_STR_PROXY_PROC_COND_OUT - Proxy Information of Processing Conditions (Response)

SIW_STR_PRX_LOG - Proxy Information of Log

SIW_STR_PRX_MESSAGE_HEADER - Proxy Information of Message Header

SIW_STR_PRX_PROC_COND_QRY - Proxy Information of Processing Conditions (Query)

SIW_STR_PRX_PROC_COND_RSP - Proxy Information of Processing Conditions (Response)

SIW_STR_PRX_PRPS_PROXIES - Wrapper structure for different versions of PRX_PRPS_PROXIES

SIW_STR_RFC_CONTEXT - RFC specific Context

SIW_STR_RNG_CONFIG_ID - range for config ids

SIW_STR_RNG_NAMESPACE - range for operations

SIW_STR_RNG_OPERATION - range for operations

SIW_STR_RNG_PIECE_ID - SIW: Range Definition of Object ID

SIW_STR_RNG_PIECE_NAME - range for piece ids

SIW_STR_RNG_PROJECT_ID - structure for project id ranges

SIW_STR_RNG_SERVICE_INTERFACE - range for service interface

SIW_STR_RNG_SERVICE_LEVEL - Range for Service Creation Type

SIW_STR_RNG_VAR_ID - structure for variable ranges

SIW_STR_RNG_VAR_VALUE - structure for variable ranges

SIW_STR_SEOIMPLEMENT - Implementierung Interface

SIW_STR_SEOREDEF - Redefinitionen/Implementationen einer Methode

SIW_STR_SG_CLASSIFICATION - Classification of a Service Group

SIW_STR_SG_DATA - SIW: Service Group Data

SIW_STR_SG_PROXIES - Proxy of a Service Group

SIW_STR_SIW_MONITOR_ALV - Attributes of SIW project for SIW_MONITOR ALV view

SIW_STR_SPRXY_PROPOSAL - A name proposal for SPROXY types

SIW_STR_STRU - SIW Definition of Structure Header (DD02V) - name and langu

SIW_STR_STRU_FIELD - SIW Definition of Structure Field (DD03P)

SIW_STR_STRU_FIELD_METADATA - SIW Definition of Structure Field (DD03P) -untyped

SIW_STR_STRU_INFO - SIW Definition of Structure Header (DD02V)

SIW_STR_STRU_METADATA - SIW Definition of Structure Header (DD02V) - untyped

SIW_STR_SWCV - Software Component Version

SIW_STR_SWCV_LINE - Attributes of a Software Component Version (ES Repository)

SIW_STR_SXF_API - Structure for SXF API



SIW_STR_SXF_FIELD_FKEY - Foreign Keys of SXF Field

SIW_STR_SXF_FIELD_REDUNDANT - SXF Redundant Field Attributes (Performance)

SIW_STR_SXF_FIELD_REL - sxf field relation (db)

SIW_STR_SXF_FIELD_REL_ENTRY - Field relation entry

SIW_STR_SXF_FIELD_REL_FKEY - foreign key for field relation


SIW_STR_SXF_TYPE_ATTR - Attributes of an SXF Type

SIW_STR_SXF_TYPE_FKEY - Foreign Keys of an SXF Type

SIW_STR_TABU_PROPERTY - Name value pair for TABU producer


SIW_STR_TEMPLATE - SIW template information

SIW_STR_TEST_CONTEXT - Context for SIW Test Config

SIW_STR_TEST_CONTEXT2 - Context for SIW Test Config



SIW_STR_TTYP - SIW Definition of a Table Type (DD40V) - name and language

SIW_STR_TTYP_INFO - SIW Definition of a Table Type (DD40V)

SIW_STR_TTYP_KEYFIELD - SIW Definition of a Table Type Key Field (DD42V)

SIW_STR_TTYP_KEYFIELD_META - SIW Definition of a Table Type Key Field (DD42V) - untyped

SIW_STR_TTYP_METADATA - SIW Definition of a Table Type (DD40V) - untyped


SIW_STR_UI_CHECK_SETTINGS - Generation Settings

SIW_STR_UI_CONFIG_ATTR - Attributes of a SIW Configuration

SIW_STR_UI_CREATE_PROJECT - Structure for project creation

SIW_STR_UI_CREATE_PROJ_LVL1 - Structure for project creation

SIW_STR_UI_CREATE_PROJ_LVL23 - Structure for project creation

SIW_STR_UI_GEN_SETTINGS - Generation Settings

SIW_STR_UI_IMPL_HEADER - Implementation Header

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_COMMON - Mapping fields needed for all sxf types

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_EXCEPTION - Mapping: structure for exception

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_GDT_FINDER - Structure for GDT Finder ALV

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_HEADER - Mapping header data

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_MSGTYPE - Mapping: structure for message type properties

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_ROOT - UI fields for mapping root node

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_SIMPLE - Mapping: structure for field properties

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_STRUCTURE - Mapping: structure for structure properties

SIW_STR_UI_MAP_TABLE - Mapping: structure for tables

SIW_STR_UI_MASSTRANSPORT - structure for value pop for transport options

SIW_STR_UI_MIGRATE - structure for input fields ui migrate

SIW_STR_UI_PIECE - SIW: UI Structure for Generated Objects

SIW_STR_UI_PIECE_DESCR - SIW: UI Structure for Object Preview

SIW_STR_UI_PROJECT_ATTR - Attributes of SIW project


SIW_STR_UI_PROTOTYPE - Structure for prefix query popup

SIW_STR_UI_RECLASSIFY_SWCV - Structure for prefix query popup

SIW_STR_USER_DATA - data to trace user actions

SIW_STR_VAR_ATTR - Attributes of a variable

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