Select data from sap tables MDS_

Display SAP table details

MDSA - Generated Table for View

MDSALESQTY - Quantities from Exception Analysis

MDSALESVOL - Business Volumes from an Exception Analysis

MDSAM - Product Grouping for Stock/Requirements List

MDSB - Generated Table for View

MDSB_X - Dependent reqts. from database (SC processing, Purchasing)

MDSCT - Scheduling planned orders: production dates/times

MDSC_CMPT_DSET_A - Active Datasets for Compare process

MDSC_CTRL_EVENT - Active Events

MDSC_CTRL_OBJPPO - Activation of the PPOs in the Dialog for Platform Objects

MDSC_CTRL_OPT_A - Active Synchronization Options

MDSC_PPO_WF_USER - Recipient for Postprocessing Work Items

MDSEBX - Pegging: Reservations for MRP Segment

MDSEC_TREE_IMPL - Implementation Settings for Master Data Tree

MDSELKRIT - Selection Criteria for Material Overview

MDSELKRITD - Selection Criteria for Material Overview

MDSEQ - Customizing: Sequence of MRP in Scope of Planning

MDSES_SET - Master Data Set

MDSES_SET_CREATE - create structure for set

MDSES_SET_DQUERY - BOL: Dynamic Query Structure for Master Data Set

MDSES_SET_KEY - Key of master data set

MDSES_SET_QUERY - BOL: Query Structure for Master Data Set

MDSES_TREE_NODE_KEY - Key attributes for tree node of master data set

MDSEV_TREE_IMPL - Generated Table for View

MDSE_CMPT_CTOBJ - Compare object

MDSE_CMPT_CTOBJT - Comparison Object - Texts

MDSE_CMPT_DSET - Dataset for Comparison

MDSE_CMPT_DSET_M - Map DataSet IDs to Dynpro IDs

MDSE_CMPT_DSET_T - Datasets for Comparison - Text

MDSE_CMPT_ID_FL - Field names for selection

MDSE_CMPT_PROC - Compare process

MDSE_CMP_MAP_FLD - Existing field mapping for synchronized objects

MDSE_CMP_PREP_UI - Implementing class for preparing data to display on UI


MDSE_CTRL_OBJ - Synchronization Objects

MDSE_CTRL_OBJ_T - Synchronization Objects - Texts

MDSE_CTRL_OPT - Synchronization Options

MDSE_SYNC_ID_FL - Field Names for Selection

MDSE_SYNC_PPO - PPO Business Process

MDSE_SYNC_PPOOBJ - PPO Objects for Synchronization Objects

MDSE_SYNC_PROG - Programs for Initial Load

MDSE_SYNC_SELTAB - Table Names for Selection

MDSFEEDBACK_REQUEST1 - MDS Feedback Request Data

MDSFEEDBACK_REQ_DATA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

MDSFEEDBACK_REQ_DATA_IDGROUP1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

MDSHOW - Sequence Of Fields For Display

MDSITES - BTE Markdown Planning: Plant Data

MDSK - View: BOM header for gross reqmts planning

MDSM - Simulative dependent requirements

MDSM_BERID - MDSM Extended by MRP Area

MDSM_SYNC_HIST - Load History

MDSM_SYNC_HIST_F - Selection Conditions for Load History

MDSM_SYNC_RUNT - Runtime Status of Sync. Process

MDSO - Current sales orders to be changed

MDSORT - Sort fields

MDSP - View of BOM items and material master for gross reqmts plng

MDSS - View: reference BOM to BOM item for gross reqmts planning

MDST - Control string for stock/requirements situation

MDSTA - Statistic fields for stocks

MDSTATS - Performance statistic of MRP

MDSTATS_DB - MRP database statistics for a material

MDSTATUSTYP - BADI structure for Status Table of Materials

MDSTCK - MPS evaluation: individual stocks

MDSTR_PG_TREE_STOCKS - Stocks, Material, or Product Groups

MDST_KEY_KEYLIST - Structure for the Value Transfer to the Key Mapping

MDST_LOAD_API - Interface for 'Load API'

