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PIQSAUDFID - Structure for Requirement Profile

PIQSAUDR0 - Audits

PIQSCALE_LIST_WA - CM: Internal Pointers for Data Management


PIQSCYEARPRDT - Years, Sessions and Their Names

PIQSC_DEGREES - Degree data

PIQSEARCHPERID - Transfer Structure for Academic Sessions

PIQSEARCHPERYR - Transfer Structure for Academic Years

PIQSEARCHTL - CM: Transfer Structure for Time Limits Sought

PIQSEARCHYEARPRD - Structure for Academic Year/Session Combinations

PIQSELBKGWINDOW - Structure for Booking Window Selection Method

PIQSELMADM - Structure for Admission Selection Method


PIQSELMETHODSDYNPROFIELDS - Screen Fields of Selection Method

PIQSELMETH_LIST_WA - Selection Methods with Text

PIQSELMSTUDY - Structure for selection method reg course reg and appraisals

PIQSELSMEVAL - Selection fields for Selecting Module using Evaluation Path

PIQSELVARI_LIST_LINE - Selection Variant List Line

PIQSERULES - Rule Container to Event Package Assignment


PIQSHBINFTY - Shared Buffer (SHB) Infotypes

PIQSHBINFTY_KEY - Shared Buffer (SHB): Infotype Key

PIQSHBINFTY_TAB - Shared Buffer (SHB): Infotype Table Section

PIQSHBINFTY_TAB_KEY - Shared Buffer (SHB): Key for Infotype Table Section

PIQSHORT_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQSI2S_ACADPI_ID_STRU - Performance Index


PIQSI2S_ACAD_PERFORMANCE_IND_T - Acad. Performance Index with Text Fields

PIQSI2S_CREDITS - Average Grade: Credit

PIQSI2S_FLTCONTEXT - Context of Module Booking Filters

PIQSI2S_GRADING - Average Grade: Grade

PIQSI2S_INDEX_VALUE - Academic Performance Index: Value

PIQSI2S_MB - Average Grades: Module Booking Data

PIQSI2S_MBADMIN - Progression Activity Document: Module Booking Mgmt Data

PIQSI2S_MBAPPRAISALADMIN - Average Grades: Appraisal Information

PIQSI2S_MBPROG_GR - Academic Performance Index: Progression Data

PIQSI2S_MBSMDATA - Average Grades: Module Data

PIQSI2S_MB_TEXT - Acad. Performance Indices: Module Bkg Data with Text Fields

PIQSI2S_PERFORMANCE - Averade Grade: Academic Performance

PIQSI2S_PINDEXINPUT - Averade Grade: Academic Performance

PIQSI2_FILPAT - Parameter/Filter Assignments (Incl. Descriptions)

PIQSI2_PARAMETER - Parameter(s)

PIQSI2_PINDEX_REF - Object Reference to Acad. Performance Index

PIQSIS2_GRADING - Structure: Appraisal for Audit

PIQSIS2_INDEX_VALUE - Structure: Index Values

PIQSI_ACT_TRANSCRIPT - Average Grade of Current Transcript with Key to Transcript

PIQSI_DISPLAY - CM: Structure for Average Grade Display

PIQSI_FOC_SESSION - CM: Academic Session

PIQSI_FREE_CACHE - Reference Value Parameter for Average Grade Calc. Cache

PIQSI_GRADES_OF_CS - Achievements in Course of Study

PIQSI_GRADE_WEIGHT_WA - Grade and Associated Weighting


PIQSI_TRANSCRIPT_GRADE_CACHE - Cache for Transcripts and Grades with CQ

PIQSMBOOKING_CHECK_LOG - CM: Extended Booking Check Result Log

PIQSMBOOKING_CHECK_RESULT - CM: Module Extended Booking Check Result

PIQSMBOOKING_CHECK_RESULT_CANC - CM: Module Extended Booking Check Result for cancellation

PIQSMCORR - Module correspondence dialog

PIQSMCORRT - Structure that conatins Description for elements in PIQSMCOR

PIQSMCORR_DATA - Additional parameters:Module Correspondence

PIQSMCORR_KEY - Module correspondence dialog key

PIQSMCORR_SM_ADDT_TEXT - Structure for additional text

PIQSMESGCT - Message Context

PIQSMESGCTHDR - Log Header Context (Message Handler)

