Select data from sap tables PPTS

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PPTS1 - HR-PT: Personnel Summary 2000 TemSe - Company Record

PPTS2 - HR-PT: Personnel Summary 2000 TemSe - Subarea Record

PPTS3 - HR-PT: Personnel Summary 2000 TemSe - Employee Record

PPTS4 - HR-PT: personnel summary Azores TemSe - company registration

PPTS5 - HR-PT: personnel summary Azores TemSe - subarea registration

PPTS6 - HR-PT: personnel summary Azores TemSe - employee registrat.

PPTSAFTBDOCSIL - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTCUSTADM - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTCUSTM - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTDWPPRD - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTILITAMNT - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTILITMSUM - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTILITMVL - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTILIUPD - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTILRNDDIF - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTINVDEL - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTINVPLANT - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTPAYLAND - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTPAYMECH - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTPAYORGON - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTSUPADM - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTSUPM - Generated Table for View

PPTSAFTTXLSUP - Generated Table for View

PPTSTTAXCOUNT - Generated Table for View

PPTSTTAXITEMA - Generated Table for View

PPTSTTAXITEMC - Generated Table for View

PPTSTTAXITEMSUMP - Generated Table for View

PPTSTTAXITEMVAT - Generated Table for View

PPTSTTAXSUMCD - Generated Table for View

PPTSTTAXSUMT - Generated Table for View

PPTS_AD001 - Record type 001 - file header

PPTS_AD002 - Record type 002 - declaration header

PPTS_AD003 - Record type 003 - annual declaration header

PPTS_AD004 - Record type 004 - annual declaration detail

PPTS_AD005 - Record type 005 - annual declaration trailer

PPTS_AD006 - Record type 006 - declaration trailer

PPTS_AD999 - Record type 999 - file trailer

PPTS_CESFT - Declaration footer

PPTS_CESHD - Declaration header

PPTS_CES_DT - Declaration detail

PPTS_CES_FILE - Root structure CES

PPTS_ETD_PAYMENT_RECORD - Employee Tax Data: Payment record

PPTS_MD_D_DMRAT1 - DMR-AT.1 detail

PPTS_MD_D_DMRAT1_VER01 - DMR-AT.1 detail

PPTS_MD_D_DMRAT2 - DMR-AT.2 detail

PPTS_MD_D_DMRAT2_VER01 - DMR-AT.2 detail

PPTS_MD_D_DMRAT3 - DMR-AT.3 detail

PPTS_MD_D_DMRAT3_VER01 - DMR-AT.3 detail

PPTS_MD_HD - Declaration header

PPTS_MD_HF - File header


PPTS_MD_TD - Declaration trailer

PPTS_MD_TF - File trailer



PPTS_MID_FILE - Root structure

PPTS_MID_FILE_VER01 - Root structure (version 01)

PPTS_NRESIDENT_RP - Structure of non-resident employees

PPTS_NRESIDENT_RP_EMPL - Structure of non-resident employees

PPTS_NRESIDENT_RP_TAB - Guide structure

PPTS_NRESIDENT_RP_WITHHOLDS - Structure of withholding amounts

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ACT_SER_SST_AZ - SSW service structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_AC_CON_SST_AZ - Structure of hired actions

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_AC_FORM_SST_AZ - Structure of training actions

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_AC_INF_SST_AZ - Structure of information actions

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_AGES - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment substructure 0 - ages

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_0 - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment structure 0

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_FEST - HR-PT: Unique Report - attach.struct.incoming/outgoing EE

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_GRV - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment structure strikes

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_QP - Unique Report: PS attachment (Personnel Summary)

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC - Unique Report: RFC attachment

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC_AZ - HR-PT: UR - structure Attachment C

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC_EES - Unique Report: RFC attachment

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC_EE_AZ - HR-PT: UR - substructure Attachment C - workers (Azores)

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC_ENTRI - Unique Report: RFC attachment

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC_PERI - Unique Report: RFCF attachment

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC_TRAIN - Unique Report: RFC attachment

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_RFC_TR_AZ - HR-PT: UR - substructure Attachment C - trainings (Azores)

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_SST - SHW attachment structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ANEXO_SST_AZ - HR-PT: UR - structure Attachment D

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ASSOCIADOS - HR-PT: Unique Report: attachment substr.0 - joint partners

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_CLAIMS - HR-PT: Unique Report: attachment substr.strikes (claims)

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_COMPANY_DATA - Unique Report: company data

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_DIST_LIT - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment substruct.0 - liter.distr.

