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P01CABR - Obsolete: Actions from Payroll Accounting

P01CAD - Administration Data for CPS Tables

P01CBE - Active CPS Contributions

P01CBF - Notional CPS Contributions

P01CBT - Transfer Records for Reimbursement of Contributions CPS

P01CCV - CPS Cumulated Future Rights

P01CEE - Actual Income CPS

P01CEF - Notional Income CPS

P01CET - Incorrect Actions CPS

P01CGP - Vested Entitlements CPS

P01CIX - Entitlement Index

P01CKA - Funded Pension Rights CPS

P01CRP - Reimbursement Amounts CPS

P01CSL - Social Benefits CPS

P01CSO - Special Information

P01CST - Status Information CPS

P01CUA - Vested Pension Rights CPS

P01CVD - Actuarial CPS Data

P01CVH - Actuarial CPS Header Records

P01CVR - Actuarial CPS Pension Data

P01CVU - Capital Transfers for CPS

P01C_5DCP - T5DCP with Total Value Field

P01C_ADCRT - Entitlement-Based Results Table for Deferred Compensation

P01C_ADKEY - Key Table P01CAD

P01C_AFELD - Structure for Assign Fields

P01C_ALGRE - Age limits

P01C_ANSIT - Entitlement-Related Wage Type Table for Payroll Accounting

P01C_ANSPB - Employment Period Valuation in CP Combi

P01C_ANSPK - Employment Period Valuation in CP Combi

P01C_ANSRT - Entitlement-Related Results Table for Payroll Accounting

P01C_APAY - Bonus Table

P01C_APKRT - Entitlement-Based Results Table for Deferred Compensation

P01C_APSUM - Loop Structure for Basic Pens. Payment (P01C_S0201 w/o WT)

