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RESCMEASDOC - Measurement Document

RESCMEASENTRYLIST - Master Data of Entry List


RESCMEASENTRYLIST_ITEM - Measuring Points for Entry List

RESCMEASENTRYLIST_X - Master Data of Entry List and Additional Fields


RESCMEASPOINTCONSUM_L - Measuring Points + Consumption: List Formatting

RESCMEASPOINTCONSUM_X - Measuring Points + Consumption: Addit. Fields

RESCMEASPOINTPROP_INP - Additional Characteristics of Meter: Input Fields

RESCMEASPOINTPROP_L - Additional Characteristics of Meter: List Format

RESCMEASPOINTPROP_S - Additional Characteristics of Meter: Screen Fields

RESCMEASPOINTPROP_X - Additional Characteristics of Meter: Additional Fields

RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_INP - Objects Subordinate to Meter: Input Fields

RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_L - Objects Subordinate to Meter: List Format

RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_RO_L - Objects Subordinate to Meter: List Format (RO)

RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_S - Objects Subordinate to Meter: Screen Fields

RESCMEASPOINTSUBOBJ_X - Objects Subordinate to Meter: Additional Fields

RESCMEASPOINT_INP - Measuring Points: Input Fields

RESCMEASPOINT_INT - Measuring Points (Internal)

RESCMEASPOINT_L - Measuring Points: List Format

RESCMEASPOINT_PROP - Characteristics of a Measuring Point

RESCMEASPOINT_S - Measuring Points: Screen Fields

RESCMEASPOINT_X - Measuring Points: Additional Fields

RESCMEASVALUE_X - Measurement Amount Used

RESCMSROAPPORTVALUE - Reference Factors of Rental Object per SU and Meas. Type

RESCMSUASSIGNSU - Assignment of Settlement Unit to Master Settlement Unit

RESCMSUASSIGNSU_KEY - Assignment of SU to MSU: Key Fields

RESCMSUASSIGNSU_L - Assignment of SU to MSU: List Formatting

RESCMSUASSIGNSU_S - Assignment of SU to MSU: Screen Fields

RESCMSUASSIGNSU_TAB - Assignment of SU to MSU: Non-Key Fields

RESCMSUASSIGNSU_X - Assignment of SU to MSU and Additional Fields

RESCMSUSHAREOUT_S - Allocation Rule and Additional Fields

RESCMSUSHAREOUT_X - Allocation Rule and Additional Fields

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