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ICLHCASGNALL - Generated Table for View

ICLHISTDATA - Suppl. Reserves: History Data

ICLH_ACCSUBR - Accident or Subro/Recovery Indicator

ICLH_ACC_DEATH_GUI - Accident: Death Data (GUI Structure)

ICLH_ACC_GEN_GUI - General Accident Details (GUI Structure)

ICLH_ACC_REIMB_HDR - Accident: Reimbursement Header

ICLH_ADM_ITEM - HI: Admission Weight, Hours of Mechanical Ventilation

ICLH_APPRAISAL_ALV - Display Structure Appraisal ALV

ICLH_APPRAISAL_DATA - Display Structure Appraisal ALV Data Part

ICLH_AUX - Utilities

ICLH_COMPPER_S_UI - Comparison Period

ICLH_CONTEXT - Context Information for Health Area

ICLH_DENTAL - Dental Benefits: BDT Fields

ICLH_DHC - Display Structure for Home Health Care

ICLH_DIFF_SCR - Differences Log Screen Elements

ICLH_DRG_GROUPER_XIF - Interface for DRG Grouper System

ICLH_GP - General Process

ICLH_GRID - Structure for ALV Grid Control

ICLH_GRID_AUX - Utilities

ICLH_GRID_DHC - Home Health Care

ICLH_GRID_GP - General Process

ICLH_GRID_HDR - Header Structure for ICLH_GRID

ICLH_GRID_REM - Remedies

ICLH_ICLF22_ALV_S_UI - Duplicate Payment Display

ICLH_ICLH02 - Date (View ICLH02)

ICLH_ICLH03 - Date (View ICLH03)


ICLH_ICLH05 - View ICLH05 Applicant

ICLH_ICLH08 - Health Ins.: Display Structure for ALV Grid (View ICLH08)

ICLH_ICLH09 - HI: Display Structure for ALV Grid (View ICLH09)


ICLH_ICLH13 - Vision Schema GUI

ICLH_ICLH25 - Discount Dialog Box

ICLH_ICLH2D_ALV_S_UI - Display of Duplicate Invoice

ICLH_ICLH30 - Invoice item

ICLH_ICLH3B - Policy (Reassign Invoice)

ICLH_ICLH3D - FS-CM: Quantity and Unit for Value per Unit of Catalog Item

ICLH_ICLH3F - Items for Invoice and Payment Proposal

ICLH_ICLH3G - Items for Invoice and Payment Proposal (#3)

ICLH_ICLH3H - Items for Invoice and Payment Proposal (#4)

ICLH_ICLH3L - Items for Invoice and Payment Proposal (#2)

ICLH_ICLH3M - External Bill Review: Header (#1)

ICLH_ICLH3N - External Bill Review: Header (#2)

ICLH_ICLH40 - General Data for Invoice Header

ICLH_ICLH40_BULKINVLIST_ALV - CollInvoice ALV: Invoice List - Invoice Header

ICLH_ICLH40_BULKINV_ALV - CollInvoice ALV: Overview

ICLH_ICLH40_MASSINV - Invoice Mass Entry

ICLH_ICLH40_PAY_ALV - InvHeader Processing: ALV Structure for BDT

ICLH_ICLH41 - View ICLH37: InvEntry Header Top

ICLH_ICLH42 - View ICLH42, Claim Item Grouping Type

ICLH_ICLH43 - Approval Number for Invoice

ICLH_ICLH44 - InvE+ProcHdr: ExtCollIRef + ExtCollInvNo

ICLH_ICLH45 - Invoice items

ICLH_ICLH46 - Items for Invoice and Payment Proposal

ICLH_ICLH46_ALV_INV - InvEntry: ALV Structure for Items

ICLH_ICLH46_ALV_INVPAY - InvProc: ALV Structure for Items

ICLH_ICLH46_APPROVAL - Approval Item Number (Inv)

ICLH_ICLH46_BULKINVLIST_ALV - CollInvoice ALV: Invoice List - Invoice Header

ICLH_ICLH46_OLD - Items for Invoice and Payment Proposal

ICLH_ICLH46_OVER - Overview of Invoice Items

ICLH_ICLH47 - Discount in Invoice Header

ICLH_ICLH48 - Approval Item Number (Inv)

ICLH_ICLH49 - InvEntry Header: Total Amt, Deductible, Use, Currency

ICLH_ICLH50 - Invoice Header Processing

ICLH_ICLH51 - InvProcessing Hdr: Checkbox 'Serial Error Exists'

