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HRESSAPPROVER - Store Last Approver to be Chosen

HRESSC_S_BTRTL_DETS - Personnel Sub Area Descriptions

HRESSC_S_ORGEH_DETS - Organization Unit Details

HRESSC_S_ORG_DATA - Structure for Organization Details

HRESSC_S_ORG_DETAILS - Organization Details

HRESSC_S_PERSA_DETS - Personnel Area Details

HRESSC_S_PERSG_DETS - Employee Group Details

HRESSC_S_PERSK_DETS - Employee Sub Group Details

HRESSC_S_PK_TEXT_ST - Structure for additional fields for employee data


HRESSDE_ATZ - Parameter for Transaction HRESSDE_ATZ

HRESSJP_S_SPECIAL_PARAM - HRESSJP: Index, Name, Value of a Field

HRESS_APPROVERS - HR Time Management: Approver for ESS Leave Request

HRESS_AU_PS_OVERVIEW - Overview table showing the stored Payment Summary results

HRESS_CATS_ATT_ABSENCE - attendance absence structure


HRESS_CATS_EMP_TIME_CAL_PER - employee time calendar period structure

HRESS_CATS_EMP_TIME_CAL_PERIOD - employee time calendar period structure

HRESS_CATS_EMP_TIME_HOLIDAY - field list for holiday


HRESS_CATS_HRTIMESREC_LIST - HR Time Record: Absences Infotype (2001 and 2002)

HRESS_CATS_PDF_BODY - Representation of PDF Body

HRESS_CATS_PDF_HEADER - PDF Header Representation

HRESS_CATS_PUB_HOLIDAY - employee holiday structure



HRESS_CAT_EMP_TIME_CAL_PERIOD - employee time calendar period structure

HRESS_CA_TFR_OVERVIEW - ESS overview table for Canada.

HRESS_CLMS_HEADER_VAL - Advanced Claims: Context for static header values

HRESS_CLMS_HEADER_VALUES - Structure for context of header values

HRESS_CLMS_MULTI - Structure for mapping Advanced Claims ESS fields on EC

HRESS_CLMS_MULTI_VAL - Advanced Claims: Context for static multiline values

HRESS_CLMS_TERMS - Structure for mapping Terms & Conditions

HRESS_D_CATS_FAV - CATS Favorites: database table

HRESS_D_PROFILES - CATS: Table for storing structures created for each profile

HRESS_ENTL_EG_ADM_DATA_UN - NPO: Adminstration data for Education Grant

HRESS_ENTL_EG_OVR_R0965 - NPO: Education grant -0965

HRESS_ENTL_EMP_DTL - NPO: Employee Details

HRESS_ENTL_S_TNC - NPO: Terms and conditions

HRESS_LOAN_SELECTED_INFO_IN - Structure to store the information of selected Row in Tree


HRESS_PTARQ_UI5_APPROVER - Approver Structure for OData

HRESS_SCREEN_PARAMETRS_PRINT - Screen Parameters for printing Timesheet Data

HRESS_SG_IR8A_OVERVIEW - Overview table showing the stored IR8A results

HRESS_S_A1_ERROR - ESS for A1: Structure for Error Messages

HRESS_S_A1_LIST - A1 Procedure: ESS Overview List

HRESS_S_A1_LIST_F4_BS - A1 Procedure: ESS Liste for F4 Help (BS)

HRESS_S_A1_NEW_REQUEST - ESS for A1: Data for New A1 Request

HRESS_S_ADMIN_VIEW_UN - NPO ESS: Structure for HR Admin View

HRESS_S_APPR_UTLTY_UN - NPO: Structure for HR Approver View

HRESS_S_APP_CC_CONFIG - Custom Controller Context WD Structure

HRESS_S_ATTACHMENTS_UN - NPO : Attachment structure for ESS

HRESS_S_BEN_BENEFICIARIES - Structure for beneficiaries of all relevant plans

HRESS_S_BEN_BENEFICIARIES_KEY - Benefit beneficiaries (for offer)

HRESS_S_BEN_CONF_PDF - Benefits Confirmation form details

HRESS_S_BEN_COREQUISITES - Structure to hold the co-requisite plan data

HRESS_S_BEN_COREQ_DEPNDCY - Structure for dependent co-req plans on delete of a plan

HRESS_S_BEN_DEPBENEF_PDF - Structure for dependent and beneficiary for a benefit plan

HRESS_S_BEN_DEPENDENTS - Structure for dependents for all the relevant plans

HRESS_S_BEN_DEPENDENTS_KEY - Benefit dependent (for offer)

