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RPBENACTIO - Benefit structure for reactions to adjustment reasons

RPBENAHR - Benefit Reference Period for Dynamic Eligibility

RPBENBNF - Benefit repeat structure for beneficiaries

RPBENBPCAT - Benefits Category

RPBENCBF - Benefit Repeat Structure for Contingency Beneficiaries

RPBENCEWB - Benefits Screen Fields for Concurrent Employment Workbench

RPBENCRQ - Benefit Corequisite Plans

RPBENCRQ_ESS - ESS - Benefits: Structure with Corequisite Plans

RPBENDBF - Benefit beneficiary (for display)

RPBENDCL - Benefit Display FSA Claims

RPBENDDP - Benefit dependent (for display)

RPBENDEP - Benefit repeat structure for dependent

RPBENDEP_WORK_TABLE - Offer Dependent table with selection indicator

RPBENDIV - Benefit investments (for display)

RPBENDOCUMENT - Benefit information for document template

RPBENDPR - Benefit Display Valuation Results for Retirement Plans

RPBENEEDAT - Benefit reference structure for function modules

RPBENENROLL - Benefit structure for screen fields for enrollment


RPBENERR - Benefit structure for error table

RPBENERR_BPLAN - Benefit structure for error table with plan

RPBENERR_ESS_DET_CONSISTENCY - ESS Benefits - Structure for Errors in Consistency Check

RPBENEVENT - Benefit adjustment reasons

RPBENFIELDS - Benefit structur for fields

RPBENFORMS_OFFICEINT - Benefit Office form assigned to person

RPBENFORMS_SAPSCRIPT - Benefit SAPscript form assigned to person

RPBENFORM_HEADER - Benefit header information for form generation

RPBENIDOC_CATEG - Benefits - Relevant Categories for IDoc


RPBENIDOC_EVENT - obsolete: Benefit IDOC event

RPBENINV - Benefits repeat structure for investments

RPBENINV_PCT - Benefit repeat Ssructure investments (percentages only)

RPBENMEMORY - Saving personnel number lists

RPBENOBF - Benefit beneficiaries (for offer)

RPBENOBF_ESS - ESS Benefits: Enhanced Offer Structure for Dependents

RPBENODP - Benefit dependent (for offer)

RPBENOFFER - Benefit structure for lower level of benefits offer

RPBENOFFERTREE - Hide structure for offer date

RPBENOIV - Benefit investments (for offer)

RPBENPDS - Benefits: Possible dependents structure

RPBENPERNR - Benefit Structure for Error Log Display

RPBENPERSONFORMS - List of Persons (for Form Printout)

RPBENPERSONLIST - Person List (for Tree Display)

RPBENPERSONSTATUS - Person List (for Tree Display)

RPBENPOSSBEN - Benefit Possible Beneficiaries

RPBENRETCMHRS - Benefit Cumulated Working Hours Relevant to Retirement Plan

RPBENRETIDOC_RECEIVED_DATA - Benefit Data Received from TPA for Retirement Plans

RPBENRETPLAN - Benefit Relevant Retirement Plan

RPBENRPT01 - Benefit program-specific fields

RPBENSBF - Benefit beneficiary (for choice)

RPBENSCL - Benefit Selection for FSA Claims

RPBENSDP - Benefit dependent (for choice)

RPBENSIV - Benefit investments (for choice)

RPBENSUBSCRIBER - Benefit subscriber

RPBENSUBSCRIBER_DATES - Benefit subscriber data

RPBENTREEITEM - Item structure for tree control

RPBENTREEITEMUPDATE - Item structure for tree control (update)

RPBENTREEITEM_U - Item Structure for Changes in Tree Control

RPBENURL - Benefits Structure for URL

RPBENUS403B_LIMIT - Structure for benefits 403b limits information

RPBEN_BEN_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Dependents

RPBEN_CONTRIBUTIONS - Benefit employee contribution

RPBEN_CONTRIB_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Contributions

RPBEN_CONTRIB_LIMITS - Benefit limits for employee contribution

RPBEN_CONTRIB_TRANS - ESS - Transport Structure for Contributions

RPBEN_COSTCONTRIB_OFFER_CTRL - ESS - General Control Structure for Costs and Contributions

