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JIT00_SEL_JITIT_OUTEX - Range Structure for Field Outext

JIT3REFS - Enhancement Structure for 3 Additional JIT Refs (Structure)

JITACT_DYNP1 - Screen Structure for Active Action Control - Entry

JITACT_DYNP2 - Screen Structure for Action Control with Specification

JITACT_DYNPT - Screen Structure for Active Action Control - Table

JITALITEMS - ApplicationLog: JIT-Messages - Structure

JITARCED - JIT : Archiving Structure for JITED

JITARCHD - JIT: Archiving Structure Call Header Data

JITARCPO - JIT: Archiving Structure Call Item Data

JITARCTE - JIT: Archiving Structure Call Texts

JITAUTH - Structure for Authorization Check

JITBACKFTMP - Temporary File for Confirmation Pool

JITBW_H - Help structure (ODS update IBU Automotive)


JITCALL_PROCESS_ACTION1 - Inbound JIT Call Action processing

JITCALL_PROCESS_ACTION_ADDITI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

JITCALL_PROCESS_ACTION_ADDITIO - Proxy Structure (generated)

JITCALL_PROCESS_ACTION_JITCAL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

JITCALL_PROCESS_ACTION_JITCALL - Proxy Structure (generated)

JITCALL_PROCESS_ACTION_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)

JITCIRCBOOK - IS-M/SD: Circulation Book with Delivery Quantities

JITCO - Call components

JITCODSP - Display Structure for Summarized JIT Calls

JITCOL - JIT: Table with the Color Profile of the JIT Cockpit

JITCOLP - JIT: Assignment of the Colors to the Characteristics

JITCOLT - JIT: Text Table for JIT_COL

JITCRI - Selection Criteria in JIT Cockpit

JITCRI1 - Selection Criteria per Application in JIT Cockpit

JITCRIT - Text Table for Selection Criteria in JIT Cockpit


JITCTYPE1 - Call Types per Application

JITCTYPET - Text Table for JIT Call Types

JITCU - Customer data

JITCUADR - JIT : Address Data for JITCU

JITCUD - Parameter Determination of Planned Delivery Time


JITCUSEL - JIT : Output Structure Customer

JITCUSSEL - Dialog Box for Customizing Selection

JITCU_SB - Seq.JIT Customer in Shared Buffer

JITDATA - Interface Structure for Action Control


JITDIABACKF - JIT : Dialog Structure for Transfer Materials to Backflush

JITDIABUFFER - JIT: Dialog Structure for Buffer/Stock Removal/Putaway

JITDIACJIT15 - Reference Number Definition

JITDIACO - JIT : Dialog Structure for JITCO

JITDIADOCDATA - Dialog Structure for Documentation Data in JIT

JITDIAHD - JIT : Dialog Structure for JITHD

JITDIAHDIB - Dialog Structure for Documentation Data Search in JIT

JITDIAHDSUGG - JIT : Proposal Call; Item Data for Other Seq.JIT Call

JITDIAIT - JIT : Dialog Structure for JITIT

JITDIALIKP - JIT: Dialog Structure for Selecting a Delivery

JITDIALO - Dialog Structure for Locked Objects (Calls/Comp.Groups)

JITDIAPO - JIT : Dialog Structure JIT Entry

JITDIAPODEF - Default Data for Seq.JIT Items

JITDIASWAP - JIT: Dialog Structure for Switching Components Groups

JITDIATRANS - JIT: Dialog Structure for Transfering Components Groups

JITDIA_1202 - JIT : Dialog Structure for Screen 1202

JITDOKU - Help structure for documentation-relevant parameters

JITED - JIT : Assigned IDoc

JITERLASS - IS-PSD: Structure for CAR Accrual

JITEXTACT - Transfer Structure for External Action Control

JITHD - Call header


JITHD_OIT_OCO - Chain: JITHD (Inbound), JITOIT and JITOCO (Outbound)

JITIMP - Calls for the signal monitor

JITIMP_LISTE - Issue Structure for Grid Control of Signal Monitor

JITINFO - JIT Infotext and Label

JITINFO1 - Infotext and Label per Application

JITINFOT - Text Table for Infotext and Label

JITINTACT - Additional Info.-Transfer Structure of Action Control (Int.)

JITIT - Components Group


JITITEXT - JIT : Additional Fields for JITIT (Dialog Structure)

JITIT_AKTION - JIT : Actions to be Executed

JITLGBZO - Structure for Unloading Point and Description

JITLO - Lock Table for Lock Object E_JITL01 (Dummy)

JITMA - JIT : Material Data


JITMADEL - Help Structure to Select Materials to be Deleted

JITMAEXT - JIT : Additional Fields for JITMA (Shared Buffer)

JITMA_CHANGE - JIT :Dialog Structure for Update Delivery Schedule Reference

JITMA_SB - JIT Materials in Shared Buffer

JITNODEL - JIT : Undelivered Components Groups

JITOAD - Additional Data for JIT Outbound Calls

JITOARCAD - Archiving Structure JIT Calls Outbound (Additional Data)

JITOARCASN - Archiving Structure for Table PABASN

JITOARCGR - Archiving Structure for JIT Outbound Calls (Material Doc.)