ICLH_ICLH52 - Invoice Header: Total Amounts

ICLH_ICLH53 - Differences Log Task List Display

ICLH_ICLH54 - Checkbox Display Type Difference Log

ICLH_ICLH55 - Invoice Processing: GUI Structure Tools

ICLH_ICLH56 - InvEntry+Proc Hdr: Int CollLInv, ExtInvNo

ICLH_ICLH57 - Invoice Header: Ins Obj Fields from DME, Mass Entry

ICLH_ICLH58 - Data Origin + Document Number

ICLH_ICLH59 - View ICLH51, InvE+Proc Hdr: InvCreationDte, InvReceipt Date

ICLH_ICLH60 - InvEntry Header: Tooth

ICLH_ICLH62_CORE - Items for Invoice and Payment Proposal

ICLH_ICLH67 - Reimbursement: Reimbursement Header

ICLH_ICLH67_ALV - Reimbursement: Reimbursement Header ALV

ICLH_ICLH69 - Reimbursement Items ALV

ICLH_ICLH6A - Reimbursement: Repetitive Payment Header

ICLH_ICLH6A_ALV - Reimbursement: Reimbursement Header ALV (Repetitive)

ICLH_ICLH6B - Payment Items ALV (Recurring)

ICLH_ICLH6B_ALV - Payment Items ALV (Recurring)

ICLH_ICLH6E - Reimbursement: Reimbursement Header

ICLH_ICLH6H - Items for Payment Proposal (#1)

ICLH_ICLH6I - Items for Payment Proposal (#3)

ICLH_ICLH6J - Items for Payment Proposal (#4)

ICLH_ICLH6K - Items for Payment Proposal (#2)

ICLH_ICLH6L - Items in Payment Proposal (#5)

ICLH_ICLH6M - External Bill Review: Item Detail (#1)

ICLH_ICLH6N - External Bill Review: Item Detail (#2)

ICLH_ICLH6Q - Repetitive Payment: Approval Fields

ICLH_ICLH80 - HI: Appraisal Order and Receipt

ICLH_ICLH81 - HI: Appraisal Order

ICLH_ICLH81_ALV_APPRAIS_ORD - HI: Appraisal Order: ALV Structure

ICLH_ICLH82 - HI: Appraisal Receipt

ICLH_ICLH82_ALV_APPRAIS_REC - Appraisal Receipt: ALV Structure

ICLH_ICLHH10 - Entry+Sent Date (View ICLHHK)

ICLH_ICLHH2 - Date, Time of Admission, Discharge

ICLH_ICLHH4 - Processing Indicator (View ICLHH4)

ICLH_ICLHH5 - Case Number, Data Origin (View ICLHH5)

ICLH_ICLHH6 - Delivery Days (View ICLHH6)

ICLH_ICLHH7 - ETL (Discharge) Segment (View ICLHH7)

ICLH_ICLHH7_ALV - HI: Internal Transfer ALV

ICLH_ICLHH9 - Period of Cost Coverage

ICLH_ICLHHM - Feature of Cost Coverage for Inpatient Treatment

ICLH_ICLHHN - Entry+Sent Date (View ICLHHK)

ICLH_ICLHHR - Hospital Discharge+Flag, Rehab Admission

ICLH_ICLHHS - Admission/Discharge Reason (View ICLHH4)

ICLH_ICLHHV - View ICLHHV, HI: Initiator Rehab Request

ICLH_ICLHP3 - Date (View ICLHP3)

ICLH_ICLHR00 - InvItem GUI Structure: Basic Data

ICLH_ICLHR1 - InvItem GUI Structure: Basic Data, Benefit and Coverage Type

ICLH_ICLHR1_DYNP - InvItem GUI Structure: Basic Data, Benefit and Coverage Type

ICLH_ICLHR2 - ICLHR2: InvEntry Item: Rejection Reason, Unit

ICLH_ICLHR3 - InvProc Itm GUI Structure: Basic Data, BenefType, RejctnRsn

ICLH_ICLHR3_CORE - InvProc Itm GUI Structure: Basic Data, BenefType, RejctnRsn

ICLH_ICLHR4 - InvItm GUI Structure: Basic Data, BenServFeeCatlg, BC Item

ICLH_ICLHR4_DYNP - InvItm GUI Structure: Basic Data, BenServFeeCatlg, BC Item

ICLH_ICLHR5 - InvProc Itm GUI Struct.: Basic Data, Ben/Serv/FeeCt, BSFCItm

ICLH_ICLHR_INCL_SERVCAT - ICLH Inv/PP: Ben/Service/Fees Catalog to Invoice/Payt Propsl

ICLH_ICLHT0 - HI: Travel Costs (Reason)

ICLH_ICLHT1 - HI: Patient Transport Regulations

ICLH_ICLHT1_ALV_TRAVEL - HI: Patient Transport Prescription (ALV Structure)

ICLH_ICLHV0 - Payment Proposal: Claim Item Category

ICLH_ICLI92 - Differences Log: Differences of Collective Invoice

ICLH_ICLPROC_ALV - Procurement Grid: Default ALV Structure

ICLH_ICLPROC_DATA - Display Structure Procurement ALV Data Part

ICLH_INCL_REJREASON_S_UI - Include Structure for Rejection Reasons

ICLH_INCL_SERVCAT - ICLH_LVC_INCL_SERVCAT: Include for Benefits/Serv/Fee Catlg

ICLH_INV130 - Invoice Deferrals

ICLH_INV135 - Invoice Deferrals - BP

ICLH_LVC_APP_HOSPITAL - Basic Structure for ALV Grid Control Cost Coverage (Hosp)