MDST_LOAD_API_DATA - Interface for 'Load API' (Data Part)


MDST_LOAD_API_DATA_OBJ - Extractor Class



MDST_LOAD_API_DATA_PPOOBJ - PPO Source and Target Objects for Sync. Objects

MDST_LOAD_API_DATA_PROC - Processing Parameters

MDST_LOAD_API_DATA_SELTAB - Extractor Tables and Relevance

MDST_LOAD_API_F4_FIELDNAME - Internal Structure for F4 Help

MDST_LOAD_API_HIST - Interface for 'Load API' (History Data)

MDST_LOAD_API_HIST_DATA - Interface for 'Load API' (History Data) (Data Part)

MDST_LOAD_API_HIST_KEY - Interface for 'Load API' (History Data) (Key Fields)

MDST_LOAD_API_KEY - Interface for 'Load API' (Key Fields)

MDST_LOAD_API_SCR_100 - Cockpit Control

MDST_LOAD_API_SCR_120 - Internal Structure for ALVs on Screen 120

MDST_LOAD_SEL_KIND_DESC - Description of Selection Type

MDST_MISSING_KEY - Structure for Missing IDs in Key Mapping

MDST_SYNC_CTRL_PARAMETER - Control Parameters for Data Extraction

MDST_SYNC_DATA_CONTAINER - Generic Container for Object Data

MDST_SYNC_HIST - Load History

MDST_SYNC_HIST_DATA - Data for Load History


MDST_SYNC_HIST_F - Selection Conditions for Load History

MDST_SYNC_HIST_F_DATA - Selection Conditions for Load History (Data Part)

MDST_SYNC_HIST_F_KEY - Selection Conditions for Load History (Key Fields)

MDST_SYNC_HIST_KEY - Key for Load History

MDST_SYNC_ID_FL - Field Names for Load History Selection

MDST_SYNC_ID_FL_KEY - Field Names for Selection (Key Fields)

MDST_SYNC_OBJECT - Synchronization Object

MDST_SYNC_OBJECT_ID_RANGE - Structure for Range Table for Generic Object ID

MDST_SYNC_OBJ_ID_DATA - PPO Objects for Synchronization Objects (Data Part)

MDST_SYNC_PARAMETER - Parameters for Mass Load

MDST_SYNC_PPO - Business Process ID

MDST_SYNC_PPO_DATA - Business Process ID (Data Part)

MDST_SYNC_PPO_KEY - Business Process ID (Key Fields)

MDST_SYNC_PPO_OBJ_TYPE - PPO Objects for Synchronization Objects

MDST_SYNC_PPO_OBJ_TYPE_DATA - PPO Objects for Synchronization Objects (Data Part)

MDST_SYNC_PROC_KEY - Processing Parameters for Mass Load (Key)

MDST_SYNC_PROG - Programs for Initial Load

MDST_SYNC_RUNT_STATE_KEY - Key for Runtime Status of Sync. Process

MDST_SYNC_SELECT_OPTIONS - Selection Condition for Object Extraction from ID Table

MDST_SYNC_SELTAB - Table Names for Load History Selection

MDST_SYNC_SELTAB_DATA - Table Names for Load History Selection (Data Part)

MDST_SYNC_SELTAB_KEY - Table Names for Load History Selection (Key Fields)

MDST_SYNC_SEL_OPTIONS - Selection Condition for Object Extraction

MDST_SYNC_SOURCE_PARAMETER - Control Parameters for Data Extraction for Source Object

