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SAML - SAPaccess: request structure for mailman


SAML2P_ARTIFACT_RESPONSE - SAML2 Artifact Response Message

SAML2P_ATTRIBUTE_QUERY - SAML2 Protocol Structure: Attribute Request

SAML2P_AUTHN_REQUEST - SAML2 Protocol Structure: AuthnRequest

SAML2P_LOGOUT_REQUEST - SAML2 Protocol Structure: LogoutRequest

SAML2P_LOGOUT_RESPONSE - SAML2 Protocol Structure: LogoutResponse

SAML2P_MGT_NAMEID_REQUEST - SAML2 Protocol Structure: Management NameID Request

SAML2P_MGT_NAMEID_RESPONSE - SAML2 Protocol Structure: Management NameID Response

SAML2P_NAMEID_MAP_REQUEST - SAML2 Protocol Structure: NameID Mapping Request

SAML2P_NAMEID_MAP_RESPONSE - SAML2 Protocol Structure: NameID Mapping Response

SAML2P_NAME_ID_POLICY - SAML2 Protocol Structure: NameIDPolicy

SAML2P_PAOS_REQUEST - SAML2 Protocol Structure: PAOS Request

SAML2P_PAOS_RESPONSE - SAML2 Protocol Structure: PAOS Response

SAML2P_REQUEST_ABSTRACT - SAML2 Protocol Abstract Structure

SAML2P_RESPONSE - SAML2 Protocol Structure: SAMLResponse

SAML2P_RESPONSE_ABSTRACT - SAML2 Protocol Abstract Structure

SAML2P_SCOPING_ELEMENT - Scoping element of SAML 2.0 authentication request

SAML2P_STATUS - SAML2 Protocol Structure: Status

SAML2_AFFILIAT - Table with SAML2 Service Provider Affiliations

SAML2_AFL_ENT - SAML2 Service Provider Membership for Each Affiliation

SAML2_ARTIFACT - Storage Table for SMAL2 Artifacts

SAML2_ASSERT - Storage Table for SAML2 Assertions

SAML2_ASSERTION - Structure of an SAML 2.0 Assertion

SAML2_ASSERTION_ATTRIBUTES_S - Structure for a plain SAML2 attribute name-value couple

