Select data from sap tables MSQS

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MSQSAPLCKS - MS SQL server sap locks (as from sap_locks)

MSQSAPSULK - MS SQL server - list of locks from sap_summary_locks

MSQSCHEDUL - MS SQL server jobschedules ( as from msdb..sysjobschedules)

MSQSDBABI - INTTAB for Backup Scheduling

MSQSDBAHI - Internal Table for SDBA Results (Logs, Return Codes)

MSQSERTIME - MS SQL server - startup time

MSQSERVER - MS SQL server information

MSQSHCONTG - Displays fragmentation info for data and indexes of a table

MSQSNAP - MS SQL Server: Database performance snapshot

MSQSPHPIDX - MS SQL server - Sp_helpindex structure results

MSQSPMONI - MS SQL server - SP monitor statistics values

MSQSPPARAM - MS SQL server stored procedure parameter structure

MSQSPWHO - MS SQL server on line user status

MSQSQLCODE - MS SQL server structure to get the sp text

MSQSQLRES - MS SQL server - sql command output

MSQSTMTINF - SMS SQL server created stored procedure information

MSQSTPRTXT - MS SQL server - stored procedure text

MSQSYCONFI - MS SQL server configuration options ( as from sysconfigures)

MSQSYSDEV - MS SQL server dump devices (as from sysdevices)

MSQSYSIDX - MS SQL Server: Index Details ( As From Sysindexes )

MSQSYSJOBS - MS SQL server list of jobs ( as from msdb..sysjobs)

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