MDSU - Total lines for MRP elements

MDSUB - Master Data Substitutions

MDSUBCTRL - Master Data Substitution Controls

MDSUBCTRLGRP - Master Data Substitution Control Group Assignment

MDSUBCTRLT - Master Data Substitution Control Descriptions

MDSUBEXC - Master Data Substitution Exclusions

MDSUBGRP - Master Data Substitution Groups

MDSUBGRPT - Master Data Substitution Group Descriptions

MDSUBIMPLMTN - Master Data Substitution Implementation

MDSUBIMPLMTNT - Master Data Substitution Implementation Descriptions

MDSUBRSN - Master Data Substitution Reasons

MDSUBRSNT - Master Data Substitution Reason Descriptions

MDSUBRULE - Master Data Substitution Rule

MDSUBRULET - Master Data Substitution Rule Descriptions

MDSUBSRCE - Master Data Substitution Source

MDSUBSRCET - Master Data Substitution Source Descriptions

MDSUBSTN_EXCLSN_S_VALDTN_REQ - Master Data Substitution Exclusion Request

MDSUBSTN_EXCLSN_S_VALDTN_RSLT - Master Data Substitution Exclusion Result Set

MDSUBSTN_NETWORK_GRAPH_RESULT - Master Data Substitution Network Graph Result

MDSUBSTN_S_ADMIN - Substitution Administration Data

MDSUBSTN_S_APPLICATION - Substitution Application Data

MDSUBSTN_S_ATTRIBUTES - Substitution Attributes

MDSUBSTN_S_CONTROL - Master Data Substitution Control

MDSUBSTN_S_CTRL_DEL_RESPONSE - Master Data Substitution Control delete response

MDSUBSTN_S_EDGE - Master Data Substitution Edge

MDSUBSTN_S_EDGE_SET - Master Data Substitution Edges Set

MDSUBSTN_S_EXC_ATTRIBUTES - Exclusion Attributes

MDSUBSTN_S_FEATURE - Substitution Feature Data

MDSUBSTN_S_FIELD_NAME - Master Data Substitution Field Name

MDSUBSTN_S_GROUP_NAME - Master Data Substitution Group Name

MDSUBSTN_S_IDENTIFIER - Substitution Identifier

MDSUBSTN_S_NTWRK_GRAPH_RESULT - Master Data Substitution Network Graph Result

MDSUBSTN_S_REASON - Master Data Substitution Reason

MDSUBSTN_S_REQUEST - Master Data Substitution Request

MDSUBSTN_S_REQUEST_GRAPH - Master Data Substitution Request

MDSUBSTN_S_RESULT - Master Data Substitution Result

MDSUBSTN_S_RESULT_ATTRIBUTES - Master Data Substitution Result Attributes

MDSUBSTN_S_RESULT_GRAPH - Master Data Substitution Result - Graph

MDSUBSTN_S_RESULT_SET - Master Data Substitution Result Set

MDSUBSTN_S_RESULT_SET_SUBGRAPH - Master Data Substitution Subgraph Result Set - Graph

MDSUBSTN_S_RESULT_SUBGRAPH - Master Data Substitution Result - Sub Graph

MDSUBSTN_S_RULE - Master Data Substitution Rule

MDSUBSTN_S_SUBGRAPH - Master Data Substitution Subgraph

MDSUBSTN_S_SUBGRAPH_RESULT_SET - Master Data Substitution Subgraph Result Set

MDSUBSTN_S_VALDTN_REQUEST - Master Data Substitution Validation Request

MDSUBSTN_S_VALDTN_RESULT - Master Data Substitution Validation Result

MDSUBSTN_S_VALDTN_RESULT_SET - Master Data Substitution Validation Result

MDSUFSIZE - Column width for table control period totals MD04


MDSU_EXT - MDSU Extension Structure For MD04 Extensibility

MDSV_CMPT_CTOBJ - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMPT_DSET - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMPT_DSET_A - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMPT_DSET_M - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMPT_ID_FL - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMPT_PROC - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMP_CTOBJ - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMP_MAP_FLD - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CMP_PREP_UI - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CTRL_EVENT - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CTRL_EVENTA - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CTRL_OBJ - Generated Table for View