RPBEN_COSTCRED_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Costs and Credits

RPBEN_COSTCRED_TRANS - ESS - Transport Structure for Costs and Credits

RPBEN_CURRENT_PLAN_INFO - ESS - Structure for Plan Information

RPBEN_D1 - Benefit display of credit plans

RPBEN_DA - Benefit display of health plans

RPBEN_DB - Benefit display of insurance plans

RPBEN_DC - Benefits display of savings plans

RPBEN_DD - Benefit display of flexible spending accounts

RPBEN_DE - Benefit dispay of miscellaneous plans

RPBEN_DEP_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Dependents

RPBEN_DF - Benefit display of stock purchase plans

RPBEN_ESS_GENERIC_PLAN_DETAIL - ESS Benefits - Generic Plan Details

RPBEN_ESS_PROBLEMS_PER_PLAN - ESS Benefits - Problems for a Plan

RPBEN_ESS_PROBLEM_LIST - ESS Benefits - Structure for Problems Occurred

RPBEN_FAMILY_MEMBER_DATA - Benefits - Family Member Data


RPBEN_FSACONTRIB_TRANS - ESS - Transport Structure for FSA Contributions

RPBEN_GEN_PLAN_INFO - ESS - Structure of General Plan Information

RPBEN_ICON - Benefit Structure for FM Interface

RPBEN_INV_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Investments

RPBEN_O1 - Benefit offer for credit plans

RPBEN_OA - Benefit offer for health plans

RPBEN_OB - Benefit offer for insurance plans

RPBEN_OC - Benefit offer for savings plans

RPBEN_OD - Benefit offer for flexible spending accounts

RPBEN_OE - Benefit offer for miscellaneous plans

RPBEN_OF - Benefit offer for stock purchase plans

RPBEN_OFFER_CONDENSED - ESS - Structure for Condensed Offer

RPBEN_PAY_CUMULATION_TYPES - Cumulation types and cumulation periods

RPBEN_PAY_CUMUL_RESULTS - Cumulated Payroll Results

RPBEN_PAY_DEDUCTION_PERIODS - Periods which have to be processed in payroll

RPBEN_PLANINFO - ESS Benefits - Plan Information as Name-Value Pairs

RPBEN_PLANS_PER_PLTYPE - ESS Benefits - Plans Available for a Plan Type

RPBEN_RPLBEN01 - Structure for Report RPLBEN01

RPBEN_RPLBEN02 - Structure for Report RPLBEN02

RPBEN_RPLBEN03 - Structure for Report RPLBEN03

RPBEN_RPLBEN04 - Structure for Report RPLBEN04

RPBEN_RPLBEN05 - Structure for Report RPLBEN05

RPBEN_RPLBEN06 - Structure for Report RPLBEN06

RPBEN_RPLBEN08 - Structure for Report RPLBEN08

RPBEN_RPLBEN09 - Structure for Report RPLBEN09

RPBEN_RPLBEN13 - Structure for Report RPLBEN09

RPBEN_RPLBEN15 - Structure for Report RPLBEN15

RPBEN_RPLBEN16 - Structure for Report RPLBEN16

RPBEN_RPLBEN18 - Structure for Report RPLBEN18

RPBEN_S1 - Benefit choice for credit plans

RPBEN_SA - Benefit choice for health plans

RPBEN_SALARY_DETAIL - ESS Benefits - Salary Detail Information

RPBEN_SB - Benefit choice for insurance plans

RPBEN_SC - Benefit choice for saving plans

RPBEN_SCREEN_CTRL - ESS - Control Structure for Generic Detail Processing

RPBEN_SD - Benefit choice for flexible spending accounts

RPBEN_SE - Benefit selection for miscellaneous plans

RPBEN_SELECTION_DISPLAY - ESS - Structure for Plan Selection

RPBEN_SF - Benefit selection for stock purchase plans

RPBEN_SPECIFIC_PLAN_INFO - ESS - Structure for Plan Selection

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