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RSSB1 - Structure for SAPMRSSB

RSSBAUTHGEN - BW Reporting Authorizations: Generating Authorizations

RSSBAUTHGENERATD - BW Reporting Authorizations: Generated Authorizations

RSSBAUTHTRACE - Authorization Trace BW Reporting

RSSBAUTHTRUSER - Authorization Check BW: Trace Active for User

RSSBAUTVAL - Authorization Check Reporting: Single Values in Authorizatn

RSSBR_SX_AUTH - BW Reporting Authorizations: User Authorization

RSSBR_SX_AUTH_VALUES - BW Reporting Authorizations: User Authorizations

RSSBR_S_AUTHHIER - BW Authorization for Hierarchies (Several Nodes)

RSSBR_S_AUTHNODE - BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Nodes

RSSBR_S_AUTHORIZATION - BW Authorization Reporting: List of Authorizations

RSSBR_S_AUTHT - BW Authorizations: Texts for an Authorization

RSSBR_S_AUTH_GENERATED - BW Reporting Authorizations: Generated Authorizations

RSSBR_S_AUTH_VALUES_HIERARCHY - BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorization for Hierarchy

RSSBR_S_AUTH_VALUES_RANGE - BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorized Values / Intervals

RSSBR_S_BUFFER_CUST_EXIT - Reporting Authoriztns: Buffer for Values from Customer Exit

RSSBR_S_CHAVL_LIST - BW Reporting Authorization: List of Characteristic Values

RSSBR_S_INFOPROV_AUTH - Reporting Authorizations: InfoProviders with Authorizations

RSSBR_S_IOBJ_DDHANDLE - BW Reporting Authorization: Drag&Drop Handle

RSSBR_S_NODE_OBJECT - BW Authorizations: Nodes in Tree with Reference to Object

RSSBR_S_OBJECT - BW Authorizations: List of Authorization Objects

RSSBR_S_OBJECT_DETAIL - BW Authorizations: List of Authorization Objects w. Details

RSSBR_S_OBJECT_FIELDS - Fields (InfoObjects) of an Authorization Object

RSSBR_S_ROLE - BW Reporting Authorizations: List of Roles

RSSBR_S_TREE - BW: Authorization for Reporting

RSSBR_S_USER_AUTH - BW Authorizations: Assignment of Users, Authorizations

RSSB_SX_AUTH_BUFFER - BW Reporting Authorizations: Buffer for Authorization Check

RSSB_SX_AUTH_CHECK - BW Reporting Authorizations: Report Selections

RSSB_SX_AUTH_CHECK_DETAIL - BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorization Information

RSSB_SX_AUTH_VALUES_USER - User's Authorized Master Data Values

RSSB_SX_AUTH_VALUES_USER_AUTH - User's Authorized Master Data Value (for Authorized Object)

RSSB_SX_AUTH_VALUES_USER_IOBJ - User's Authorized Master Data Value for InfoObject

RSSB_SX_AUTVAL - BW Authorization Reporting: Table for Authorized Values

RSSB_SX_IOBJVL_CHECK - BW Reporting Authorizations: Selections for Checking

RSSB_SX_NO_AUTH - BW Reporting Authorizations: Missing Authorizations Report

RSSB_SX_TOBJ_USVALUES - BW Reporting Authorizations: Authorizations for Auth. Object

RSSB_S_AUTH_FREE - BW Reporting Authorizations:Characteristics in the Drildown

RSSB_S_AUTH_GENERATE - BW Authorizations: Generation Status for Authorizations

RSSB_S_AUTH_HIER - User's Authorized Hierarchies for an InfoObject

RSSB_S_AUTH_TLEVEL - BW Reporting Authorizations:Valid Hierarchy Drilldown-Level

RSSB_S_AUTVALUE - BW Authorization Reporting: Table with Authorized Values

RSSB_S_AUTVAL_ID - BW Reporting Authorizations: ID for Cluster Table

RSSB_S_CHANMID - BW Reporting Authorizations:Buffer for ID of Characteristics

RSSB_S_CHANM_UNIQUE - BW Reporting Authorizations: Unique Characteristic

RSSB_S_CHAVL - Characteristic Values (Authorization Check)

RSSB_S_CHAVL_4 - Characteristic Values (Authorization Check)

RSSB_S_FIELDRANGE - Reporting Authorizations: Range of Authorized Values

RSSB_S_HIERARCHY - BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Information

RSSB_S_ISRCNEW - New InfoSource

RSSB_S_OBJNM - TLogo Objects

RSSB_S_PARAM - Assignment of Variable/Value

RSSB_S_TOBJ - Authorization Object

RSSB_S_TOBJDIR - Authorization Check Reporting: Auth. Objects to be Checked

RSSB_S_USER_GEN - User Information for Generating Authorizations

RSSB_S_USER_ROLE - BW Metadata: User Role

RSSB_S_USVALUES - BW Reporting Authorizations: User Authorization

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