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RPFBNGRIDITEM - Item structure for grid control (FBN)

RPFBNPLAN - Flexible benefit plan details for payroll

RPFBN_BEN_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Dependents

RPFBN_CONTRIB_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Contributions

RPFBN_CONTRIB_TRANS - ESS - Transport Structure for Contributions

RPFBN_COSTCONTRIB_OFFER_CTRL - ESS - General Control Structure for Costs and Contributions

RPFBN_COSTCRED_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Costs and Credits

RPFBN_COSTCRED_TRANS - ESS - FBN Transport Structure for Costs and Credits

RPFBN_DEP_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Dependents


RPFBN_FSACONTRIB_TRANS - ESS - Transport Structure for FSA Contributions

RPFBN_GEN_PLAN_INFO - ESS - Structure of General Plan Information

RPFBN_GLOBAL_SCREEN_CTRL - ESS - FBN Control Structure for Global Processing

RPFBN_INV_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Investments

RPFBN_PERIOD_INFO - ESS Benefits - Plan Information as Name-Value Pairs

RPFBN_PLANS_PER_PLTYPE - ESS Benefits - Plans Available for a Plan Type

RPFBN_SCREEN_CTRL - ESS - FBN Control Structure for Detail Processing

RPFBN_SELECTION_DISPLAY - ESS - Structure for Plan Selection

RPFBN_SPECIFIC_PLAN_INFO - ESS - Structure for Plan Selection

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