Select data from sap tables IFLOT

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IFLOT - Functional Location (Table)

IFLOTH - FunctLocation (table) with hierarchy level

IFLOTX - Functional Location: Short Texts

IFLOTX_INC - Functional location data fields: Short texts

IFLOTX_VS - Functional Location Data Fields: Short Texts (Version Table)

IFLOT_HIER - Generated Table for View

IFLOT_INC - Data part functional location

IFLOT_INCL_EEW_PS - Persistence Include for Functional Location

IFLOT_INCL_EEW_TR - Transient Fields Include for Functional Location

IFLOT_INCL_EEW_X - Change Indicator Include for Functional Location

IFLOT_INC_SR_APPEND - Enhancements to Shift Note/Report

IFLOT_USR1 - Internal Structure for Transferring Fields in IFLOT

IFLOT_USR1U - Update Indicators for User Exit Structure IFLOT_USR1

IFLOT_VS - Functional Location (Version Table)

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