P01C_ASTYP1_PROTO - Log Structure: Category Check for Entitlements

P01C_ASTYP2_PROTO - Log Structure: Category Check for Benefit Types

P01C_AVBAV - Statement Table for Benefit Types

P01C_AVBST - Statement Structure with Run Status

P01C_AVIDENT - Specification of Value Type Entry for Transfer Structure

P01C_AVLALV - Output Structure for Value Type Statement

P01C_AVLTDAT - Benefits Provider Data

P01C_AVRTDAT - Value Type Data

P01C_AVRTKEY - Specification of a Value Type Entry

P01C_AVSAV - Structure for Internal Table AV

P01C_AVSLT - Structure for Internal Table LT

P01C_AVSTKEY - Key Fields for Future Claims Data

P01C_AVSUB - Transfer structure

P01C_BADRA - Sender Address

P01C_BALLA - Surviving Dependent's Payments and Difference Amounts

P01C_BALOG - Print Info in Current Loop Compared to P01C_BLOGO

P01C_BASEC - Requirement Parameters for Base Calculation

P01C_BBAUS - Module Method

P01C_BCONV - Fields for Default Conversion Key -> Text

P01C_BCTRL - Processing information

P01C_BCUSF - Customer Fields for Statement Report Program

P01C_BCUST - Temporary Customer Print Program Structure / S. USER EXITS

P01C_BDAGP - Vested Payments

P01C_BDALA - Surviving Dependent's Pay and Difference Amounts

P01C_BDAUA - Vested Entitlements

P01C_BDEGS - CP Employment Period/Income Totals

P01C_BDEJA - Employment Period/Income Valuation of Employment Years

P01C_BDESU - CP Employment Period/Income Subtotals

P01C_BDZGS - CP Employment Period Totals

P01C_BDZJA - Employment Period Valuation of Employment Years

P01C_BEDATA - Structure for Data Fields for Actual Contributions CPS

P01C_BEKEY - Key Table P01CBE

P01C_BEMPF - Statement Recipient Help Fields for SAPscript Form

P01C_BEPER - Transfer Periods for Contributions

P01C_BETRI - Length of Service

P01C_BFAMI - Relatives and Dependents

P01C_BFDATA - Structure for Data Fields for Notional Contributions CPS

P01C_BFELD - Additional Fields for Forms

P01C_BFKEY - Key Table P01CBF

P01C_BFREE - Internal Structure: Statements for Customer Use

P01C_BGENF - General Entitlement-Dependent Data Conversion-Relevant

P01C_BGENM - General Employee Key

P01C_BGENP - General Personal Data Without Key Character

P01C_BHBKZ - General Control Info for Surv. Dependent Pension Statements

P01C_BKAAN - Capitalized Entitlements

P01C_BLOG1 - Print Info for Statements: Logo, Signatures, and so on

P01C_BLOGO - Print Info for Statements: Logo, Signatures, and so on

P01C_BLPAG - Internal Structure for Page Control

P01C_BLTRG - Benefit Origin; Benefits Provider

P01C_BMADA - General Employee Data

P01C_BPARM - Parameters for Basis Calculation

P01C_BRCAL - Calculated Reimbursements

P01C_BREBA - Pension Until Leaving Date

P01C_BREMN - Statement Data for Proportional Reduction

P01C_BRERE - Pension from Basic Pension Payments

P01C_BREZW - Pension Increase

P01C_BRPAY - Executed Reimbursements

P01C_BRUND - Pension Amounts Before and After Rounding

P01C_BSACH - Internal Structure for Administrator of CPS Statements

P01C_BSAMO - Total Testator and Surviving Dependent Payments

P01C_BSAUF - Supplementary Amount=Diff. Amounts Summarized in WType HKZ

P01C_BSORE - Statement Data for Additional Statement Types

P01C_BSVER - Total of All Surv. Dependent's Payments Per Pension Organiz.

P01C_BTCUS - Customer Fields for Table Printing in Statement Report

P01C_BTKEY - Key Table P01CBT (Transfer Records for Reimbursements)

P01C_BTX - Conversion to Text from Coded Data

P01C_BVABC - Statement Elements Benefit Reduction PEP

P01C_BVABE - Logging PEP: Reduced Contributions

P01C_BVABF - Logging PEP: Reduced Notional Contributions

P01C_BVACBE - Statement Reduction Amounts for Actual Contributions CPS

P01C_BVACBF - Statement Reduction Amounts for Notional Contributions CPS

P01C_BVACKA - Statement Reduction Amounts for Funded Pension Rights

P01C_BVAEE - Logging PEP: Reduced Income

P01C_BVAEF - Logging PEP: Reduced Notional Income

P01C_BVAGP - Logging PEP: Reduced Vested Payments

P01C_BVAKA - Logging PEP: Reduced Capitalized Entitlements

P01C_BVAUG - Statement Structure for Pension Equalization Payment

P01C_BVAZR - Logging PEP: Data of Time-Proportionate Evaluation

P01C_BVEAR - Internal Struct. for Page Control: No. Rep/VEARTs Log. Pages

P01C_BVPER - Periods for Company Pension Scheme

P01C_BVPK_PROTO - Log of Pension Fund Procedure

P01C_BYVAL - Employment Years Evaluation

P01C_BZUAB - Surcharge/Reduction

P01C_BZYAN - Statement Structure for Cyclical Pension Rights

P01C_CAHAN - Current Entitlement Information in Payroll Accounting

P01C_CDELT - Log Number of Records per Table

P01C_CEXUB - Transfer Basic Data from Customer Exit

P01C_CHAMT - Structure for Imputation Amounts

P01C_CNNNN - Transfer Structure for Collision Check

P01C_CONT - Processing Information for FM RP_01C_CONTRIBUTION

P01C_CONTR - Transfer Structure for RP_01C_CONTIBUTION

P01C_CPENS - Processing Table for SD Pension Payments

P01C_CUSTT - Customer Fields for Table Printing in Statement Report

P01C_CVKEY - Key Table P01CCV (Cumulated Pension Rights)

P01C_DAULE - Duration of Benefit

P01C_DSOUT_PROTO - Log Structure for Deviating Reporting

P01C_DTINT - Time Interval

P01C_DWCAZ - Structure for Feature DWCAZ

P01C_DWCRE - Structure for Feature DWCRE

P01C_DYNVE - Dynamic Modification of Pension

P01C_DZALT - Age at Time

P01C_DZPTA - Structure for Table of Employment Period Percentage Rates

P01C_EDQKY - Lock Key for CPS Tables

P01C_EEKEY - Key Table P01CEE

P01C_EEPER - Transfer Periods for Income

P01C_EFKEY - Key Table P01CEF

P01C_EINIT - Income-Related Wage Type Tables in Payroll Accounting

P01C_EKST - Income Scale Areas

P01C_EPROC - Final Processing Log

P01C_ETKEY - Key Table P01CET (Processing Status)

P01C_FULLM - Structure for Calculation of Complete Months

P01C_FUNCT - Additional Fields for Statement Functions

P01C_FUNIT - Transfer Structure for Determination of Function Module

P01C_GETDP - Employee's Dependents

P01C_GNPER - Generated Periods with Amount

P01C_GPAY - Structure for Internal Table GPAY (Vested Payments)