PIQSMESGGRP_GRPT - Group and Group Description (Message Context in VSR Trace)

PIQSMESGMH - Message for Model Message Handler

PIQSMESGMHC - Model Message Handler: Message with Context Value


PIQSMESGMHCTAB - PIQSMESGMHC with Table Name for Context

PIQSMESGMHCTAB_DISP - Display Structure for Customizable Messages

PIQSMFCL_D_CATEGORY - Structure for Category of Event type

PIQSMFCL_D_CHOURS - Structure for Contact hours for business events

PIQSMFCL_EVTWL - Teaching Workload

PIQSMFCL_E_FACWORKLOAD - structure Faculty workload

PIQSMFCL_E_RESOURCES - Structure for event Occupation

PIQSMFCL_E_SCHEDULES - Business Event Schdules

PIQSMFCL_OFFERPATTERN - Structure for Session pattern

PIQSMFCL_RELATION - Relations structure

PIQSMFCL_SEDATA - Structure for Event package Categories

PIQSMFCL_SMDATA - Structure for Module Data

PIQSMFLC_D_DESCRIPTION - Event Type Description for Correspondence


PIQSMFLC_E_EL_RESPONSABILITY - Responsability for Time-independent Events for Corresponden

PIQSMFLC_E_FACWORKLOAD - Faculty Workload Data for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_E_OCCUPATION_E_EL - Event Occupation for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_E_RESOURCES - Event Resources for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_E_ROOM_CAPACITY - Event Room Capacity for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_E_SCHEDULES - Event Schedules for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_E_SCHEDULE_ELEM - Event Schedule Elements for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SE_CAMPUSRELATIONS - Event Package CAmpus Relations for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SE_OFFERSESSION - Event package Offer Sessions for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SE_RULRELATIONS - Event Package Rule Relations for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SM_COREQ - Module Corequisites for Correspondence


PIQSMFLC_SM_DISCIPLINES - Module Disciplines for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SM_OFFERSESSION - Module Offer Session for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SM_PREREQ - Module Prerequisites for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SM_RELATIONS - Module Relations for Correspondence

PIQSMFLC_SM_TEACHEMPHASES - Module Teachemphases for Correspondence

PIQSMOFFER - Academic offering

PIQSMOFFER_KEY - Academic offering: Key

PIQSMREG_DEFAULTS - Default Values for Module Booking Dialog

PIQSM_BOOKING_CART - Booking Container for Module Bookings in BSP Application

PIQSNODETEXT - CM: Texts for Node in Tree Structure

PIQSQLAGRREM - Generated Table for View

PIQSQLAGRREMTEXT - Generated Table for View

PIQSQLAGRSTAT - Generated Table for View

PIQSQLAGRSTAT_T - Generated Table for View

PIQSRM_ADDON - Generic Add-On for Integration with Records Management

PIQST00 - Screen Fields on Initial Student Screen

PIQST00SUBSCRS - Subscreens on Tab Page in Student File

PIQST00TABS - Setup of Tab Pages in Student File

PIQSTADM - Admission: Structure for Admission Application with Texts

PIQSTADM_REQ - Admission Prerequisites

PIQSTADM_SEL_ADMISSION_PARAM - Parameters for Sessional Registration Selection Methods

PIQSTADVIDETAILS - Details of Advisor and students

PIQSTAPPL_Q - Student's Applications - Display Fields

PIQSTASSGNDETAIL - Student (Advisee) assignment details

PIQSTASSGNDETAILT - Text table for student (Advisee) assignment details

PIQSTCAMPUS - Structure for Student Campus Screen

PIQSTCOP - Structure for Change of Program

PIQSTCOP_C - Structure for Change of Program Control Parameters

PIQSTCOP_P - Structure for Change of Program (Update)

PIQSTCOP_Q - Structure for Change of Program (Display Fields)

