Select data from sap tables SEG_

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Display SAP table details

SEGEXTCONV - IDoc Basis Conversion of External Segment IDs 3.0-4.0

SEGMENTS - Segment Name Structure

SEGMENTS_F - DB02: dba_segments (Oracle)

SEGMENTS_I - Structure For Reducing Individual Segments

SEGMENTS_PC - Generated Table for View

SEGMENTS_S - DB02: dba_segments (Oracle)

SEGMENT_ATC_INFO - Segment Information for ATC Check


SEGMENT_DESC - Generated Table for View

SEGMENT_INFO_TYPE - Select Category for Assortment List IDoc Category

SEGMENT_TYPE_CORE - Select Category for Assortment List IDoc Category

SEGM_HIST - Oracle monitoring: segment history

SEGM_HIST_AVG - Oracle monitoring: segment history

SEGSTAT - Segment statistics

SEGSTAT_4 - Segment statistics

SEGSTAT_F - Segment statistics

SEGSYB - Sybase SEGMENT Names as Permitted Values

SEGTABSTAB - Table units included in the segment

SEG_ORA - ORACLE Segment Information from dba_segments

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