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SCPRXACT - Ranges structure for activities in BC Sets

SCPRXACTID - Activation ID Ranges Structure

SCPRXCAT - Ranges Structure for BC Set Categories

SCPRXCLCAS - Ranges Structure for Cascading BC Set Data

SCPRXCLDEP - Ranges Structure for Client-Dependent BC Set Data

SCPRXDAT - Ranges structure for last-changed date

SCPRXDEVCL - Ranges Structure for BC Set Packages

SCPRXFLD - BC Set table ranges structure

SCPRXLANG - BC Set transfer ranges definition

SCPRXMOD - Ranges structure for last-changed by

SCPRXOBJ - Ranges structure for activities in BC Sets

SCPRXOTYPE - Cust. object type transfer ranges definition

SCPRXPROF - BC Set transfer ranges definition

SCPRXREF - BC Set: Ranges Definition to Pass Ref. Obj. Names

SCPRXRTYPE - BC Set: Ranges Definition for Passing Ref. Obj. Types

SCPRXSWITCH - Ranges Structure for BC Set Switches

SCPRXTAB - BC Set: Tables unsuitable for BC Sets

SCPRXTABL - BC Set table ranges structure

SCPRXTEXT - BC Set short text ranges structure

SCPRXTIME - Ranges Structure for Time of Last Change

SCPRXVAL - BC Set table ranges structure

SCPRXVERS - BC Set version ranges structure

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