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ISU00_MESSAGE - Message Type for IS-U

ISU00_OBJ_CONTR - Control Data for IS-U Objects

ISU00_OBJ_PUBLIC - Transparent Fields in Object Data

ISU00_TIMESLICE - Type for Periods of Time

ISU01_CHECKED_ABSZYK - Contract Checks: Checked Budget Billing Cycles

ISU01_CHECKED_AUTHORITY - Contract Checks: Authorizations


ISU01_CHECKED_KZABSVER - Contract Checks: Budget Billing Procedures

ISU01_CHECKED_PORTION - Contract Checks: Portions

ISU01_CHECKED_PRCTR - Contract Checks: Checked Profile Center

ISU01_CHECKED_SERVICEID - Contract Checks: Service IDs

ISU01_CHECKED_TXJCD - Contract Checks: Tax Codes

ISU01_CONTRACT_AUTO - Type of Data for Automatic Contract Processing

ISU01_CONTRACT_CHECK - Contract Checks: Checked Data

ISU01_CONTRACT_CONTR - Type of Control Data for Contract

ISU01_CONTRACT_HIST_AUTO - Type of Data for Automatic Contract Processing

ISU01_CONTRACT_KEY - Key Structure for Object Type ISUCONTRCT

ISU01_CONTRACT_SUB - Application Data for Contract

ISU01_DEVLOC_AUTO - Automization Data for Device Location

ISU01_DEVLOC_CONTR - Controlling Data for Device Location

ISU01_DEVLOC_INPUT0 - Indicator for Device Location Auto Data

ISU01_DEVLOC_KEY - Key for Device Location

ISU01_DEVLOC_SCRBUF - Screen Data: Device Location Buffer

ISU01_DEVLOC_SUB - Sub-Object: Screen Data for Device Location

ISU01_EKUN - Type of Data for Working with Partner Data

ISU01_XCONT_AUTO - Type of Cross-Contract Check (ES27)

ISU02_ADDRESS - Object Data of Address

ISU02_ADDRESS_AUTO - Data for Allocating Default Data to Address Fields

ISU02_COMM_AUTO - Data for Allocating Default Data to Address Fields

ISU06_ACCOUNT - Contract Account

ISU06_ANLAGE_VERTRAG - Installation/Contract for Move-In/Out

ISU06_CHARGEDOC - FI-CA document in move-in/out

ISU06_CONTRACT - Contracts

ISU06_CUSTOMER - Business Partner

ISU06_EAUSVER - Contract-Related Move-Out Data

ISU06_INSTALLATION - Installation

ISU06_MI_VERTRAG - Move-In Contract

ISU06_MOVEINDOC - Move-In Documents

ISU06_MOVEINOUT_RETURNING - Created Objects (Move-In/Out)

ISU06_MOVEOUTDOC - Move-Out Documents

ISU06_MOVEOUT_BAPI_AUTO - BAPI Auto-Data for Move-Out

ISU06_MOVEOUT_CHECKED - Screen Control Move-Out

ISU06_MOVEOUT_DYNPRO - Screen Control Move-Out

ISU06_MOVEOUT_EXT - Move-Out Data

ISU06_MO_CONTR_CHANGED - Change Indicator for Move-Out

ISU06_MO_CONTR_EXT - External Data for Move-Out

ISU06_MO_CONTR_INT - Internal Data for Move-Out

ISU06_MO_E490AV - Customizing Data on Contract Level (Move-Out)

ISU06_MO_EAUSD - Table of Screen Data on Account Level (Move-Out)

ISU06_MO_EAUSVD - Table of Screen Data at Contract Level (Move-Out)

ISU06_MO_EAUSVKTO - Screen Data for Move-out Proc. and Table Ctrl for Cont. Data

ISU06_MO_EAUSVTCD - Screen Data for Move-out Proc. and Table Ctrl for Cont. Data

ISU06_MO_EXTERNAL - Move-Out (ext)

ISU06_MO_EXTV - Move-Out External Control Structure

ISU06_MO_INTERNAL - Internal Structure for Move-Out

ISU06_MO_REMOVALS - Move-In/Out for Installation

ISU06_MO_UPD_REQUEST - Move-out UPD data

ISU06_MO_VERANLVBS - Initial Data for Move-Out Processing

ISU06_MO_VERE490AV - Customizing Data on Contract Level

ISU06_MO_VERTRAG - Contracts for Move-Out

ISU06_OBJI - Move-In/Out: Installation Object

ISU06_PREMISE - Premise

ISU06_REMOVAL - Object Data for Move-In/Out (EC60)

ISU06_REMOVAL_AUTO - * Type of Data for Automatic Move-In/Out Processing

ISU06_SM_ORDER - Service Orders

ISU06_SPECIALS_LOG - Data Object for Information Log (ESBP)

ISU06_SPECIALS_LOG_POS - Contract/Installation Data

ISU07_AUTO_GER - Automation Data of Devices for Inst., Removal, or Repl.

ISU07_CUSTOMIZE - Customizing Data for Inst./Removal/Repl./Inst. Structure

ISU07_DEVGRP_REPLACE - Allocation for Replacement of two Device Groups

ISU07_DEV_ALLOC - Device Allocation Check

ISU07_EANL_LOGIKNR - Installations Linked to a Device

ISU07_EANL_LOGIKNR_SUB1 - Installations Linked to a Device: Substructure 1


ISU07_EGERKEY - Block key for Equipment

ISU07_EGPLKEY - Block Key of Device Location for Inst./Removal/Replacement

ISU07_GOODSMVT - BAPI Input: Goods Movement upon Inst./Removal/Replacement

ISU07_INSTALL_AUTO - Automation Data for Installation, Removal, and Replacement

ISU07_INSTALL_AUTO_INTERFACE - Automation Data for Inst./Removal/Replacement: Interface

ISU07_INSTALL_FLAG_DYNP - Flags for Screen Control for Inst./Removal/Replacement

ISU07_INSTALL_OBJ_POOL_EANL - Pool Data for Installation Structure for Installation

ISU07_INSTALL_RESULT - Result of Installation/Removal/Replacement

ISU07_INSTALL_STRUC - Category Definition for Entire Installation Structure

ISU07_INSTALL_TEXT - Texts for Installation, Removal, and Replacement

ISU07_LIST_CURRENT - Current Information for Hierarchy list

ISU07_LIST_EXPAND - Layout of Current Hierarchy Display

ISU07_LOGIKZW - Logical Registers

ISU07_LOGIKZW_PERIOD - Logical Registers with Validity Period

ISU07_PRE_DEV_EZWG_REGREL - Register Groups and Predefined Register Relationships

ISU07_PRE_DEV_REGREL - Predefined Register Relationships: Allocation Data

ISU07_RATECAT_TAB - Rate Categories/Billing Classes of all Installations Used

ISU07_REG30_D - Screen Data for Installation, Removal, and Replacement

ISU07_REG30_I - Input Data for Installation, Removal, and Replacement

ISU07_REGISTER_FACTOR - Registers with Transformation Ratio and Billing Factor

ISU07_RELATION - Allocation of Register to Logistical Register


ISU07_TRANS_RATIO - Transformation Ratio with Time Slice

ISU07_TRANS_WINDING - Transformer Windings for Interface ISU_BILLING_FACTOR_DETERM

ISU07_ZW - Register Data for Installation, Removal, and Replacement

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