Select data from sap tables MSSP

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MSSPARTDIST - Partition distribution information for a partitioned table

MSSPARTFUNCSTRUC - Information Structure for SQL Server Partioning Function

MSSPARTINFO - Partition information for a partitioned table

MSSPARTITIONSTRUC - Information Structure for Partitioned Table

MSSPARTLISTSTRUC - List of All Partitions Including Interval Values

MSSPARTSCHEMESTRUC - Information Structure for SQL Server Partition Schema

MSSPARTSUMSTRUC - Information Sructure for Partitioning List

MSSPARTTAB - Table partition name list

MSSPBMPOLICY - Policy in the Policy Based Management framework

MSSPERFMEM - Display MSQSNAP table: Memory

MSSPFALSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Allocation statistics

MSSPFCNSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Connection statistics

MSSPFDBALL - Display MSQSNAP table: Database space allocation

MSSPFDKSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Disk statistics

MSSPFLIST - MS SQL Server Profiler list: ALV display

MSSPFMEUSG - Display MSQSNAP table: Internal memory usage

MSSPFNTOPS - Display MSQSNAP table: Server set

MSSPFNTSTS - Display MSQSNAP table: Network statistics

MSSPFSTATS - Display MSQSNAP table: Statistics

MSSPHYSIDXSTATS - Physical index statistics

MSSPLANATTR - Query plan attributes

MSSPLANGUIDESTRUC - Plan guide information

MSSPPACK - MSSQL : list of DB performance snapshots

MSSPRCINF7 - MS SQL Server: Process Monitor

MSSPROCINF - MS SQL-Server: Process Information

MSSPROCS - MS SQL Server: Stored Procedures

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