PIQSTDEL_PARAMS - Selection Parameters of Student Deletion Program

PIQSTDEL_PARAMS_DATAGROUP - Selection Parameters for Student Data Group Deletion

PIQSTDEREG - Student: De-registration

PIQSTDEREG_C - Structure for De-registration Control Parameters

PIQSTDEREG_DATE_SEL - Year and Session Selecton for Admission and Reg Maintenance

PIQSTDEREG_DISPLAY - Structure for Output of Mass De-registration Program

PIQSTDEREG_P - Structure for De-registration Data (Update)

PIQSTDEREG_PARAM - Selection Parameters for Mass De-registration

PIQSTDEREG_PARAM_SEL - Selection Parameters for De-registration Data

PIQSTDEREG_Q - Student: De-registration Display Fields

PIQSTDEREG_STATISTICS - Auxiliary Structure for Output of Program Statistics

PIQSTHEADER - Student Header Fields

PIQSTHEADER_LINE - Line of Student Data Header Screen

PIQSTORG - Structure for Student Organizational Unit Screen

PIQSTORG_ALUMNUS - Screen fields for Alumnus Relation

PIQSTORG_BADIPARAM - Student for BADI 'Derive Org. Unit for Student/Study'

PIQSTREG - Student: Registrations

PIQSTREGCANCEL - Structure for Cancellation Dialogs (Registration)

PIQSTREGCANCEL_P - Structure for Registration Cancellation Data

PIQSTREGCANCEL_Q - Structure for Cancellation Display Fields

PIQSTREGDIAL - Student: Header Data for Registration Dialog Box

PIQSTREGPER - Structure for Sessional Registration (Dialog)

PIQSTREGPER2 - Structure for Sessional Registration (Dialog)

PIQSTREGPER_P - Student: Structure for Sessional Registration (Dialog)

PIQSTREGPER_Q - Student: Addnl Fields for Sessional Registration (Dialog)

PIQSTREGSTATUS - Structure for Registration Status per Year/Session and ST

PIQSTREG_EXTMODE - Screen Structure for Extended Maintenance Dialog

PIQSTREG_P - Student: Structure for Registration Data (Read Modules)

PIQSTREG_Q - Student: Display Fields for Re-registration

PIQSTREG_SEL_DEREG_PARAM - Parameters for Sessional Registration Selection Methods

PIQSTREG_SEL_NOT_REGIST_PARAM - Parameters for Sessional Registration Selection Methods

PIQSTRPT_STATISTICS - Statistics Information for Reports

PIQSTRP_BUFIELDS - Display fields of the business partner for related person

PIQSTRP_RELATION - Function module interface to maintain related person

PIQSTRP_RELAVIEW - Related person information for screen.

PIQSTRUC - CM: Standard Function Fields

PIQSTRUCTIMEPOINT - Structure: Callup Point

PIQSTSIMILAR - CM: Structure for ABAP List Viewer (Similar Students)

PIQSTSIMILART - CM: Structure for ABAP List Viewer (Similar Students)

PIQSTSM_PARAM - CM: Dialog Structure : Selection screen parameters

PIQSTSPEC - Structure for Academic Specializations with ST, CS, SC

PIQSTUDENT12_RANGE - Ranges Structure for Student Number


PIQSTUDENTID - Structure for Student Number


PIQSTUDENTNUMBERS - Structure with Object ID, Student Number, Partner Number

PIQSTUDENTOBJECT - Selection Parameters

PIQSTUDENT_ACADRESULTS - Interface Structure for Student School Results and Tests

PIQSTUDENT_ATTR - Student Attribute list for IDM

PIQSTUDENT_ATT_DETAILS - STudent Attendance Details

PIQSTUDENT_CDOC_LIST - Change Document List for Student Maintenance Dialog

PIQSTUDENT_CDOC_LIST_PARAM - Screen Fields: Display Change Documents for Student

PIQSTUDENT_DERIVEDDATA - Structure for Derived Student Information

PIQSTUDENT_DERIVEDDATAT - Structure for Derived Student Information with Text Fields

PIQSTUDENT_EVE_STATUS - Student Event Status

PIQSTUDENT_FEE_CALCULATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDENT_FEE_CALC_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentFeeCalculationNotification

PIQSTUDENT_FEE_CALC_STUDENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDENT_GRANT_EVAL_GRANT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDENT_GRANT_EVAL_STUDENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)