MDSV_CTRL_OPT - Generated Table for View

MDSV_CTRL_OPT_A - Generated Table for View MDSV_CTRL_OPT_A

MDSV_CTRL_OPT_B - Generated Table for View

MDSV_PPO_WF_USER - Generated Table for View

MDSV_SYNC_ID_FL - Generated Table for View

MDSV_SYNC_PPO - Generated Table for View

MDSV_SYNC_PPOOBJ - Generated Table for View

MDSV_SYNC_PROG - Generated Table for View

MDSV_SYNC_SELTAB - Generated Table for View

MDSY - Total lines for MRP elements with quantity columns

MDS_ABNNR_RANGE_TYPE - Range Type for Recipients


MDS_CMPT_COMM - Compare Tool Display structure : Communication

MDS_CMPT_DATASET_LIST - Datasets for specified object

MDS_CMPT_DFIES - Field descriptions

MDS_CMPT_DISPLAY_STRUCTURE - Compare Tool for MDS : Display structure

MDS_CMPT_DISPLAY_ST_DATA - Compare Tool Display structure : Datasets

MDS_CMPT_DISPLAY_ST_RESULT - Display structure Result structure

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_ADDRESS - Compare Tool Display structure : Address

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_BANK - Compare Tool Display structure : Bank details

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_COMM - Compare Tool Display structure : Communication

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_CREDIT_CARD - Compare Tool Display structure : Credit card details

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_INDUSTRY - Compare Tool Display structure : Industries

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_RELATIONSHIP - Compare Tool Display structure : Relationship

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_RELATSHIP - Compare Tool Display structure : Relationship

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_REL_DATA - Compare Tool Display structure : Relationship data

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_TAX - Compare Tool Display structure : Tax details

MDS_CMPT_DISP_ST_TRADING - Compare Tool Display structure : Trading Partner details

MDS_CMPT_DSET_U - User Datasets

MDS_CMPT_FIELD_LIST - Fields for specified dataset


MDS_CMPT_OBJECT_LIST - Source and Target compare objects

MDS_CMPT_SELECTED_DATASETS - Selected datasets for comparison

MDS_CMPT_SOURCE_TARGET - Compare Tool for MDS : Source and Target Object

MDS_CMPT_SYNC_CTRL_PARAMETER - Control Parameters for Data Comparison

MDS_CMPT_SYNC_DATASET_OPTIONS - DataSet Selection parameters

MDS_CMPT_SYNC_PARAMETER - Parameters for Compare Process

MDS_CMPT_SYNC_SOURCE_PARAMETER - Control Parameters for Data Comparison for Source Object

MDS_CTRLS_ERROR - Message Structure of the Controller

MDS_CTRLS_ERROR_OBJECTS - Message Structure of the Controller (Object Level)

MDS_CTRLS_ERROR_OBJ_LINE - Message Structure of the Controller (Object Line)

MDS_CTRLS_ERROR_STRATEGIES - Controller Message Structure Specifically for Strategies

MDS_CTRLS_LOCK_KEYS - Object Key for Locks

MDS_CTRLS_LOCK_KEYS_SOURCE - Structure for Object Key


MDS_CTRLS_OBJ_ID_MESSAGES - Target Object and Messages Assignment

MDS_CTRLS_OPT - Synchronization Option

MDS_CTRLS_OPT_A - Synchronization Option with Status

MDS_DOWNLOAD_TAB - Tables to be downloaded specifically for S4 migration

MDS_E070 - MDS: E070 to a specific simulation version

MDS_E071 - MDS: E071 to a specific simulation version

MDS_E071C - MDS: E071C to a specific simulation version

MDS_E071K - MDS: E071K to a specific simulation version

MDS_FREEZE_ST10_CONFLICT - result for freeze tables which are touched by st10 data

MDS_MAINT_EV_VER - IUUC: all maintenance events specific for a upgrade version

MDS_MATKL_RANGE_TYPE - Range Type for Material Group

MDS_MATNR_RANGE_TYPE - Range Type for Material

MDS_MT_RELATIONS - Relations between different Mass Transfers

MDS_OBJH - MDS: OBJH to a specific simulation version

MDS_OBJM - MDS: OBJM to a specific simulation version

MDS_OBJS - MDS: OBJS to a specific simulation version

MDS_OBJSL - MDS: OBJSL to a specific simulation version

MDS_PACKID_MTID - Assignment between PCL Package ID and Mass Transfer ID

MDS_PARALLEL_READ_RESULT - Control Structure - Parallel Rading of Stock/Reqs List

MDS_PCL_LOAD_POSLIST_ALV - structure for alv-display of loading positive lists

MDS_PCL_MAPP_ME_TRKORR_ALV0100 - Structure for alv 0100 for report mapp me with trkorr