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_EE_AREAS - Unique Report: establishments

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_EE_ESTABS - Establishment EE structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_EE_ESTABS_AZ - EE structure of the establishment

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_EMPLOYEES - HR-PT: Unique Report - attach.struct.incoming/outgoing EE

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ENCARG - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment substructure 0 - charges

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_ESTAB - HR-PT: Unique Report - substructure attachment 0- establish.

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_GRV_ESTAB - Establishment structure for attachment E

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_HIRES_FIRES - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachm.substr.0 - incoming/outgoing

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_HIRE_FIRE_FEST - HR-PT: Unique Report - incoming/outgoing EE - FEST

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_HOURS_N_WORK - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachm.substr.0 - hours not worked

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_MEN_WOMEN - HR-PT: Unique Report - substructure men and women

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_MEN_WOMEN_TOT - Men and women counting structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_OTHER_DATA_3110 - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment substr.0 - others 31.10

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_QP_EE - Unique Report: Personnel Summary - Workers

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_QP_EE_DIFF_RSN - Unique Report - reasons for paid remun.lower than due remun.

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_QP_REMU_REASON - Unique Report - reason for paid remun.lower than due remun.

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_REPORT - Unique Report: company data

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SERV_SST - SHW service structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SIT_ESTAB - HR-PT: Unique Report - substruct.attachm.0 - establ.situat.

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACCOES_CON - Contracting actions structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACCOES_FORM - Structure of training actions

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACCOES_IMUN - Immunization actions structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACCOES_INF - Information actions structures

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACCOES_PROM - Promoted actions structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACIDEN_I32 - Work accident structure item 3.2

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACIDEN_TRAB - Work accidents structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACID_NIVEIS - Structure of accident levels

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACII32_CATS - Work accidents structure item 3.2 - categories

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_ACI_TRAB_AZ - Work accidents structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_AC_IMUN_AZ - Immunization actions structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_AC_NV_AR_AZ - Structure of ocurred accident levels

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_AC_NV_AZ - Structure of accident levels

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_AC_PROM_AZ - Promoted actions structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_AV_EE - Employee bound structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_AV_EE_AZ - Average number of workers assigned to local unit

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_DATA - SHW data structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_DOENCAS - Illness structure


PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_EMPRE_TRAB - Designated work structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_EXAMES - Examination table

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_EXAMES_AZ - Examination structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_EXAM_COMPL - Complementary examination structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_EXAM_NIVEIS - Examination levels structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_EXAM_NIV_AZ - Examination level structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_EX_COMPL_AZ - Complementary examination structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_FACT_RISCO - Risk factors structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_MEDICOS - Physician structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_MEDICOS_AZ - Physician structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_MED_PREV - Preventive action structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_MODALIDADES - Specifications structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_NAT_MOD_AZ - Nature of the adopted specification in the SSW organization

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_PES_SER_AZ - Personnel of safety and health at work services

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_RESPONSAVEL - Security responsible structure



PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_RISCO_QUI - Chemical risks structures

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_RISC_QUI_AZ - Chimical risk structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_SAUDE - Health structure


PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_SERV_EXT - Extension services structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_SER_EXT - Health extension structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_SER_SAU_AZ - Health service structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_SER_SEG_AZ - Safety service structure

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SST_TEC_SHTS - Technician structure in SHTS

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_STRIKES - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment structure strikes

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_STRIKE_DATE - HR-PT: Unique Report - attach.struct.strikes (strike dates)

PPTS_UNIQUE_RP_SUPPL_WORK - HR-PT: Unique Report - attachment substructure 0 - overtime

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