PIQSTUDENT_MODREGID - Student Object ID + Module Booking ID




PIQSTUDENT_OBJID - Structure: Student Object ID




PIQSTUDENT_PINDEX_CHANGE - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQSTUDENT_PINDEX_CREATE - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQSTUDENT_PROC - Student, Activities


PIQSTUDENT_SCHOOLRESULTS - Interface Structure for Student School Results and Tests

PIQSTUDENT_TESTRESULTS - Interface Structure for Student School Results and Tests

PIQSTUDENT_VISA - RFC Structure for Student Visa


PIQSTUDIES - Program/Study/Student

PIQSTUDIES2 - Studies with Additional Parameters (For Internal Use Only)

PIQSTUDIEST - Program/Study (Short and Long Texts)


PIQSTUDYDETAIL - Study Attributes (Status-Related Derivation)

PIQSTUDYDETAILD - Study Attributes (Status-Related Derivation)

PIQSTUDYSEGMENT - Structure for Study Segment Data

PIQSTUDYSEGMENTT - Study Segment Text Fields

PIQSTUDYSEGMENT_BEGIN - Data on Start of Study Segment

PIQSTUDYSEGMENT_END - Data on End of Study Segment

PIQSTUDYSEGMENT_EXTMODE - Study Segment Structure for Extended Maintenance Dialog


PIQSTUDY_AGD_CANCEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDY_AGD_CANCEL_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudyAnticipatedGraduationDateCancelNo

PIQSTUDY_AGD_CHANGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDY_AGD_CHANGE_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudyAnticipatedGraduationDateChangeNo

PIQSTUDY_AGD_CREATE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDY_AGD_CREATE_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudyAnticipatedGraduationDateCreateNo


PIQSTUDY_HOLD_CANCEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDY_HOLD_CANCEL_NOTIF_MSG - Message Data Type for StudyHoldCancelNotification

PIQSTUDY_HOLD_CREATE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQSTUDY_HOLD_CREATE_NOTIF_MSG - Message Data Type for StudyHoldCreateNotification




PIQSTUDY_SPEC_BOOKING_ID - Specialization BookingID

PIQST_ADM - Admission: Structure for Admission Application

PIQST_ADMT - Admission Data Text Fields

PIQST_ADM_KEY - Admission: Application Key

PIQST_ADM_PROCESS - Student Admission & rRegistration & Module Booking Followup

PIQST_ADV - Substructure: Screen Fields for Student Advisor

PIQST_ADVISOR - Structure for Student Advisor

PIQST_CHANGED_LIST - Student List of Changed Fee Calculation Data

PIQST_DE_ADMADD - Additional Data for admission

PIQST_FEE_CALC_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student FeeCalculation

PIQST_GRANT_EVALUATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_GRANT_EVAL_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student GrantEvaluation

PIQST_GRANT_EVAL_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentGrantEvaluationNotification

PIQST_HOLD_CANCEL_HOLD - Intermediate Data Type for StudentHoldCancelNotification

PIQST_HOLD_CANCEL_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student Hold Cancellation

PIQST_HOLD_CANCEL_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentHoldCancel Notification

PIQST_HOLD_CREATE_HOLD - Intermediate Data Type for StudentHoldCreateNotification

PIQST_HOLD_CREATE_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student Hold Creation

PIQST_HOLD_CREATE_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentHoldCreateNotification

PIQST_LCYCLE_ACAD_PROG_STUDY - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_LCYCLE_ADMI_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_LCYCLE_GRAD_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_LCYCLE_PROG_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_LCYCLE_REREG_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_LCYCL_PINDEX_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_ACAD_STUDY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_ADMISSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_AGD - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_HOLD - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_ID_PER_QUERY - Query for Student Lifecycle By ID and Period

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_ID_PER_RESPONS - Response for StudentLifecycleByIDandPeriodQuery

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_MODULE_GROUP - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_PINDEX - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_PROG_OF_STUDY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_REREGISTRATION - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_SPEC_BOOK - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_STUDENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCLE_STUDY_HOLD - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYCL_PROGRESSION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFECYC_REGISTRATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_LIFE_BY_ID_PER_QUERY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentLifecycleByIDandPeriodQuery

PIQST_LIFE_BY_ID_PER_RESP_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentLifecycleByIDandPeriodResponse

PIQST_MODULE_ALV_DSP - CM: Output for current and anticipated course

PIQST_NF_DTINFO - CM: Structure for Info on Master Data Maintenance

PIQST_NF_SUBTYTABS - Order and Text of Subtypes in Tab Page

PIQST_NUMBERS_NAME - Auxiliary Structure for Student Numbers and Names

PIQST_PERS_SETTINGS - Personalized Settings for Student Maintenance Dialog

PIQST_PERS_STATUS_DISP - Personal Setting Statuses

PIQST_PERS_STATUS_SETTING - Personal Setting Statuses

PIQST_PINDEX - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_PINDEX_CHANGE_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentPerformanceIndexChangeNotificat

PIQST_PINDEX_CHG - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_PINDEX_CHG_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student PerformanceIndex Change

PIQST_PINDEX_CREATE_NOTIFY_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentPerformanceIndexCreateNotificat

PIQST_PINDEX_CRT_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student PerformanceIndex Creation

PIQST_PROGRESSION_CANCEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_PROGRESSION_CHANGE - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_PROGRESSION_CREATE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_PROGRESS_CANCEL_NOTI_MSG - Message Data Type for StudentProgressionCancel Notification

PIQST_PROGRESS_CANCEL_STUDENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_PROGRESS_CHANGE_NOTI_MSG - Message Data Type for Student ProgressionChange Notification

PIQST_PROGRESS_CHANGE_STUDENT - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_PROGRESS_CREATE_NOTI_MSG - Message Data Type for Student ProgressionCreate Notification

PIQST_PROGRESS_CREATE_STUDENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

PIQST_PROGRES_CHG_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student Progression Change

PIQST_PROGRES_CNC_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student Progression Cancellation

PIQST_PROGRES_CRT_NOTIFICATION - Notifies Student Progression Creation

PIQST_PROG_CANCEL_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_PROG_CHANGE_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_PROG_CREATE_ACAD_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

PIQST_SCREENFIELDS - Structure for Student Screen Fields

PIQST_SEL_SC - Fields for Program Selection

PIQST_STATUS_PARAM - Status selection parameters


PIQSUBGROUP_BOOK_USE - Module Booking use of individual Subgroup .

PIQSUBGROUP_CAP - Module and Event Package Subgroup Capacity Declaration

PIQSUBGROUP_CAP_BADI_INTF - Structure for Badi Interface for Subgroup Prioritization

PIQSUBGROUP_CAP_DIAL - Module and Event Package Sub group capacity dialog

PIQSUBGROUP_DEF - Booking Sub-Group Definition

PIQSUBGROUP_MAP - Mapping of Subgroup Type to the Grouping Object

PIQSUBREQ_GROUP_SCREEN - Assignment of Subrequirement to Groups

PIQS_AUDCATVERS - Structure: Requirement Catalog and Version

PIQS_AUDR - Audit Structure

PIQS_AUDRCCATVERS - Structure: RC ID, Requirement Catalog, Version

PIQS_AUDRCCATVERST - Structure: RC ID, Catalog, Version (Incl. Descriptions)

PIQS_AUDR_ADMIN - Audit: Administration Data

PIQS_AUDR_TXT - Audits (Incl. Descriptions)

PIQS_BADIRELATTR_SCANNED - Scanned relevant attribute (displayed in ALV)

PIQS_CALCULATE_COND_RESULT - Price Inquiry API: Calculate condition result

PIQS_CALCULATE_COND_RESULT_BAS - Price Inquiry API: Calculate condition result (basic)

PIQS_CALCULATE_COND_RESULT_EXT - Price Inquiry API: Calculate condition result (external)

PIQS_CALCULATE_CONTROL - Price Inquiry API calculate control parameter structure

PIQS_CALCULATE_CONTROL_BASIC - Price Inquiry API calculate control parameter structure

