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MDR1ALVSIMURUNDPROFIL - Structure for Saving Data for the ALV Grid Control

MDR1CONTROLPUR - Control Parameters for Purchasing

MDR1CONTROLSELL - Control Parameters for Sales

MDR1INALLOWEDQTUNIT - Allowed Logistics Unit of Measure for a Material

MDR1INSINGLEROUND - Input Parameter for Rounding

MDR1INSINGLEROUND_MPN - Inbound Parameter for Rounding: Manufacturer Part Number

MDR1OUTALLOWEDQTUNIT - Allowed Logistics Unit of Measure for a Material

MDR1OUTSINGLEROUND - Outbound Parameter for Rounding

MDR1PARAMSPUR - Purchasing Rounding Paramater

MDR1PARAMSSELL - Sales Rounding Parameter

MDR1QTUNITSPARAMS - Rounding Parameter for the Allowed Logistics UoM

MDR1ROUNDPARAMS - Rounding Parameters

MDR1RUNDUNGSGRUND - Reason for Rounding

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