Select data from sap tables LISC

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LISCDERR - LIS Connections: Status of Connection Check

LISCENSYS - LIS: Central Systems and Logical Target Systems

LISCFG_CON - LIS: Personal Settings - Overview

LISCFG_OVR - LIS: Personal Settings - Overview

LISCFG_SYS - LIS: Personal Settings - Overview

LISCO - Copy Profile: LIS Planning

LISCOMDES - LIS: Destination Table

LISCOMDESA - LIS: All Communication Attributes

LISCOMDESC - LIS: Characteristic Central Systems

LISCOMDESP - LIS: User Profiles

LISCOMDESU - LIS: Users for Generation

LISCONNECM - LIS: User/Profile Templates (Modifications)

LISCONNECR - LIS: Role Assignments to Template

LISCONNECT - LIS: User/Profile Templates

LISCONNS - LIS Connections: Global Information for TREE_CONNECTIONS

LISCONSTAT - LIS: Distribution Status of LIS Connections

LISCON_TMP - LIS: Template for RFC Connections

LISCOPAK - Key Figures Allocation Flexible Planning - CO-PA

LISCOPAKT - Short Text for Key Figures Allocation LIS - CO-PA

LISCOPAM - Characteristics Allocation: Flexible Planning - CO-PA

LISCOPAMT - Short Text for Characteristics Allocation LIS - CO-PA

LISCOPAZ - Assignment of info structure to operating concern

LISCOPAZT - Short Text for Allocation

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