Select data from sap tables SHCSK

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SHCSKW_APPLDESC - Assignment Between Application and Documentation

SHCSKW_APPLDESCX - Enhanced Assignment Between Application and Documentation

SHCSKW_ATTR_VALUE - Fixed Value of an Attribute with Text

SHCSKW_COUNT - Counter for Statistics

SHCSKW_DOC_STAT - Statistic Record for Documents

SHCSKW_GCOMP - Glossary Component (External)

SHCSKW_GDOC - Glossary Document (External)

SHCSKW_GTEXT - Glossary Text (External)

SHCSKW_LAPPL - SAP Library Applications (External)

SHCSKW_LCOMP - SAP Library Component (External)

SHCSKW_LDOC - SAP Library Document (External)

SHCSKW_LTEXT - SAP Library Text (External)

SHCSKW_REFLOIO_INT - Conversion Relations Between KW Documents (Internal)

SHCSKW_REL_INT - Relations of KW Documents (Internal)

SHCSKW_STRUC_DESC_INT - Description of Structure (Internal)

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