ICLH_LVC_AUX_BASE - Basis Structure for ALV Grid Control

ICLH_LVC_AUX_BASE_APPROVAL - Display Structure for ALV Grid Control: Approval

ICLH_LVC_AUX_BASE_ESTIMATE - Display Structure for ALV Grid Control: Cost Estimate

ICLH_LVC_AUX_BASE_PRESCR - Display Structure for ALV Grid Control: Prescription

ICLH_LVC_BPARTNER - Basic Structure for ALV Grid Control: Participant

ICLH_LVC_DAILY_BENEFIT - Basic Structure for ALV Grid Control: Per Diem Benefits

ICLH_LVC_DENTAL - Display Structure for ALV Grid Fee Items

ICLH_LVC_DHC_BASE - Basis Structure for ALV Grid Control DHC

ICLH_LVC_DHC_BASE_APPROVAL - Display Structure for ALV Grid Control: Approval DHC

ICLH_LVC_DHC_BASE_EXPERTISE - Display Structure for ALV Grid Control: Appraisal DHC

ICLH_LVC_DHC_BASE_PRESCR - Display Structure for ALV Grid Control: Prescription DHC

ICLH_LVC_ETL_HOSPITAL - Basic Structure for ALV Grid Control: Discharge Notif.(Hosp)

ICLH_LVC_EXCL_BASE - Grid Structure for Interruptions in Health LOB

ICLH_LVC_GP_BASE - Basic Structure for ALV Grid Control General Process

ICLH_LVC_GP_BASE_APPROVAL - ALV Grid Control General Process: Benefit Decision

ICLH_LVC_GP_BASE_PRESCR - ALV Grid Control General Process: Description

ICLH_LVC_HDR - Header Structure for ICLH_GRID

ICLH_LVC_INCL_BENCOV - ICLH_GRID: Include Structure for Benefit Type + CoverageType

ICLH_LVC_INCL_HDR - ICLH_GRID: Include Structure for Header Data

ICLH_LVC_INCL_SERVCAT - ICLH_GRID: Include Structure for Benef/Services/Fees Catalog

ICLH_LVC_INJURY - Accident: Grid Structure for Injuries

ICLH_LVC_INVALIDITY - Accident: Grid Structure for Disability

ICLH_LVC_ITEM_GRID_BASE - Basic Structure for Item Grids

ICLH_LVC_ITEM_REIMBURSE - Basic Structure for Reimbursement Benefit Grid

ICLH_LVC_NCI_BASE - Basis Structure for ALV Grid of Care Insurance (NCI)

ICLH_LVC_NCI_BASE_APPROVAL - Basis Structure for ALV Grid of Approval in Care Insurance

ICLH_LVC_NCI_BASE_PRESCR - Basis Structure for ALV Grid of Request in Care Insurance



ICLH_LVC_REM_BASE - Basic Structure for ALV Grid Control Remedies

ICLH_LVC_REM_BASE_APPROVAL - Display Structure for ALV Grid Control: Approval of Remedies

ICLH_LVC_REM_BASE_PRESCR - Display Structure f. ALV Grid Control: Remedies Prescription

ICLH_LVC_TRAVEL_APPR - Item ALV Grid for Benefit Decision with Travel Costs

ICLH_MEDGRDS_ALV - Display Structure of Medical Reason ALV

ICLH_MEDGRDS_DATA - Display Structure of Medical Reason ALV Data Set

ICLH_MULT_PRESCR - Query of Target Subclaim/Category

ICLH_NURSE - HI: Care Insurance

ICLH_NURSE_ICLH04 - Status of Claim Item Grouping (Procurement) incl. Reason

ICLH_NURSE_ICLH29 - Reason for Short-Term Care and Care Provided by Substitute

ICLH_NURSE_ICLH91 - Home Environment Improvement: Additional Fields for Request

ICLH_PART_GEN - Participant Fields for Views

ICLH_PART_ICLH00 - View ICLH00 Service Provider

ICLH_PART_ICLH01 - View ICLH01 Prescribed by

ICLH_PART_ICLH15 - View ICLH15 Appraiser

ICLH_PART_ICLH17 - View ICLH17 Alternative Recipient

ICLH_PART_ICLH5A - View ICLH5A Diagnosed Person (INJU)

ICLH_PART_ICLH5G - View ICLH5A Diagnosed Person (INJU)

ICLH_PART_ICLRST - View ICLRRE Invoicing Party


ICLH_PAYSUGG_ALV - Payment Proposal for ALV Grid

ICLH_PROCURE_DENTAL - Claim Item Grouping: Dental-Specific Fields

ICLH_REIMB_ALV - Reimbursement

ICLH_REM - Display Structure for Remedies

ICLH_REP_REIMB_ACCOUNT - Maintenance Account for Repetitive Reimbursements

ICLH_TICL052_2 - F4 Help: Assignment of Text Module to Category and Task

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