SAML2_ASSERTION_ATTR_STMT - SAML 2 Attribute Statement

SAML2_ASSERTION_AUTHN_CXT - Structure of an SAML 2.0 Assertion AuthnContext

SAML2_ASSERTION_AUTHN_STMT - SAML2 Authentication Description

SAML2_ASSERTION_CONDITIONS - Structure of an SAML 2.0 Assertion Condition

SAML2_ASSERTION_SUBJCONF - Structure of an SAML 2.0 Subject Confirmation

SAML2_ASSERTION_SUBJECT - Structure of an SAML 2.0 Assertion Subject


SAML2_AUDIT_MESSAGE - SAML2 Audit Log: message structure

SAML2_AUTH_CXT - SAML2 Authentication Classes

SAML2_AUTH_CXT_KEYS_S - Structure of key definition of SAML2_AUTH_CXT

SAML2_CDC_URLS - Contain the URLs to which the Read Service can redirect to

SAML2_CERTIFICATE_S - Contains a certificate in binary format and its details


SAML2_CUST_CXT - DB Table for custom authentication contexts




SAML2_ENTITY - SAML2 Entity Table

SAML2_ENTITY_E - External SAML2 Entity Table

SAML2_ENTITY_L - Local SAML2 Entity Table

SAML2_ENTITY_S - SAML2 Entity structure

SAML2_ENT_ATTR - Table for SAML 2.0 attributes for entity

SAML2_ENT_AUTH - SAML2 Authentication Context for Each Entity

SAML2_ENT_NFMT - SAML2 NameID Format Definition for Each Entity

SAML2_ENT_PARM - SAML2 Parameter Setting for Each Entity

SAML2_ENT_PROT - SAML2 Protection Settings for Each Entity and End Point

SAML2_ENT_RELST - SAML2 Relay State Mapping DB Table

SAML2_ENT_RELST_S - Relay State Mapping Structure

SAML2_ENT_SRVC - SAML2 Service Definition for Each Entity

SAML2_F4USERLOGON_SERVICE - Internal Structure for F4 Help for Service Users

SAML2_FEDERATION - Federation Information for a SAP User ID

SAML2_IDENTITY - SAML2 Identity Information for Session

SAML2_IDP_AUTH_S - SAML2 authentication cxts per IdP Structure

SAML2_IDP_TP_CONFIG - SAML 2.0 IDP TP Configuration

SAML2_METADATA - Structure for SAML 2.0 Metadata

SAML2_METADATA_AFFILIATION - Structure for SAML 2.0 Affiliation

SAML2_METADATA_ENDPOINT - Structure for SAML 2.0: End Nodes

SAML2_METADATA_ENDPOINT_IDX - Structure for SAML 2.0: Indexed End Nodes

SAML2_METADATA_IDPSSO - Structure for SAML 2.0 IDP SSO Metadata

SAML2_METADATA_KEYDESC - Structure for SAML 2.0 Key Description

SAML2_METADATA_ROLE - Structure for SAML 2.0: Role Metadata

SAML2_METADATA_ROLE_EXT - Structure for Enhancing SAML 2.0 Metadata Role

SAML2_METADATA_SPSSO - Structure for SAML 2.0 SP SSO Metadata

SAML2_METADATA_SSO - Structure for SAML 2.0 SSO Metadata

SAML2_METADATA_STS - Structure for STS Metadata Role

SAML2_NAME_FMT - SAML2 NameID Format Table

SAML2_NAME_ID - Structure for SAML 2.0 Type: NameIDType

SAML2_OPM_PARM - SAML2 Parameters for Each Operational Mode of an Entity

SAML2_PIDFED - SAML2 Persistent Federation of Users

SAML2_POLICIES_S - SAML2 Policies Structure

SAML2_POLICY - SAML2 Logon Policies for HTTP Services

SAML2_POLICYT - Texts for SAML2 Policies

SAML2_POLICY_S - SAML2 Policy Structure

SAML2_POL_AUTH - SAML2 Authentication Contexts of Logon Policies

SAML2_POL_AUTH_S - SAML2 Policy Authentication Structure

SAML2_POL_IDP_S - SAML2 Policy IdP Structure

SAML2_POL_PROPS - Table with properties per policy and trusted provider


SAML2_PSE_DATA_S - Structure with PSE data

SAML2_REQUEST - Storage Table for SAML2 Requests and RelayState

SAML2_RES_ARTFCT - Storage table for resolved SAML2 artifacts from IdP

SAML2_SESSION - SAML2 Session Context

SAML2_SESS_AUTH - List: Authentication Procedure for a SAML Session

SAML2_SESS_EXT - List: External Participants for a SAML Session

SAML2_SESS_PATH - SAML2 Session Paths

SAML2_STATUS - Table with SAML2 Status

SAML2_STATUST - Texts for SAML2 Status Value

SAML2_STATUS_CODE_S - Structure for SAML 2.0 Status Codes

SAML2_STRUSTCAB_S - Internal Structure for SAML2 UI for F4 Address Book

SAML2_TIDCON - Table for SAML2 conditions for rule-based username mapping

SAML2_TIDFED - SAML2 Transient NameID Federation Table

SAML2_TID_RULE_CON_S - Line type for SAML2 TID rule and its conditions

SAML2_TRUST - Trust Table for SAML2 Entities

SAML2_USED_ASSRT - Storage Table for SAML2 Assertions

SAML2_USER_ATTR - Table for storing subset of ABAP user attributes

SAMLAY01 - Tab Pgs in Master Data: Transfer Table for Excluded Groups

SAMLAY02 - Structure for Internal Table for Subscreens

SAMLAY02SHORT - Structure for Internal Table for Subscreens

SAMLAY03 - Structure for transfer of OK codes to processing tab title

SAML_BINDING - SAML::Binding structure

SAML_ELEMENT_S - A generic SAML element

SAML_ENTITY_PRIVATE_KEYS - SAML::Entity private keys

SAML_ENTITY_PUBLIC_KEYS - SAML::Entity public keys

SAML_ENTITY_SETTINGS - SAML::Entity options and settings

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