Select data from sap tables Q00

Display SAP table details

Q000 - Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $

Q0000 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0000

Q0001 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)

Q0002 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)

Q0002AE - Screen Fields: Infotype 0002 UAE (Personal Data)

Q0002EG - Screen Fields: Infotype 0002 KSA (Personal Data)

Q0002HK - Q0002HK for ESS Hong Kong Personal data

Q0002SA - Screen Fields: Infotype 0002 KSA (Personal Data)

Q0002TW - Q0002TW Personal datat ESS Taiwan

Q0003 - Display Fields in the Payroll Status Infotype (0003)

Q0005 - Screen Fields: Infotype P0005

Q0006 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)

Q0006AE - Screen Fields: Infotype 0006 UAE (Addresses)

Q0006AR - Additional fields IT006 AR

Q0006AU - ESS address Australia

Q0006BR - Additional fields IT 0006 BR

Q0006H - Auxiliary structure to infotype P0006 (H)

Q0006HK - Address for Hong Kong ESS

Q0006KR - HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses) - Korea ESS

Q0006MX - Screen structure for IT0006 Mexico

Q0006NZ - ESS address Australia

Q0006QA - Screen Fields: Infotype 0006 QA (Address)

Q0006SA - Screen Fields: Infotype 0006 KSA (Addresses)

Q0006SAP - Screen Fields: Infotype 0006 SA PBS (Addresses)

Q0006SG - ESS address Singapore

Q0006_ESS - Address Types

Q0007 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time)

Q0007_PSF -

Q0008 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)

Q0008H - Auxiliary structure to infotype 0008

Q0008_PSA - Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0008 (Basic Payments)

Q0008_PSGB - Additional fields for infotype basic pay (0008)

Q0008_PSP - Dynpro field for infotype 0008 (Portugal Public Sector)

Q0009 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)

Q0009NZ - ESS address Australia

Q0009_ESS - HR ESS Bank details

Q0009_KR - Korea Bank Detail Infotype (0009)

Q0009_PSF -

Q001 - Company/Card Type/Split Result

Q0010 - Screen Fields: Infotype P0010 (Capital Formation)

Q0011 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0011 (External Bank Transfers)

Q0011AU - ESS Ext Bank transfer Australia

Q0011_ESS - HR ESS Bank details

Q0012 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0012 (Fiscal Data - Germany)

Q0013 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0013 (Social Insurance)

Q0014 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0014 (Recurr.Payments/Deductions)

Q0015 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)

Q0016 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)

Q0019 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0019 (Monitoring of Tasks)

Q002 - Company/Card Type

Q0020 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0020 (DEUEV)

Q0021 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0021

Q0021H - Auxiliary structure to infotype P0021 (H)

Q0021HK - Infotype 0344/0021 (HK Family members for ESS)

Q0021SG - ESS Family Member Data Singapore

Q0021TW - IT0021/0352 family member (Taiwan ESS)

Q0021_CA - Screen Fields: Infotype 0021 CA

Q0021_ESS - HR ESS Family/Related persons

Q0021_ESS_ZA - HR ESS Family/Related persons

Q0021_PSF -

Q0021_US - Screen Fields: Infotype 0021 US

Q0022 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0022

Q0022H - Auxiliary structure to infotype 0022 (H)

Q0022_ESS - Education Types

Q0023 - Dynpro Zones of Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)

Q0023AE - Screen Fields: Infotype 0023 UAE (Other/Previous Employers)

Q0023AU - ESS Previous Employer Australia

Q0025 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0025 (Appraisals)

Q0026 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0026

Q0027 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0027 (Cost Distribution)

Q0028 - Screen Fields: Health Insurance

Q0029 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0029 (Workers' Comp. Association)

Q0030 -

Q0031 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0031 (Reference Personnel No.)

Q0032_PSF -

Q0033 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0033 (Statistics)

Q0036 - HR master record - infotype 36 (social insurance CH)

Q0037OM - Screen fields of IT0037 for Oman

Q0038 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0038 (Fiscal Data CH)

Q0039 - Screen Fields: Infotype P0039

Q0040 - Screen Fields: Infotype P0040 (Objects on Loan)

Q0041 - Screen Fields: Infotype P0041

Q0042 - Screen Fields for Infotype P0042

Q0043 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0043 (Family Allowance A)

Q0044 - Screen Fields for Infotype P0044

Q0044_AERGT - Description SI Supplements for Infotype 44

Q0044_AERGV - Screen Fields: SI Supplements for Infotype 44

Q0044_AERGX - Checkboxes for SI Supplements in Infotype P0044

Q0044_UML - NTS Contr. Amt Fields in Infotype 0044 (Social Insurance A)

Q0045 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0045 (Company Loans)

Q0046 - Screen fields for infotype 0046 Pension fund

Q0048 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0048

Q0048GB - Screen Fields: Infotype 0048 Great Britain

Q0048NL - Screen Fields: Infotype 0048 Netherland

Q0051 - Screen Fields for Infotype P0051

Q0052 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0052 (Wage Maintenance)

Q0053 - Screen Fields: Infotype P0053

Q0054 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0054 (Works Council Pay)

Q0055 - Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0055 (Previous Employer - A)

Q0056 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0056 (Sickness Certificates A)

Q0057 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0057 (Membership Fees)

Q0058 - Screen Fields for Infotype P0058

Q0059 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0059 (Social Insurances - NL)

Q0060 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0060 (Fiscal Data NL)

Q0061 - Screen Fields Infotype 0061 (Social Insurance - Spain)

Q0062 - Screen fields Infotype 0062 (Tax data - Spain)

Q0063 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0063

Q0064 - Screen fields for infotype P0064 (Social Insurance FR)

Q0065 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0065 (Tax - GB)

Q0066 - Infotype 0066: DYNPRO structure

Q0067 - Infotype 0067: DYNPRO structure

Q0068 - Infotype 0068: DYNPRO structure

Q0069 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0069 (National Insurance GB)

Q0070 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0070 (Court Orders GB)

Q0071 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0071 (Pension Companies GB)

Q0072 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0072 (Fiscal Data - DK)

Q0073 - HR-DK Screen Fields for Infotype 0073 Private Pension DK

Q0074 - Screen Fields Infotype 0074 (Leave - Denmark)

Q0075 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0075 (ATP Denmark)

Q0076 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0076 (Workers Comp. - NA)

Q0077 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0077 (Additional Personal Data)

Q0077_US - Screen Fields US: Infotype 0077 (Additional Personal Data)

Q0078 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0078 (Loan I/O)

Q0079 - Infotype SI Additional Insurance - D

Q0080 - Screen field for infotype 0080

Q0080_DE - Screen Fields for Infotype 0080

Q0081 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0081 (Military Service)

Q0082 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data)

Q0083 - Screen Fields: Infotype P0083 (Leave Compensation)

Q0085 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0085 (PIW GB)

Q0086 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0086 (SSP/SMP Exclusions - GB)

Q0088 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0088: SMP, SPP and SAP (GB)

Q008D - Screen Fields for Infotype 0080 (Germany Only)

Q0090 - Screen fields for infotype 0090

Q0092 - Screen Fields Infotype 0092 (Seniority - Spain)

Q0093 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0093 (Previous Employer - D)

Q0094 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0094 (Work Permit NA)

Q0095 - Q structure of P0095 Tax for Canada

Q0096 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0096 (Tax USA)

Q0098 - Additional fields for infotype 0098 (participation)

Return Table index