HRESS_S_BEN_ENRL_PLAN_DETAILS - Structure for Enrolled Benefit Plans

HRESS_S_BEN_FSA_DETAILS - ESS Benefits - FSA Plan Details

HRESS_S_BEN_HEALTH_KEY - Key Structure for Health Plan on Benefits BOL

HRESS_S_BEN_INSURANCE_KEY - Key Structure for Insurance Plan on Benefits BOL

HRESS_S_BEN_INVESTMENTS - Structure for investments for all the relevant benefit plans

HRESS_S_BEN_INVESTMENTS_KEY - Key Structure for Benefits Investments for Benefits BOL

HRESS_S_BEN_INVESTMENT_PDF - Benefit investments plan - PDF Form

HRESS_S_BEN_MISCEL_KEY - Key Structure for Miscelleanous Plan on Benefits BOL

HRESS_S_BEN_NENRL_PLAN_DETAILS - Structure for Non-Enrolled Benefit plans

HRESS_S_BEN_OTHERPLANS_KEY - Test struc for Plan in BOL

HRESS_S_BEN_PLAN_DETAILS - Structure for Enrolled Benefit Plans

HRESS_S_BEN_QUERY_KEY - Structure for Benefits BOL model query key

HRESS_S_BEN_TXTCOSTS_PDF - Structure for cost/contribution desription

HRESS_S_CAC1_DETAILS - CAT: CAC2 fieldlist per data entry profile

HRESS_S_CAC2_FIELDLIST - CAT: structure to hold field description

HRESS_S_CATS_FAV_KEY - CATS Favorite: Key fields

HRESS_S_CLAIM_APP_CC_CONFIG_IN - Structre to hold the Appcc Data


HRESS_S_CLAIM_CNFG_HIRARCHY_IN - Hierarchy of Configuration Maintained

HRESS_S_CLAIM_F4_IN - F4 values for India PS Claims application

HRESS_S_CLAIM_F4_VALUE_IN - F4 Values for one field in Claims

HRESS_S_CLAIM_KEY_IN - Dummy Key Structure for all the Children in BOL.

HRESS_S_CLAIM_OVR_IN - Structure to accomodate Employee and Approver Overview data


HRESS_S_CLAIM_PIN_FILE_IN - Structure to Send Attachments to ESS Screen using BOL

HRESS_S_CLAIM_REMARK_IN - Structure to Store Remarks Data

HRESS_S_CLAIM_TRANS_DATA_IN - Transaction structure for the claims renovation application

HRESS_S_CLAIM_UIBB_CONFIG_IN - Context Structure for UIBB Config

HRESS_S_CLMS_APPR_VIEW - CLM: Structure for approver screen

HRESS_S_CLMS_ATTACHMENT - CLMS: Structure for claims attachment

HRESS_S_CLMS_BDATA - CLMS: Claims detail screen basic data

HRESS_S_CLMS_DYNAMIC - Structure for mapping Advanced Claims ESS fields on EC

HRESS_S_CLMS_EMP01 - CLM: structure for employee screen

HRESS_S_CLMS_EO - CLM: structure for employee screen

HRESS_S_CLMS_FIELDS_INFO - CLMS: claims fields info ( ltc block, reimbursement)

HRESS_S_CLMS_KEY_INFO - CLMS: cliams key info

HRESS_S_CLMS_MULTI - Structure for mapping Advanced Claims ESS fields on EC

HRESS_S_CLMS_RETEL - Reimbursement type Eligible Balance Data

HRESS_S_CLMS_RETTX - Reimbursement Codes Text

HRESS_S_CLMS_SEL_OPT - Select Option for Table Name

HRESS_S_CONFIG_HIERARCHY - Hierarchy of Configuration Maintained

HRESS_S_EMPLOYEE_FEEDS - Structure for Navigation from Employee Feeds

HRESS_S_ENRO_CREDIT - Benefit credit plans - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_CREDIT_DETAIL - Benefit credit plans Detal - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_HEALTH - Benefit health plan - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_HEALTH_DCC - Benefit health plan dependent coverage and cost - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_HEALTH_DETAIL - Benefit health plan detail - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_HEALTH_OPTION - Benefit Health plan option - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_INSURE - Benefit insurance plan - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_INSURE_DETAIL - Benefit Insurance plan detail - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_INSURE_OPTION - Benefit insurance plan option - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_MISCEL - Benefit miscellaneous plan - PDF Fprm

