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JVA_RECID_INFO - Recovery indicator and text

JVA_REV_ACC_GRP - Accounting Group details

JVA_REV_ACC_GRP_DETAIL - Accounting Group Details

JVA_REV_ADD_DETAIL - Rev Add Details

JVA_RFPOS - Joint Venture Accounting

JVA_RFPOSX - JVA estension

JVA_RGJVBE01_ALV_INV - ALV Structure for Invoice

JVA_RGJVBE01_ALV_STA - ALV structure for Statement

JVA_RGJVBE01_SPL_INV - JV Billing Statement

JVA_RGJVBE01_SPL_INV_ACD - JVA Billing Statement (universal journal)

JVA_RGJVBE01_SPL_STAT - JV Billing Statement

JVA_RGJVBE01_SPL_STAT_ACD - JVA Billing Statement (universal journal)

JVA_RGJVBE01_SPL_STAZ - Structure for statements with zero balances only for GJ12

JVA_RGJVBE02_ALV_EXP - ALV Structure for Expenditure

JVA_RGJVBE02_ALV_VENTE - Structure for ALV Grid for empty ventures

JVA_RGJVBE02_ALV_VENTS - Structure type for ALV Grid for Ventures of Suspense

JVA_RGJVBE02_SPL_EDI - JV Spool data Hardcopy

JVA_RGJVBE02_SPL_HARD - JV Spool data Hardcopy

JVA_RGJVBR22_DET_102 - Structure for details of Invoice/Expenditure

JVA_RGJVBR22_EG_DET - Structure for Equity Group Details for GJBR

JVA_RGJVBR22_LIST_EXP - JV Expenditure Detail Rpt. for ALV Grid list output

JVA_RGJVBR22_LIST_INV - JV Structure Billing Invoice for ALV Grid list output

JVA_RGJVBR22_REP_ALV - Report Structure for ALV Grid output

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