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SEAHLPRES - Search help result structure

SEAL_CNCHK_IN - Check for Seal Management India

SEAL_IN - Seal

SEAM_WF_C_VH - Generated Table for View

SEAN - Structure for Systematic EAN Search

SEAN_VBTAB - EANs to Be Updated per Material/Unit/Item No.: Aux.Structure

SEARCHCRITERIA - Product Catalog: Search Criteria

SEARCHHIT - IAC product catalog: Hits for product search

SEARCHTAB - Internal Admin. of the Search Screen Structure

SEARCH_CONTENT_IN_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SEARCH_CONTENT_OUT_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SEARCH_MOLGA - Molga for Search Help PAYTY

SEARCH_RMPU - Materials Staging: Structure on Search Dialog Box

SEARCH_RMPU_BER - Materials Staging: Searching in Replenishment Elements

SEARCH_SRV_RESULT - HW Search Return Structure

SEARCH_STRUC - Search Structure for Engineering Workbench Browser

SEATBOOK - Links a booking to a seat on the plane

SEAT_INFO_TYPE - Seat Information definition

SEAX_CDT_CODE - Code is a character string of letters, numbers, special char

SEAX_CDT_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_CRCY_QRY_MSG_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_CRCY_QRY_S_SEL - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_CRCY_RSP_MSG_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_CRCY_RSP_S_CRCY - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_CRCY_RSP_S_CRCY_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_CURRENCY_QUERY_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_CURRENCY_RESPONSE_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_DIMNQRYMSG_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_DIMNQRY_SSEL - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_DIMNQRY_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_DIMNRSPMSG_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_DIMNRSP_SDIMN - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_DIMNRSP_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_MEDIUM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_NAMESPACE_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_NOSC_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_NOSC_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application

SEAX_NOSC_QUERY_PROCESSING_CON - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_NOSC_RESPONSE_PROCESSING - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_UNITOFMSRQRYMSG_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_UNITOFMSRQRYMSG_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_UNITOFMSRQRY_T - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_UNITOFMSRRSPMSG_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_UNITOFMSRRSPMSG_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_UNITOFMSRRSPNAME_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_UNITOFMSRRSP_S - Proxy Structure (generated)

SEAX_URI - URI is a unique digital address that is represented by the U

SEA_CURRENCY_S - Contains all relevant information for a currency

SEA_CURR_LANG_L - Basic structure for currency description (language specific)

SEA_DTE_ELEMENT_S - DTE element info

SEA_DTE_OBJECT_INFO_S - Respresents a Data Type Enhancement

SEA_ESR_OBJECT_INFO_S - Contains ESR object name, namespace, SWCV and SWCV GUID

SEA_ES_PARAMS - Enterprise service params on screen 0100

SEA_MDS_DDIC_DESC_S - DDIC description container structure

SEA_MDS_DDIC_DETAIL_S - DDIC description container structure

SEA_MDS_DDIC_OBJECT_S - Type and name of DDIC object

SEA_MDS_DDLANGUAGE_RANGE_S - Range structure for language elements


SEA_RESTRICTION_S - Restriction pair - restriction name and value

SEA_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NODE_S - Contains information for a node of a service interface

SEA_SEW_ESR_OBJECT_INFO_S - Contains ESR object name, namespace, SWCV and SWCV GUID

SEA_SHLP_DESCR - Description of Search Help, Domain

SEA_SHLP_FIELD_DESCR_S - SEA structure for search help properties description

SEA_SHLP_FIELD_PROP_S - SEA field properties descriptor

SEA_SHLP_INTDS - Internal Information on a Search Help, Domain

SEA_SHLP_SEL_OPT_S - SEA structure for select options elements (check DDSHSELOPT)

SEA_SHLP_VALUE_S - Line type for the return table with search help values

SEA_STRING_S - Simple structure with one string

SEA_SWCV_INTERNAL_S - SWCV info for internal use


SEA_TYPE_RESTRICTION_S - Restriction for a data type

SEA_WBK_DDIC_DESC_S - DDIC description container structure

SEA_WBK_DDIC_DETAIL_S - DDIC description container structure

SEA_WBK_DDIC_OBJECT_S - Type and name of DDIC object

SEA_WBK_DDLANGUAGE_RANGE_S - Range structure for language elements


Return Table index