PIQS_CALCULATE_CONTROL_PRICING - Control structure for pricing multi item call

PIQS_CALCULATE_DESCR - Price Inquiry API: Descriptions

PIQS_CALCULATE_GLOBAL - Price Inquiry API: Calculate global parameter

PIQS_CALCULATE_GLOBAL_BASIC - Price Inquiry API: Calculate global parameter (basic)

PIQS_CALCULATE_HEAD - Price Inquiry API: Calculate head parameter

PIQS_CALCULATE_HEAD_BASIC - Price Inquiry API: Calculate head parameter (basic)

PIQS_CALCULATE_ITEM - Price Inquiry API: Calculate item parameter

PIQS_CALCULATE_ITEM_BASIC - Price Inquiry API: Calculate item parameter (basic)

PIQS_CALCULATE_ITEM_RESULT - Price Inquiry API: Calculate item result

PIQS_CALCULATE_ITEM_RESULT_BAS - Price Inquiry API: Calculate item result (basic)

PIQS_CALCULATE_ITEM_RESULT_EXT - Price Inquiry API: Calculate item result (external values)

PIQS_CALCULATE_ITEM_VARCOND - Price Inquiry API: Variant condition key

PIQS_CALCULATE_RESULT - Price Inquiry API: Calculate result

PIQS_CALCULATE_RESULT_BAS - Price Inquiry API: Calculate result (basic)

PIQS_CALCULATE_RESULT_EXT - Price Inquiry API: Calculate result

PIQS_CALCULATE_STEP_DESCR - Price Inquiry API: Pricing Procedure step Description

PIQS_CUSTOMER_DATA - Output relevant customer data

PIQS_CUSTOMER_EMAIL - E-Mail Address of Customer

PIQS_CUSTOMER_LANGU - Communication languages of customers

PIQS_DB_ALIAS - Database table aliases (components)

PIQS_DB_ALIAS_DATA - PriceInquiry: Database aliases (data components)

PIQS_DB_ALIAS_KEY - PriceInquiry: Database aliases (key components)

PIQS_FIELDNAME - Fieldname in structure


PIQS_FIELD_LIST - Additional Fields used in SD Price List Input and Output

PIQS_FILE_PARAMETER - Parameters for Price List Files

PIQS_KONDM_RANGE - Selection range for kondm

PIQS_KUNNR - Key structure for Kunnr selection

PIQS_KUNNR_RANGE - Selection Range for Business Partner

PIQS_MATERIAL_DATA - Language dependant material data

PIQS_MATNR - Structure for key selection of materials

PIQS_MATNR_RANGE - Selection Range for MATNR

PIQS_MODREG_STOBJID - Structure: Student ID for Module Booking

PIQS_MULTI_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES - Price Inquiry: Multi Value Attributes

PIQS_NAME_VALUE - Name value pair

PIQS_OUTPUT_EXTENSION - SD Price List Extension: additional output fields

PIQS_PARTNER_FILTER - Filter for Partner Functions

PIQS_PERYRPERID - Structure: Text Fields for Academic Year/Session

PIQS_PREP_FLD - Pricing prepare: Sources (components)

PIQS_PREP_FLD_DATA - Pricing prepare: Sources (data components)

PIQS_PREP_FLD_KEY - Pricing prepare: Sources (key components)

PIQS_PREP_KEY - Pricing prepare: Keys (components)

PIQS_PREP_KEY_DATA - Pricing prepare: Keys (data components)

PIQS_PREP_KEY_KEY - Pricing prepare: Keys (key components)

PIQS_PRODH_RANGE - Selection Range for Product Hierarchy

PIQS_SALES_AREA - SD Price List Sales Area

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_CONTROL - SD Price List: Control Structure

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_CUSTMAIL - SD Price List: Customer E-Mail Address for UI

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_GENSELCRIT - Generic Structure for Range Table Components

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_MSGCTX - Context for log messages of the SD Pricelist Application

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_MSGCTX_EXT - Extension of message structure purely for display purposes

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_OUTPUT_PARAM - Parameters to Define SD Price List Output

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_RES_HEAD - SD Price List: Pricing Result Header

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_RES_ITEM - SD Price List: Item Pricing Results

PIQS_SDPRICELIST_SELCRIT - Selection Criteria for SD Price List

PIQS_STRING_RANGE - Selection Range for String

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