Select data from sap tables SERP

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Display SAP table details

SERPATTR - Tree attributes

SERPENTR - Reporting: Initial Position and Sub-trees (User-specific)

SERPENVAR - Reporting: Intial screen variants (user-dependent)

SERPLISTS - Reporting: Lists

SERPSLS_BLOCKEDDOC - Blocked SD Documents (Delivery, Billing Document)

SERPSLS_CUSTOMER - Customer Master Data: SD Area and Address Data

SERPSLS_EXPDOC - Information on SD Documents with Validity Interval

SERPSLS_GENDOC - SD Documents General

SERPSLS_GENDOC_FLAGS - SD Docs General + Div. Flags (Deliv. Block, Bill.Block...)

SERPSLS_INCDOC - Incomplete SD Documents

SERPSLS_MAXH - SD Documents General Max. Hits

SERPSLS_SUBSELEM - Element for Multiple Selection

SERPSLS_VALDOC - Information on SD Documents with Validity Interval

SERPT - Reporting: Texts for Tree Structure

SERPTREE - Reporting: Tree Structure

SERPTUSER - Reporting: User trees

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