JITOARCHD - Archiving Structure JIT Outbound Calls (Header Data)

JITOARCPO - Archiving Structure JIT Outbound Calls (Items)

JITOARCTO - Archiving Structure for Table JITOTO

JITOCO - Call Components JIT Outbound

JITOCO_KEY - Key Fields of Table JITOCO

JITODATA - Interface Structure for Outbound Action Control

JITODIACO - Dialog Structure Outbound Components

JITODIACO_EXT - External Dialog Structure of Components

JITODIAHD - Dialog Structure Outbound Call Header

JITODIAIT - Dialog Structure Outbound Components Group

JITODOC - Help Structure for Documentation-Relevant Parameters

JITODYNCO - Screen Structure Outbound Components

JITOGR - Goods Receipts for JIT Outbound Calls

JITOHD - Call Header Outbound

JITOHD_OIT - Chain from Inbound Header to Outbound Components Group


JITOINTACT - Additional Info.-Transfer Structure of Action Control (Int.)

JITOIT - Components Group JIT Outbound


JITOLO1 - Structure for Locked Outbound Calls

JITOLO2 - Structure for Locked Relationships: JIT Call-Transfer Order

JITOLO3 - Structure for Locked Relationships: Summ. JIT Call-Delivery


JITOMONSEL - Flags in JIT Outbound Monitor

JITOTO - Relationship Summarized JIT Call - Transfer Order

JITOTOPR - Data for TO Print Sequenced JIT Call Outbound

JITOUT_BC - Screen Structure for Bar Code Entry JIT Outbound

JITOUT_BC_T - Table for Bar Code Entry JIT Outbound

JITO_CRDAT_RANGE - Range Structure for Creation Time

JITO_CREAT_RANGE - Structure for Range Table for Type of Call Generation

JITO_DIA_ALL_MSSG - JIT Outbound alerting: Dialogue structures and messages

JITO_DLCNOCO - ALV Output List for Delivery Confirmation Items

JITO_DLCNOHD - ALV Output List for Delivery Confirmation Header

JITO_DLCN_MAN - Manual Creation of Delivery Confirmation: Items

JITO_GRDON_RANGE - Range Structure for Goods Receipt of Components

JITO_HD_IT_CO - Linking of JITOHD, JITOIT, JITCO and Shipping Unit

JITO_INDAT_RANGE - Range Structure for Creation Time

JITO_INTST_RS - Range Structure for Internal Processing Status

JITO_INZEI_RANGE - Range Structure for Creation Time

JITO_ITH - Help Structure CG Determination: (max.) Splitting Criteria

JITO_IT_SPEC - JIT Outbound Components Groups Status & Action

JITO_JCTYP_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Call Type

JITO_KNREF_RANGE - Range Structure for KNREF

JITO_KUNNR_RANGE - Range Structure for KUNNR

JITO_LGBZO_RANGE - Range Structure for Unloading Point

JITO_LGORT_RANGE - Range Structure for Creation Time

JITO_LIFNR_RANGE - Range Structure for Vendor

JITO_LINIE_RANGE - Range Structure for IPPE Nodes (LIne)

JITO_MATNR - Material in Control Cycle

JITO_MATNR_RANGE - Range Structure for Material Number

JITO_MSSG_LOG - JIT Outbound Messages and Identifier

JITO_NUMID - Number from Number Range

JITO_OUTID_TS - Line Structure for Table with Call Keys

JITO_OUTPO_TS - Line Category for Table with Outbound Components Group Nos

JITO_PERIOD - Time Segement for Call Profile

JITO_PKNUM - Range Structure for Control Cycle Number

JITO_PKNUM_RANGE - Range Structure for Control Cycle Number

JITO_PKNUM_RS - Range Structure for Control Cycle Number

JITO_PRODN_TS - Structure for Outbound Call Numbers

JITO_PRVBE - Production Supply Area

JITO_PRVBE_RANGE - Range Structure for Production Supply Area

JITO_RDLCN - Postprocessing Delivery Confirmation

JITO_RGVER_RANGE - Range Structure for Person Responsible

JITO_SENDF_RS - Range Structure for Delivery Confirmation Status

JITO_TOLERANCE - JIT Outbound: Results of the Tolerance Check

JITO_TR_ITEM - Tree Item


JITO_VALUATION_APP - Append - Evaluation for JIT Call available

JITO_VBELN_RANGE - Range Structure for Inbound Delivery

JITO_WERKS_RANGE - Range Structure for Plant

JITPARHD - Parameter Structure for Reading Seq.JIT Call Header Data

JITPG - JIT : Components Groups Types (with Inbound Delivery)

