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SIBEW - Material-Values-Block Table Include

SIDEDC_DATA - IDE: CL_ISU_CLUSTER_01 - attribute data

SIDEDC_KEY - IDE: CL_ISU_CLUSTER_01 - attribute cluster

SIDEMETERDATA - IDE: consumption data - meter data

SIDEMRDETAIL - IDE: consumption data - meter data

SIDESTATUS - IDE: status of query

SIDE_ADDRESS - Structure for Address Information

SIDE_ADVICE - IDE: notification

SIDE_BILL_TO_DATA - IDE: bill recipient

SIDE_BUS_PARTNER - IDE: business partner

SIDE_CHANGE - General Structure for Changes

SIDE_CHANGE_REQUEST_IN - Structure of Master Data Change: Inbox

SIDE_CHANGE_RESPONSE_OUT - Structure of Response to Master Data Change: Outbox

SIDE_DCNB_SERVICE - IDE: data structure cluster for non-billable services

SIDE_DCSERVICE - IDE: CL_ISU_CLUSTER_01 -definition- data structure services

SIDE_DC_CONTRACT - IDE: CL_ISU_CLUSTER_01 -definition- data structure contract

SIDE_DEVICE_DATA - IDE: device data

SIDE_DROP_REQUEST - IDE: inteface for answer to cancellation query

SIDE_DROP_RESPONSE - IDE: inteface for answer to cancellation query

SIDE_EDIEL_CHANGE_RESPONSE_OUT - IDE: Structure of Response to Master Data Change: Outbox


SIDE_EDIEL_ENROLLMENT_RESPONSE - IDE: Interface for Processing Query and Answer

SIDE_EDIEL_ERRORTEXTS - Status errortexts for Aperak messages EDIEL

SIDE_EDIEL_REGISTER_DATA - IDE: Technical Data for Register EDIEL

SIDE_ENROLLMENT_REQUEST - IDE: interface for processing query and answer

SIDE_ENROLLMENT_RESPONSE - IDE: interface for processing query and answer

SIDE_ERCHEXT - IDE: enhanced search: Erch

SIDE_GENERAL_REQUEST_RESPONSE - IDE: interface for processing query and answer

SIDE_INVOICE - IDE: interface for processing electronic bills

SIDE_INVOICE_DETAIL - IDE: detailed information on bill

SIDE_PANEL_COUNTERS_ST - Flags Counters for side panel

SIDE_PANEL_PROPERTIES - Side Panel Properties

SIDE_PROC_STATUS - Transactions of IDE process

SIDE_PROVIDER - IDE: service provider

SIDE_RAN - Global Trade: Range Structure for WB2_SIDE

SIDE_REGISTER_DATA - IDE: technical data for register

SIDE_REGISTER_TYPE - IDE: data for register

SIDE_REINSTATE_REQUEST - IDE: interface for processing query and answer

SIDE_REMITTANCE_ADV - IDE: payment information

SIDE_REQ_RES_DATA - IDE: data for query

SIDE_REQ_RES_SINGLE - IDE: query/answer/confirmation- dates of processes

SIDE_SERVREQ_DATA - IDE: Interface for Transferring Service Requests (Outbound)

SIDE_SORTCONTRACT - IDE: sorting for contract

SIDE_SUMMARIZED_USAGE - IDE: aggregated values for consumption notification

SIDE_TIMESTAMP - IDE: time stamp

SIDE_USAGE_DATA - IDE: interface for transferring consumption data (Inbound)

SIMELD - Internal structure for forecast messages

SINENTLST2 - SAPbpt: Structure of packing list for API2

SINEX - SAPBPT: Excluded Functions for PF Status

SIREPCL_TA - Money Laundering Law Help Structure

SISEG - Lock Table ISEG

SITE_ART_COUNT - Management Line Category: Articles per Store

SITE_ASSORTMENTS - Store And Assigned Assortments

SITE_BBTYP_DLDNUM - Structure For Managing Download Numbers

SITE_CVIS_EI_EXTERN - Site with Complex Interface for Business Partner

SITE_DISTR_ADCOMREM_STY - Language-Dependent Note For Communication Types

SITE_DISTR_ADDR1_COMPLETE_STY - complete address type 1 for site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADDR2_COMPLETE_STY - complete address type 2 for site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADDR3_COMPLETE_STY - complete address type 1 for site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADDRESS_COMPARE_STY - Compare structure for Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADDRESS_STY - Adress Data Store/Distribution Center

SITE_DISTR_ADDR_REM_STY - language dependent remark for address

SITE_DISTR_ADFAX_STY - fax number in site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADPAG_STY - Pager Number in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADPRT_STY - PRT Number in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADR1_STY - address line 1 for Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADR2_STY - adr2 line for site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADR3_STY - address line type 3 for site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADRFC_STY - RFC Address in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADRML_STY - RML Address in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADSMTP_STY - SMTP Addresse in site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADSSF_STY - SSF Address in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADTEL_STY - telefone number in site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADTLX_STY - telex number for site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADTTX_STY - teletex number in site distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADURI_STY - URI Address in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADUSE_STY - Communication Usage in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_ADX400_STY - X.400 Adress in Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_COMPARE_STY - Compare structure for Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_DEST - Maintain RFC Destinations for Site Master Transport

SITE_DISTR_DESTT - Rfc for Site Master Transport: Descriptions

SITE_DISTR_DRF_FLT_STY - Filter for site replication via DRF

SITE_DISTR_DRF_KEY_STY - Key structure for site replication via DRF

SITE_DISTR_LOG_STY - context for application log

SITE_DISTR_SITE_RANGE_STY - Line Type of a Range Table for Sites

SITE_DISTR_SITE_STY - Store/Distribution Center Data

SITE_DISTR_SITE_TABNA - Tables Belonging to Sites

SITE_DISTR_STATE - Status Of Site Distribution

SITE_DISTR_TABNA_STY - table names for sites

SITE_DISTR_TABS - Possible Customizing Tables for Sites

SITE_DISTR_WRF6_STY - extended wrf6 structure for site distribution

SITE_GROUP_INFO - Assortment List: Group ID

SITE_INFO_TYPE - Information About Changed Articles For Each Store

SITE_STATUS_STY - Site and Status

SITE_TCONV_ADR_STY - Site: redundant address information basing on TCONV_ADR

SIWEFG_STR_SELLIST_ALV - Selection List Structure

SIWEFG_STR_SELLIST_ALVX - Structure for Communication with ALV



SI_EBPP_KNB1 - Customer Enhancements for Internet Applications

SI_ECONCARD_DI - IS Bus.Partner Concession Card - Header Data (Direct Input)

SI_ECONCARD_DI - IS BP Concession Card - Header Data (Direct Entry)

SI_EDGE_DATA - Edge Data

SI_EDGE_DATA - Edge Data

SI_EKUND - Screen Fields: ISU-Specific Customer Data for Subscreens

SI_EKUND - Screen Fields IS-U Specific Customer Data for Subscreens

SI_EKUN_DI - IS-U-Specific Fields for Business Partner

SI_EKUN_DI - IS-U-Specific Fields for Business Partner


SI_ESHIPTO_DI - IS Migration: Supplier Address, PARTNER Auto Data

SI_EXT - External Numbers In Payment Plan Interface

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