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JBIUAUSVER - EDT Individual Disbursement Procedure (Loan)

JBIUB - Non-Interest-Bearing Positions + Additions for Costing

JBIUBAE - IS-B: EDT Receiver Structure for Position Changes

JBIUBDL - Lock Structure for Positions (Listed Derivatives)

JBIUBOW - Internal Structure for Transferring Position Values

JBIUBPO - Position Items; BUKRS

JBIUBSD - Structure for Position Master Updates

JBIUBSE - Receiver Structure for Position Objects

JBIUBSEL - Structure for JBDUBST (Instead of Category)

JBIUBST - Transfer Structure for Position Objects (Internal)

JBIUBSW - Structure for Position Value Updates

JBIUBWE - Receiver Structure for Position Values (External)

JBIUCDFP - Receiver Structure for Financial Product Class Data

JBIUCOMM - Transfer Structure for Commercial Paper


JBIUDAB - TR-EDT: Loan flows transfer

JBIUDAR - IS-B: Loans Transfer

JBIUDEL - Lock Structure for Forex

JBIUDER - Batch Input Structure for Derivatives

JBIUDERIV - Transfer Structure for Derivatives

JBIUDEV - Batch Input Structure for Forex

JBIUEBP - Include for EDT Bus. Partner, Sngl. Trans. Cost. Part, Short

JBIUEU - EDT for EURO Conversion

JBIUFEST - Transfer Structure for Fixed-Term Deposits

JBIUFHA - Receiver Structure for Financial Transactions

JBIUFICTPAR - ALM Include Parameters for Fictitious Transactions

JBIUFICTPAR_1 - ALM Include Parameters for Fict.Transactions, Outgoing Side

JBIUFICTPAR_2 - ALM Include Parameters for Fict.Transactions, Incoming Side

JBIUFICTPAR_OPT - ALM Include Parameters for Fict.Transactions, Option Part

JBIUFINPROD - Receiver Structure for Financial Product Data

JBIUFINPRODOLD - Receiver Structure for Financial Product Data

JBIUFINPROD_00 - Common Fields - Stock,Invest,Shares and Bonds

JBIUFINPROD_01 - Common Fields - Stocks, Shares, Investments

JBIUFINPROD_02 - Stock Fields

JBIUFINPROD_03 - Common Fields for Stocks and Shares

JBIUFINPROD_04 - Investment Certificate Fields Only

JBIUFINPROD_05 - Common Fields - Bonds, Warrant + Convert.Bonds

JBIUFINPROD_06 - Bond Fields Only

JBIUFINPROD_07 - Convertible Bond Fields

JBIUFINPROD_08 - Warrant Bond Fields

JBIUFOCOND - IS-B: Receiver Structure for Conditions in Financial Object

JBIUFOREX - Receiver Structure: Forex Transactions

JBIUFRA - Receiver Structure: FRA

JBIUGAP - ALM Gap Settings: Simulation Parameters

JBIUGAP_2 - ALM Settings for Simulation Parameters

JBIUGEL - Batch Input Structure for Money Market Trading

JBIUKNZ - RM Structure for Transferring External Key Figures - Short

JBIUKOB - Receiver Structure Objects CL-Relevant Data

JBIUKOND - Transfer Structure for Financial Conditions

JBIUKUMS - Receiver Structure for Account Turnovers

JBIULISTR - Receiver Structure for Stock Transactions

JBIUMATSCE - ALM Work Structure for Due Date Scenarios

JBIUMATSCET - ALM Work Structure for Due Date Scenarios

JBIUMBP - Bus.Part.Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting

JBIUMDA - Loans Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting

JBIUMDATA - Receiver Struct: Class Data for Listed Derivatives

JBIUMKK - Account Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting

JBIUMOB - Objects Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting

JBIUMSI - Collateral Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting

JBIUMSP - Receiver Structure for Savings (RR-Relevant Data)

JBIUMWO - Receiver Structure for Open Spot Sec.Trans (RR-Rel.Data)

JBIUNIT - Internal Structure for Check Modules

JBIUOBJ - Receiver Structure for Transfer of Objects

JBIUPA1 - TR Business partner transfer - external fields (3.0 BP)

JBIUPART - Receiver Structure for Transferring Business Partners

JBIUPAUSVER - EDT Individual Disbursement Proced. (Extended)

JBIUPCDFP - Extended Receiver Structure for Transfer of Financial Prod.