P01C_GPKEY - Key Table P01CGP (Vested Payments)

P01C_GPRES - Result After Check of Vested Payment Amounts

P01C_GUMWA - Fields for Deferred Compensation in Entitlements Infotype

P01C_HBKZF - Control Fields (Not Statement-Relevant)

P01C_I5DWN - Int. Structure for Assgmnt of CSTIT-ISTITs to CP Struct.Flds

P01C_IACT - Processing Structure for Determination of Entitlement

P01C_ICHRG - Processing Table for Imputations (Entitlements)

P01C_ICONT - Time Intervals with Basis for FuMod RP_01C_contribution_calc

P01C_IEALT - Information of Final/Minimum Age

P01C_IEANR - Information on Imputation (Processing Table)

P01C_IEAST - Information for Control of Pension Calculation

P01C_IEBAS - Information on Income/Contribution Basis (Processing Table)

P01C_IEBS - Information on Vested Payment Calculations

P01C_IEFRP - Information on Qualification Check

P01C_IEHBL - Information on SD Pension (Processing Table)

P01C_IEHD - Header Information (Processing Table)

P01C_IENT - Processing Table for Pension Determination (Entitlement)

P01C_IERER - Reimbursement Information (Processing Table)

P01C_IEZLG - Bonus Information (Entitlements)

P01C_IEZW - Increase Information (Processing Table)

P01C_INCRD - Structure for Determination of Pension Adjustment Date

P01C_INCRS - Parameters for Determination of Increase

P01C_INRA_PROTO - Log Structure for Pension Adjustment (Input Wage Types)

P01C_IORG - Processing Table for Determination of Entitlement

P01C_IPENS - Processing Table for Pension Calculation (Pension Payments)

P01C_IPER - Time intervals

P01C_IRAMT - Amount Fields in Results Table

P01C_IRES - Processing Table for Pension Calculation (Results)

P01C_ISTAT - Internal Processing Status for Pension Calculation

P01C_ISTRU - Collective Table of Statement Data for CPS Function Module

P01C_ITDIR - Infotype Directory CPS Buffer

P01C_IVAL - Time Intervals for FuMod RP_01C_TIME_COMPUTE

P01C_IVALB - Time Intervals with Amount for FuMod RP_01C_BASE_CALCULATION

P01C_IVALL - Gap Table, Periods Without Entry in Cluster Table

P01C_IXKEY - Key Table P01CIX (Entitlement Index)

P01C_JBAUS - Structure Table Module Method

P01C_JBBEI - Determination of Year Modules Using Function Module

P01C_JBDC - Structure Table Module Method

P01C_KADATA - Structure for Data Fields for Funded Pension Rights CPS

P01C_KAKEY - Key for Table P01CKA (Funded Future Pension Rights)

P01C_LAULE - Payment of Regular Benefits

P01C_LGTAB - Structure for Transferring Wage Types

P01C_MERKA - Structure for Leaving Date Determination Features

P01C_MODEL - ESS Deferred Compensation: Definition of a Model

P01C_NORA_PROTO - Log Structure for Pension Adjustment

P01C_ODATA - General Transfer Record for Cluster DA

P01C_ODKEY - Identification for Interface Record Cluster DA

P01C_OLDBE - Interface Record Table DABE

P01C_OLDBF - Interface Record Table DABF

P01C_OLDBT - Interface Record for Table DABE_BT

P01C_OLDEE - Interface Record for Table DAEE

P01C_OLDEF - Interface Record for Table DAEF

P01C_OLDGP - Interface Record for Table DAGP

P01C_OLDRP - Interface Record for Table DABE_RP

P01C_OLDSO - Interface Record for Table DASO

P01C_OLDST - Interface Record for Table DAST

P01C_OLDUA - Interface Record for Table DAUA

P01C_OUTRA_PROTO - Log Structure for Pension Adjustment (Res. Wage Types)

P01C_PCAMT - Imputation Amounts

P01C_PCHRG - Imputation-Relevant Benefit Types

P01C_PCHRG_PROTO - Imputation Log

P01C_POINT - Assignment Number for Internal Tables

P01C_PROT - Variable Fields for Log

P01C_PROT1 - Log Structure (rp_01c_contribution)

