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MDMFDBEVENT - MDM: Message inbound events

MDMFDBID - Keys and other attributes of feedback messages

MDMFDBPR - Keys and other attributes of feedback messages

MDMFDOBJID - MDM: Feedback: Object Identification

MDMLDELAY - Requirement and Receipt Element with Multilevel Delay

MDM_DATA - Helper Fields for MDC Framework

MDM_DATA_PROPREFIX - Helper Fields for MDC Framework (Copy of MDM_DATA)

MDM_DELFRM_OBJ_CTRL - MDM: Deletion framework object controller

MDM_DELFRM_OBJ_DATA - MDM: Object deletion message data

MDM_DELFRM_OCTRL - MDM: Object deletion controller customizing

MDM_DELFRM_REQ - MDM: Client Object deletion request inbound

MDM_DELFRM_REQ_S - MDM: Client Object deletion request

MDM_DELFRM_RQ_IN - MDM: Client Object deletion request inbound

MDM_DISTR_TS_AA - MDM: AA relevant message data.

MDM_DISTR_TS_AA_OBJCHP - MDM: Change pointer and object information.

MDM_DISTR_TS_BUPR_KEY - MDM: Business partner relationship key.

MDM_DISTR_TS_CHP_VEN_LINK - MDM: Link between change pointer and vendor number.

MDM_DISTR_TS_OBJAA - MDM: Auditing acceptability data with object ID.

MDM_DISTR_TS_OBJECT - MDM: Object identifiers.

MDM_DISTR_XLOG - MDM : Request Logging

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