JITPGCUTEXTS - Customer Texts

JITPGD - JIT: Unloading Points and Assembly Locations per Customer


JITPGEXT - JIT : Add.Fields for JITPG (Dialog Structure /Shared Buffer)


JITPG_SB - JIT :Seq.JIT Inbound Delivery in Shared Buffer

JITPP - JIT : Production Information

JITPP_LOCK - Lock Key for JITPP Maintenance

JITPRINT - JIT : Transfer Structure for Print Control Data

JITPRINT_HD_IT - JIT: Print Data for JIT Component List Header

JITPRINT_PICK_SPOOL - JIT: Lean Print Structure for Unformated Spool Output

JITQU - Number of Calls

JITREFTX - Enhancement Structure for Additional JIT Reference Numbers

JITREFTX_HD - additional JIT reference numbers JITM-Header

JITREFTX_IT - additional JIT reference numbers JITM components group

JITREFTYT - Designations for JITREFTX

JITSB - JIT : Shared Buffer

JITSTAT - IS-M/SD: Daily IVW Statistics

JITSTATMT - IS-M/SD: Audit Reports to the Company Responsible

JITTC0 - User Profile for the JIT Cockpit

JITTC1 - Subscreen Profile for Tree Control

JITTC2 - Element of Tree Control

JITTC3 - Layout of Detail Display

JITTC4 - Selection Parameters of JIT Applications

JITTE - JIT : Texts / Additional Data for JIT Call

JITUSER_TAV - Assignment User - Transaction Variant

JITUSR - User-Specific Entry Variants for the JIT Cockpit

JIT_ABLAD_TS - Table Structure for Unloading Point

JIT_ABTYP_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Call Type

JIT_ACTION_GRID - Grid Control with Actions

JIT_ACTION_LOG_KEY - Key Structure for Application Log ExtNumber

JIT_AKTION_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Call Type

JIT_ALERT - JIT Signal Monitor for Workplace

JIT_ANLIE_RANGE - Structure for Range Table via JIT Comp.Group Type (Delivery)

JIT_AZVAR - Display variant in JIT cockpit or graphical progress.

JIT_AZVART - Text Table for Display Variant

JIT_BW_1 - Structure for data transfer to BW (HD and IT level)

JIT_BW_2 - Structure for data transfer to BW (component level)

JIT_CALL_QUANTITY - Number of JIT Calls or Components Groups

JIT_CNTRL_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Call Control (SumJC)

JIT_COMMAT - Material Matchup JITMA and JITPP

JIT_CRDAT_RANGE - Range Structure for Planned Requirement Time

JIT_CUSTO_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for JIT Customer

JIT_CUSTO_TS - Table Structure for JIT Customer

JIT_DATA4ACTION - Actions for Components Groups

JIT_DATA_HEADER - Structure for Header Data of Internet Scenario

JIT_DATA_POSITIONS - Structure for the Item Data of the JIT Internet Scenario

JIT_DATA_SEL - Data Selection for Internet Scenarios

JIT_DIA_ALL_MSSG - JIT Inbound alerting: Dialogue structures and messages

JIT_DOCNR - Call Number Assignment - IDoc - IDoctyp

JIT_DOCNUM - List with IDoc Numbers

JIT_DOC_DATA_PROFILE - Profile for Documentation Data

JIT_E1KSJCL - IDOC: Header Data Seq. JIT

JIT_ESDHEAD - Header Data for EDI JIT-Monitor

JIT_ESDINFO - Item Data for EDI JIT Monitor

JIT_F4_FLDCAT - Display Structure for F4 Help on Field Catalog

JIT_FER_COMP_LISTE - Display Structure for Components in Progress Confirmation

JIT_FER_HEAD_LISTE - List Issue Structure for ALV Progress Confirmation

JIT_FER_ITEM_LISTE - List Issue Structure for ALV Progress Confirmation

JIT_FLDAPP - Append Structure for Field JIT (IS2ERP)

JIT_FLDPO_TS - Table Structure for the Assembly Location

JIT_GRIND_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Grouping Index (SumJC)

JIT_GRPIN_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Grouping Info (SumJC)

JIT_HD_IT - Interlinking JITHD and JITIT

JIT_HD_IT_CO - Interlinking JITHD and JITIT

JIT_HD_OIT - Chain from Inbound Header to Outbound Components Group

JIT_HIT_LIST - JIT Hit List Values

JIT_HU_EXIDV2_S - SumJC: Assignment of EXIDV2 to HUs

JIT_IDATUM_RANGE - JIT: Range for Date of Internal Processing Status

JIT_INDAT_RANGE - Range Structure for Time of Internal Status

JIT_INTST_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Internal Processing Status