P01C_PROTO - Log Options for Pension/Entitlement Calculation

P01C_PRTBE - Log Structure for Transferred Contributions

P01C_PRTEE - Log Structure for Transferred Income

P01C_RATE - Installment Payment

P01C_RBKEY - Key Fields for Individual Pension

P01C_RBTAB - Structure Table for Basic Pension Payments

P01C_RELBEI - Relevant Entitlements for Contribution Calculation

P01C_RELEIN - Relevant Income for Contribution Calculation

P01C_REVER - Pension Rules

P01C_RITYP - Infotypes with Subtypes to Read

P01C_RNGAN - Range Table for Entitlement

P01C_RNGLT - Range Table for Benefits Provider

P01C_RPARM - Structure for Report Parameters RPCW*

P01C_RPIRP - Structure for Report RPIAVAD0

P01C_RPKEY - Key Table P01CRP (Reimbursement Amounts)

P01C_RTADT - Structure for Pension Adjustment (Details)

P01C_RTANP - Structure for Pension Adjustment

P01C_RTERR - Error in Pension Adjustment

P01C_S0201 - Loop Structure for Basic Pension Amount

P01C_S0202 - Loop Structure for Deferred Compensation

P01C_S0323 - Loop Structure for Pension Plans

P01C_SCRIT - Selection Criteria for CPS Statements

P01C_SELKO - Selection Table for CPS constants

P01C_SFORM - Structure for Controlling CPS Form Printing

P01C_SLKEY - Key Table P01CSL (Social Benefits)

P01C_SOKEY - Key Table P01CSO (Special Information)

P01C_STAW - Parameters for Status of Vested Pension Rights in ESS

P01C_STKEY - Key Table P01CST (Processing Status)

P01C_STRT1 - Structure for Types (1)

P01C_STRT2 - Structure for Types (2)

P01C_STRT3 - Structure for Types (3)

P01C_SUMBE - Totals Structure for Transfer of Contributions

P01C_SUMEE - Totals Structure for Transfer of Income

P01C_SYEAR - Structure of Employment Years Table

P01C_SYVAL - Structure of Employment Years Table

P01C_T5DCM - Enhancement T5DCM with Percentage Rate

P01C_TABDA - Tables for Cluster DA

P01C_TBDAT - Structure Data for Import/Export Buffer CPS

P01C_TBDIR - Structure Directory for Import/Export Buffer CPS

P01C_TBKEY - Structure Key for Import/Export Buffer CPS

P01C_TBPER - Start for Basic Transfer of Contributions

P01C_TEPER - Start for Basic Transfer of Income

P01C_TRPER - Start for Basic Transfer

P01C_UAKEY - Key Table P01CUA (Vested Entitlements)

P01C_UASTR - Data for Estimated Vesting

P01C_V0BEI - Structure for Contribution from Payroll

P01C_V0EIN - Structure for Income from Payroll

P01C_V0RBB - Structure for Basic Pension Payment from Payroll

P01C_VALKO - Structure of Table for Constant Values

P01C_VAUGL - Statement Fields for Pension Equalization Payment

P01C_VDAGP - Data Part AM Balance for Entitlement

P01C_VDATD - Data Part Actuarial Mathematics CPS Entitlement Data

P01C_VDATH - Data Part for Actuarial Calculations CPS Header Data

P01C_VDATR - Key for Actuarial Calculations for CPS Pension Data

P01C_VERAR - Pension Type

P01C_VERUA - Vested Entitlements (Pension Equalization Payment Form)

P01C_VERZU - Pension Confirmation (Pension Equalization Payment Form)

P01C_VI201 - Structure for variable information in table V0 for P0201

P01C_VI202 - Structure VINFO Table V0 for Calculation of Contributions

P01C_VI20E - Structure VINFO Table V0 for Calculation of Income

P01C_VI263 - Structure VINFO Table V0 for Deferred Compensation

P01C_VKEYD - Key for Interface Tables for Actuarial Mathematics

P01C_VKEYH - Key for Interface Tables for Actuarial Mathematics

P01C_VKEYR - Key for Actuarial Calculations for CPS Pension Data

P01C_VMABZ - Bonuses/Deductions for Early/Late Utilization

P01C_VMADM - Key for Interface Tables for Actuarial Mathematics

P01C_VMDT - BAV-VM: Output Table for Data Medium in RPCAVTD0

P01C_VMS_MUSTER - Model Data Structure for Actuarial Data

P01C_VM_SUM - Totals for Transferred Notifications for Actuarial Calc.

P01C_VUDAT - Data Part for Capital Transfer

P01C_VUKEY - Key Table P01CVU

P01C_WATAB - Conversion Groups

P01C_WMODL - Enhanced Structure for Deferred Compensat. Conversion Model

P01C_ZFAALV - Structure for ALV - Request for Bonus

P01C_ZPALT - Age at Time

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