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ORF260 - ORF: Data on Setting Pop Up (260)

ORF2CHOOSE200 - Radiobuttons for Prg. ORF2 Dynpro200

ORF2CUST - Customising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF1,2,4

ORF2CUSTT - Customising Profils for Optimal Rot. Float ORF1,2,4 Text

ORF5CUST - Customising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF5,6

ORF5CUSTT - Customising Profils for Optimal Rot. Float ORF1,2,4 Text

ORFAIRC - Master Data Aircraft for ORF

ORFALGEX - Inputvar. of Alg. for Opt. Rotable Float (External Model)

ORFALGIN - Inputvariables of Algorithm for Optimal Rotable Float

ORFALGOUT - Output Variables of Algorithm for Optimal Rotable Float

ORFBATCH - ORF: Data Sources for Batchprocessing

ORFBATCH2 - ORF: Data Saving for Batch (SRC=SOURCE, TRC=TRACE)

ORFBATCH3 - Fields for selecting Profile in ORF5 (Batch)

ORFCALC - Data Record ORF Calculation, ATTENTION: MOVE-CORR!

ORFECT - ORF: Essentiality-Code Table

ORFEXTR - Several Fields for Extrctors defined by User exit

ORFFLAG - Several Flags which describe the State of ORF Calculation

ORFMMIN - ORF: Input Data for getting MM data

ORFMMOUT - ORF: Output Data for getting MM data

ORFMMOUT2 - ORF: Output Data for getting MM data 2

ORFMTBE - Selecting MTBE Extractor Data

ORFMTBEM - Subset of Structure CHOOSE_MTBE for SOURCE = Manufacturer

ORFMTBES - Subset of Structure CHOOSE_MTBE for SOURCE = System

ORFPART - Data of Selected Parts (IP DB)

ORFSELECT - Data for Selection for ORF

ORFSET - Data on Setting Pop Up (250)

ORFSPEC - Various Data IP/ORF for Dynpro Presentation (200)

ORFSPEC2 - Various Data IP/ORF for Dynpro Presentation (200) w/o key

ORFSYST_SOURCE - Identifies source of system values: Default, System, etc.

ORFTEXT200 - Dynamic Text Elements ORF Dynpro 200

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