MDS_PCL_MOD_TREE_UT_ALV - choose customer transport and select handling

MDS_PCL_TRANSP_DB_TAB_ALV_STRU - struc for alv display in transport db tables to realization

MDS_PLANT_RANGE_TYPE - Range Type for Plants

MDS_POSLIST_VER - Versionable positive list db-table

MDS_POSNEGL_SDM - NZDT: SDMs - positive + negative List

MDS_POSSUM_PHASE - Positive list for conversion reports in special SUM phases

MDS_PPOS_BP_DYN - Screen Structure for Business Partner Object Type

MDS_PPOS_CUSTOMER_DYN - Screen Structure for Customer Object Type

MDS_PPOS_ECCMATGRP_DYN - Screen Structure for Material Group Object Type

MDS_PPOS_ECCMATTYP_DYN - Screen Structure for Material Type Object Type

MDS_PPOS_ECCMAT_DYN - Screen Structure for Material Object Type

MDS_PPOS_ECCPINFREC_DYN - Screen Structure for Purchasing Info Record Object Type

MDS_PPOS_ECCSERVTYP_DYN - Screen Structure for Service Master Type Object Type

MDS_PPOS_ECCSERV_DYN - Screen Structure for Service Master Object Type

MDS_PPOS_ORDER_DYN - Screen Structure for Object Selection in Mass Sync.

MDS_PPOS_ORDER_HDR - PPO Order: Header Data

MDS_PPOS_ORDER_HDR_DESCR - PPO Order: Header Data Description

MDS_PPOS_ORDER_HDR_DYN - Screen Structure for PPO Order: Header

MDS_PPOS_ORDER_SUPPL_DATA - PPO Order: Additional Data

MDS_PPOS_PRODILVND_DYN - Screen Structure for Interlinkage Vendor Object Type (Table

MDS_PPOS_PRODILVND_DYNHDR - Screen Structure for Interlinkage Vendor Obj. Type (Header)

MDS_PPOS_PRODUCT_DYN - Screen Structure for Product Object Type

MDS_PPOS_VEN_DYN - Screen Structure for Vendor Object Type

MDS_RES_HEADER - Result table for table analysis (Header)

MDS_RES_INFO - Information on a result table run

MDS_RES_INFO_WO_MT_ID - Structure of mds_res_info without mt_id

MDS_RES_OBJECT - Result table for table analysis (Object)

MDS_RES_TRKORR - Result table for table analysis (Transport)








MDS_S4_CNVR_SUM2 - Conversion reports in special SUM phases

MDS_S4_CVERS - CVERS info from Sender and Receiver System

MDS_S4_DD02L - DD02L

MDS_S4_DD03L - DD03L


MDS_S4_SDM_PR_ST - NZDT: SDM_PROC_STATUS downloaded to Central System

MDS_S4_SDM_REG - NZDT: SDM_REGISTRATION downloaded to Central System

MDS_S4_SFWACT_B1 - SFW_ACTIVE_B1 info from Sender and Receiver System

MDS_S4_SFWACT_B2 - SFW_ACTIVE_B2 info from Sender and Receiver System


MDS_S4_XPRA_MAPP - MFLE_XPRA_MAPPER info from Sender and Receiver System

MDS_SDM_USAGE - NZDT: Usage of Silent Data Migrations (SDMs)

MDS_SELLING_KEY_TYPE - Merchandise Distribution: Key Structure for Issue Document

MDS_SOBJ_OBJECTS - structure for sobj objects (name + type)

MDS_TABU_USAGE - Replaced by MDS_TABU_USAGE2 except for table TVARVC



MDS_TMP - Merchandise Distribution: Cluster Table for Temporary Data

MDS_TRANSP_O_VER - IUUC: All transports belonging to a maint ev spec 4 version

MDS_TRKORR - all trkorr for a ME -> special buffers like mainimp.buf

MDS_TRKORR_VER - all trkorr for a ME -> special buffers like mainimp.buf

MDS_VERSION - MDS: Headertable for analysis versions



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