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RJHM0100 - IS-M: Screen Fields for Media-Mix Contract Initial Screen

RJHM0200 - Screen Fields for Media-Mix Contract Settlement Intial Scrn

RJHM1000 - IS-M: Screen Fields for Media-Mix Contract Attributes

RJHM1100 - Screen Fields for Contracts Involved in Media-Mix Contract

RJHM1100TC - IS-M: TC Fields for Involved Contracts in Media-Mix Contract

RJHM1200 - IS-M: Media-Mix Contract: Entry Data

RJHM1300 - Screen Structure for Media-Mix Contract Business Partner

RJHM2000 - IS-M: Screen Fields for Business Partners on Overview Screen

RJHM2100 - IS-M: Media-Mix Contract Settlement Overview Screen Fields

RJHM2100TC - TC Fields for Inv.Contract Settlements in Media-Mix Contract

RJHMABRUF - IS-M/AM: Assignments for Display in Media-Mix Contract

RJHMEMORY - IS-M: OPM Memory for Call Accesses

RJHMGPZ - Media-Mix Contract Business Partner Assign.Maint.Structure

RJHMMPO - IS-PAM: Display Structure for Elements of a Media Mix

RJHMSTAND - IS-M/AM: Structure for Contract Standing

RJHMSTZ_DETAIL - IS-M: Detailed Information on Status Characteristic

RJHMXK - IS-M: Media-Mix Contract Header Data with Dynamic Part

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