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SHPSOC - Service Output Control for deliveries

SHPSOCL - Log for Service Output Control

SHPSOCLA - Log activation of Service Output Control


SHPSOC_OUTPUT_CONTAINER - Container of preprocessed output type

SHP_OBDLV_CHG1_CONF_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Confirmation

SHP_OBDLV_CHG1_REQ_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Request V1

SHP_OBDLV_CHG_CO_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Confirmation

SHP_OBDLV_CHG_RQ_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Request

SHP_OBDLV_REFTOSLS_CRT_CO_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP With Reference To Sales Order Create

SHP_OBDLV_REFTOSLS_CRT_RQ_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP With Reference To Sales Order Create

SHP_ODBYIDQRY_S_V1 - MDT of OutboundDeliveryByIDQuery_V1

SHP_ODBYIDRSP_S_V1 - MDT of OutboundDeliveryByIDResponse_sync_V1

SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_CALL_CHANGE - Call FM bapi_outb_delivery_change

SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_CALL_REJECT - Call FM bapi_outb_delivery_reject

SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_INTRNL_INPUT - Internal Input Structure for SOQuantityReductionConfirmation

SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_INTRNL_OUT - Internal output from for OD Qty Reduction Notif

SHP_OD_ERPSPLIT_MESS - OutboundDeliveryERPSplitRequest

SHP_OD_ERPSPLIT_MESS_OUT - OutboundDeliveryERPSplitConfirmation

SHP_OUTBDELCONFCANCREQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SHP_OUTBDELCONFCONF - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SHP_OUTBDLVRQ_BYEL_QRY_MT - Outbound Delivery Request By Elements Query

SHP_OUTBDLVRQ_BYEL_RSP_MT - Outbound Delivery Request By Elements Response

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BULK_CON - Confirm Outbound Delivery as Bulk

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ELEM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ELEME - Proxy Structure (generated)

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ID_Q - Read Outbound Delivery

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ID_R - Read Outbound Delivery

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_1 - OutboundDeliveryCancelRequest

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_C - Outbound Delivery Cancel Confirmation

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_R - Outbound Delivery Cancel Request

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONFIRM3 - Outbound Delivery Confirmation Message Type

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONFIRM4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONFIRM5 - Confirm Outbound Delivery

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONFIRM6 - OutboundDeliveryConfirmationMessage

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONF_V1 - Confirm Outbound Delivery V1

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CREATE57 - Item Purchasing Contract data

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CRT_REQ - OutboundDeliveryCreateRequestMessage

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_ERPSPLIT - Outbound Delivery ERP Split Request V1

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_SIMPLE_1 - Outbound Delivery Simple By Customer Query

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_SIMPLE_B - Outbound Delivery Simple By Customer Response

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_SPLT_CNF - Proxy Structure (generated)

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_UPDATE_R - Outbound Delivery Update Request

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIV_WRF_PO_CNF - Message Type Outbound Delivery Create Confirmation

SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIV_WRF_PO_REQ - Message Type Outbound Delivery Create Request

SHP_OUTBOUND_DLV_BY_BATCH_ID_Q - Find Outbound Delivery By Batch ID

SHP_OUTBOUND_DLV_BY_BATCH_ID_R - Find Outbound Delivery By Batch ID

SHP_OUTB_DELIVERY_CONF_CONF - Proxy Structure (generated)

SHP_OUTB_DLV_BULK_CRT_RQ_MT - OutboundDeliveryBulkCreateRequestMessage

SHP_OUTB_DLV_CHG_RQ - OutboundDeliveryChangeRequest

SHP_OUTB_DLV_CNF - OutboundDeliveryConfirmationMessage

SHP_OUTDELSPLTCANCMT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SHP_OUT_DEL_QUAN_REDUC_MT - MT for OutboundDeliveryERPQuantityReductionNotification

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