HRESS_S_ENRO_MISCEL_DETAIL - Benefit miscellaneuous plan detail - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_MISCEL_OPTION - Benefit miscellaneous plan option - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_PDF - Benefit Enrollment Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_SAVING - Benefit saving plan - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_SAVING_DETAIL - Benefit saving plan detail - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_SPENDA - Benefit spending account offer - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_SPENDA_DETAIL - Benefit spending account plan detail - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_STOCKP - Benefit stock purchase plan - PDF Form

HRESS_S_ENRO_STOCKP_DETAIL - Benefit sock purchase plan detail - PDF Form

HRESS_S_FLIP_VIEW_COLLECTION1 - Structure for work feed flip view collection

HRESS_S_ITDCL_APP_CC_CONFIG_IN - Structre to hold the Appcc Data

HRESS_S_ITDCL_EMP_DTL_MY - ESS : Structure to accomodate Employee Detail data

HRESS_S_ITDCL_OVR_MY - Structure to accomodate Employee and Approver Overview data

HRESS_S_LAUNCHPAD - Structure for Personalization Key


HRESS_S_PADBR_LVPLN_QUOTAS - Leave Request: Time Accounts and Quotas for CE

HRESS_S_PADGB_FORM - ESS GB Forms structure for UI


HRESS_S_PROFILE - Data Entry Profile

HRESS_S_PTARQ_ATTABS_CUST - Customizing for Attendance & Absence types

HRESS_S_PTARQ_ATTACHMENT_INFO - Attachments for a Leave type

HRESS_S_PTARQ_ATT_INFO - Attachment Information

HRESS_S_PTARQ_EMPLOYEE - Leave Request: Entity object data for Employe


HRESS_S_PTARQ_LRF_PROCESSOR - Information About Multiple Approvers

HRESS_S_PTARQ_LR_FORM - Available fields of Leave Request Form

HRESS_S_PTARQ_LR_FORM_HEADER - Header: Leave Request Form

HRESS_S_PTARQ_LR_LIST_GBL_CE - UIA Requesst List - FPM GUIBB List structure

HRESS_S_PTARQ_LR_MESSAGE - Leave Request/Approval Message Structure

HRESS_S_PTARQ_UIA_ITEM - PTARQ_UIA_ITEM (time fields component substituted)

HRESS_S_PTCOR_LEGEND_STRUC - Time Corrections Legend

HRESS_S_PTCOR_PICKLIST_AWART - Picklist for Absence Type

HRESS_S_REP_DE_ATZS - Field Catalogue for Semiretirement

HRESS_S_REP_DE_AWS - Field Catalogue for Pension Entitlements

HRESS_S_REP_DE_GHR - Field Catalogue for Salary Calculator

HRESS_S_SM_SUBTY_ICON - Structure for Social Media Subty and Corresponding Icon path

HRESS_S_SM_SUBTY_USERID - Social Media Subtype and User ID

HRESS_S_SUBS_KEY - Structure: Subscription Key

HRESS_S_TEAM_CALENDAR - Structure for Team Calendar

HRESS_S_TEAM_CALENDAR_DATA - Required for enhancements to Team Calendar

HRESS_S_TIME_ACCOUNTS - Leave Request: Time Accounts and Quotas


HRESS_S_UIBB_CONFIG - Context Structure for UIBB Config

HRESS_S_W2REPRINT - Structure for W2 Reprint Application

HRESS_S_WORK_FEED_SUBSCRIPTION - Structure for Work Feeds Subscription

HRESS_T7GB_ESS_F - HR GB ESS P60 form display settings

HRESS_T7IE_ESS_F - HR IE ESS P60 form display settings

HRESS_T_BEN_CONF_PDF - Benefit Form Confirmation Interface

HRESS_UN_CS_BDATA - Structure for CS - Base Data

HRESS_UN_CS_DEPEN - Structure for CS - Dependencies

HRESS_UN_CS_HMALO - Structure for CS - Hardship and Mobility Allowance

HRESS_UN_CS_PENFD - Structure for CS - Pension Fund

HRESS_UN_CS_RSELC - Structure for CS - Report Selection

HRESS_UN_CS_RSUBS - Structure for CS - Rental Subsidy

HRESS_WDA_TCS_DATE_INTERVAL - HRESS: Total Comp.Statement: Structure for Date Selection

HRESS_WDA_TIM_DATE_INTERVAL - HRESS: Time Statement: Structure for Date Selection

HRESS_WDA_TIM_PER_LINE - HRESS WDA: Time Statement Line Type of Overview Table

HRESS_WHOSWHO_PERSDATA_DATA - ESS: Personal Information for Who's Who

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