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PMEP0 - HR-PT: Social Security Contributor Numbers

PMEP1 - Indicator for Actions (Feature: APMAS)

PMEP2 - Structure for Characteristics

PMEP3 - Restricted P0001 Structure for Feature Austria

PMEP4 - Structure for Features (Austria with Social Insurance)

PMEP5 - Structure for Features (Austria PS, SI Contribution Types)

PMEP7 - Structure for Feature APNWR

PMEP8 - Structure for Feature APGEM

PMEP9 - Field String for Feature: Organization

PMEPA - Structure for Features New (Austria PS, SI Contrib. Types)

PMEPB - Field String for Feature 44POB Places of Business Finland

PMEPC - Structure for Features (Austria PS, SI Contribution Types)

PMEPE - Structure for Feature 40PFE

PMEPH - Structure for Philippines Features

PMEPJ - Structure for feature of union/verticalized

PMEPN - Structure for feature 40EPF

PMEPS - Decision fields for feature 44TVR and 44TUN

PMEPT - HR-PT: Extended P0001-structure for features

PMEPU - Structure for features (Public Sector)

PMEPV - Structure for Features (Austria with Social Insurance)

PMEPY - Field String for Feature in GSALC (Salary Calculation)

PMEP_GCC_SI_FORM_ALL - GCC Social Insurance Unified Form - All Fields

PMEP_GCC_SI_FORM_LIST - GCC Social Insurance Unified Form - Report Fields

PMEP_GCC_SI_FORM_SEARCH - GCC Social Insurance Unified Form - Search Fields

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