JIT_INTST_STATISTICS - ALV Statistics Evaluation using the Processing Status

JIT_ITEM2DB - JIT: Data Structure for the Tree Control Entries

JIT_ITIME_RANGE - JIT: Range for Time of Internal Processing Status

JIT_IT_CO - JIT : Data from JITIT and JITCO for Exchange MATID

JIT_JINUM_RANGE - Range Table Structure for JINUM

JIT_KDMAT_PRODN - JIT: Customer Material with Production Numbers

JIT_KDMAT_QUANT - JIT : Customer Material with Quantity

JIT_KMP_LISTE - JIT Components List

JIT_LAB_HDREF - JIT-Forecast Dly Sched. Comparison_ Ref. Struct. f. JIT Call

JIT_LAB_ITCOREF - JIT Forecast Dely Sched. Comparison: Ref. f. Call Components

JIT_LAB_MASTER - Matching Structure Fcst Del.Sched./Seq.JIT Call (Level 1)

JIT_LAB_SLAVE - Matching Structure Fcst Del.Sched./Seq.JIT Call (Level 2)


JIT_LTAK_AS - Append Structure for SumJCs to LTAK

JIT_LTAP1_AS - Append Structure JIT for LTAP1


JIT_MATDOC_SEL - Structure for Selection of Material Documents on Reversal


JIT_MATID_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using JIT Material

JIT_MATNR_PRODN - JIT: Detailed Information on Delivered Material

JIT_MATNR_WERKS - Selection Structure for Material and Plant

JIT_MAT_SEL - Material Selection for Internet Scenarios

JIT_MON_COMP_LISTE - List Output Structure for ALV Monitoring Report:Comp.Groups

JIT_MON_HEAD_LISTE - List Output Structure for ALV Monitoring Report:Comp.Groups

JIT_MON_ITEM_LISTE - List Output Structure for ALV Monitoring Report:Comp.Groups

JIT_MSSG_LOG - Transfer Structure for Additional Log Messages

JIT_OUTID_RANGE - Range Structure for Internal Call Number Outbound

JIT_OUTPO_RANGE - Range Structure for Internal Components Group No. Outbound

JIT_PACK_GROUP - JIT : Units to be Packed

JIT_PACK_ITEM - JIT : Material to be Packed

JIT_PDATE_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Planned Shipping Time

JIT_POSID_RANGE - Range Structure for Internal Components Group Number

JIT_POSID_RS - Range Structure for Internal Components Group Number

JIT_POSID_TS - Line Category for Table with Components Group No. Inbound

JIT_POSNR_VL_RANGE - Range Table Structure for Delivery Items

JIT_PRINT - JIT :Shared Buffer for Print Data

JIT_PRINT_DATA - JIT: Print Data for Components

JIT_PRODN_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using External Call Number (DON)

JIT_RDATE_RANGE - Range Structure for Planned Requirement Time

JIT_REF_EDIT - Change Dialog Structure for Additional Data

JIT_REP_ORDER - Repeat Orders for Internet Scenario

JIT_RET_VALUES - JIT Return Values


JIT_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Search Criteria for JIT

JIT_SEQNR_RANGE - Range Structure for Sequence Number

JIT_SERVER - Result List with Servers

JIT_SSPEZ_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Additional Info 3 (SumJC)

JIT_TXTID_JITTE - JIT: Help Stucture for RFC instead Type jit00_txtid_jitte

JIT_UPTREE - Update Structure for the Items in Tree Control

JIT_VARS - JIT: Structure for Display Variant Management in JIT Cockpit

JIT_VBELN_VL_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Delivery (SumJC)

JIT_VEHID_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Additional Info 2 (SumJC)

JIT_VETYP_RANGE - Structure for Range Table using Additional Info 1 (SumJC)

JIT_VL10 - SumJC: Data Collection for SumJC Data Display in VL10

JIT_VL10_APPEND - Customer Fields for Table SHP_VL10_ITEM

JIT_VL10_FLDAPP - Append Structure for Field JIT_VL10 (IS2ERP)

JIT_VL10_ITEM - Substructure for List Display for Documents Due for Shipment

JIT_VL10_PACKAGE - JIT-Additional Data VL10 Delivery Packages


JIT_VL10_POSITEM - Enhancement Structure SumJC Data in VL10 Display

JIT_VL10_SELECT_OPTIONS - SumJC: Selection Options for Operations to be Shipped (VL10)

JIT_WERKS_TS - Table Structure for Plant

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