JBIUPDAB - TR-EDT: Loan flows - transfer with internal fields

JBIUPDAR - Loan Transfer; Loan Conditions, Header, Item

JBIUPDERIV - Extended Transfer Structure for Derivatives

JBIUPER - Receiver Structure for Transferring Period Values

JBIUPER_E - Receiver Structure for Transferring Period Values (Large)

JBIUPEU - EDT for EURO Conversion (CC) - Enhanced

JBIUPFINPROD - Extended Receiver Structure for Transfer of Financial Prod.

JBIUPFOCOND - IS-B: Extended Receiver Structure for Conditions in FO

JBIUPFOREX - Extended Receiver Structure - Forex

JBIUPFRA - Extended Receiver Structure - FRA

JBIUPGEHA - Extended Transfer Struct. for Money Mkt. Transactions

JBIUPKOND - Extended Transfer Structure for Accounts

JBIUPKUMS - Extended Receiver Structure for Turnovers

JBIUPLANP - Structure of Planning Parameters Depend.on Maturity Band

JBIUPLANP01 - RM: Structure of Planning Parameters with CHECK_BOX


JBIUPLANPAR01 - RM: Planning Parameter Structure Part 1

JBIUPLANPAR01T - RM: Planning Parameter Structure Part 1

JBIUPLANV - ALM: Structure for Planning Variant in Simulation Log

JBIUPLANVT - ALM: Structure for Planning Variant in Simulation Log

JBIUPLISTR - Extended Receiver Struct. for Stock Exch.Transactions

JBIUPPA1 - TR Business partner transfer with internal fields

JBIUPPART - Extended Transfer Structure for Business Partner

JBIUPSECDA - Extended Receiver Structure for Security Class Data

JBIUPSWAP - Extended Receiver Structure for Swaps

JBIUPTSAL - Extended Receiver Structure for Daily Balances

JBIUPVTFD - Variable Transaction: Extended Receiver Structure Flow Data

JBIUPVTMD - Variable Transactn: Extended Receiver Struct.for Master Data

JBIUPZPA - Central business partners

JBIUPZST - Extended Transfer Structure for Cash Flows

JBIUROB - IS-B: RM Receiver Structure (Small)

JBIUSECDA - Receiver Structure for Security Class Data

JBIUSER - RM: Create/Change Administration Information

JBIUSERV - Receiver Structure for Services - Internal

JBIUSIMAP - INCLUDE Structure for Parameters of ALM Simulation Type

JBIUSIMAPT - INCLUDE Structure for Parameters of ALM Simulation Type

JBIUSIMAP_BAL - ALM - US Balance Sheet Screen Elements

JBIUSTAMM - Master Data Structure for Financial Transactions

JBIUSWAP - Receiver Structure Swap

JBIUTIMELAG - Time Lag (Delayed Adjustment of Product Conditions)

JBIUTIMELAGT - Time Lag (Delayed Adjustment of Product Conditions)

JBIUTSAL - Receiver Structure for Daily Balances

JBIUTSAL2 - New Receiver Structure for Daily Balances

JBIUVTFD - Variable Transaction: Receiver Structure for Flow Data

JBIUVTMD - Variable Transaction: Receiver Structure for Master Data

JBIUWPL - Lock Structure for Security Positions

JBIUWPO - EDT Security Order

JBIUWPOL - Lock Structure for SAP Banking

JBIUXSFGDT - RM: Receiver Structure for EDT for XSDTFT

JBIUZBEW - EDT Include for Additional Flows

JBIUZKON - Structure for Interest Terms

JBIUZKOND - EDT Include for Interest Terms

JBIUZPA - Central business partners

JBIUZST - IS-B: Data Transfer Structure for Cash Flow

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