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JBRABEST - Semantic Data Type of Financial Transaction - Header Info.

JBRABEST01 - RM: Include for ABEST Fields, View-Specific

JBRABEST02 - RM: Include TR-Specific ABEST Fields

JBRABEST03 - RM: Include Reporting-Specific ABEST Fields

JBRABEST08 - RM: Include ABEST Fields for SFGDT

JBRABEST09 - RM: Include ABEST Fields for xSDTFT

JBRABREG0 - RM: Control of Write-Down Rules via Evaluation Type

JBRABREG1 - RM: Write-Down Rule-Specific Control

JBRABREG2 - RM: Control of Write-Down Rules via Evaluation Type

JBRABREG3 - RM: Write-Down Rule-Specific Control

JBRABREGTAB - RM: Write-Down Rule for P+L Evaluation

JBRABREGTABT - RM: Write-Down Rule for P+L Simulation (Texts)

JBRACCOUNT - RM BP Update Administration for Account Balances

JBRACHSE - Axis Definition of a Valuation Grid


JBRADKEY - Transaction Differentiation

JBRAGGAP - RM Gap Analysis: Aggregation Result Object

JBRALF - Due Date Scenario - Items

JBRALFD - Due Date Scenario: Definition

JBRALFDT - Texts for Due Date Scenario - Definition

JBRALMABLF - RM: List Structure for ALM Outflow Evaluation

JBRALMAMORT - RM ALM: Display Structure for P+L Simulation

JBRALMAWP - Structure for Displaying Evaluation Parameters

JBRALMBEST - RM: List Structure for ALM Position Evaluation

JBRALMCASH - RM: List Structure for ALM Outflow Evaluation

JBRALMF1 - ALM: F1 Structure for Data Relevant for Display

JBRALMIC - RM: List Structure for Gap Analysis-Individual Calculations

JBRALMLIQU - List Structure for Liquidity Evaluation in ALM with Sim.

JBRALMPARASAVE - ALM: Evaluation Parameters

JBRALMRES - RM: Results Structure for ALM Simulation

JBRALMSAVEPARA - ALM: Parameters for Saving Simulated Transactions

JBRALMWLIQU - List Structure for Currency Liquidity in ALM with Simulation

JBRALM_IC - ALM: Parameters for Tab 'Individual Calculations'

JBRALVBP - RM: Display Structure of Transactions in RM Data Pool

JBRALVBPF - RM: ALV Display Structure 'Financial Object Display'

JBRALVDIM - RM: Display Structure for Characteristics

JBRALVDT - RM: Display Structure for Single Value Analysis

JBRALVRH - RM: Display Structure for Risk Hierarchies

JBRALVSR - RM: Display Structure for External Shift Rules

JBRALVTEXT - RM: Texts in Display Structures

JBRAMORTRES - RM: ALM Results Object for Depreciation Risks

JBRAMORTRES_ALV - RM: ALM Result Object for Depreciation Risks, ALV Display

JBRAMORTRES_ANZ - Same as JBRAMORTRES but in Evaluation Currency

JBRAMOUNT - RM: Account Balance Summarization in Base Portfolio

JBRANTYPE - RM: Evaluation Category (Internal for Program Generation)

JBRAPLANPEXT - ALM Parameter Enhancements for the Individual Simulation

JBRAPPLOBJ - RM: Display Structure for Application Objects

JBRASAVT - FO Integration: Required/Optional Save for SEM Applications

JBRAUSLIST - RM: List of Characteristic Values

JBRAUSTEXT - RM: List of Value Texts for a Characteristic

JBRAUSWTTREE - Node Structure of Tree for Evaluation Type

JBRAUTPAR - RM: Parameters for Authorization Check

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