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HDSAANORM - Control String for Checking Header for SAA Standard

HDS_STR_APPL - Structure for Application

HDS_STR_CONDITION - Derivation Rule for a Source Field


HDS_STR_FCAT - Field Catalog for Screen Generation

HDS_STR_FIELD_DEPENDENCIES - Field Dependency of a Field on Other Fields

HDS_STR_FIELD_MESSAGE - Message for a Field

HDS_STR_GENCATLF_DATA - Data Fields for Generation

HDS_STR_GENCATL_DATA - Data Fields for Generation

HDS_STR_GEN_CAT - Catalog for Generation

HDS_STR_GEN_FIELD - Field Details for Metadata of Generated Code

HDS_STR_GEN_NODE_TARGET - Target Objects for Nodes

HDS_STR_MIGRATION_CATALOG - Field Catalog for Migration

HDS_STR_MSG - System Message

HDS_STR_NODE - Nodes as Structure

HDS_STR_NODESEARCH - Nodes as Structure

HDS_STR_NODE_DATA - Data Fields - Nodes

HDS_STR_RNG_APPL_ID - Range for Application ID

HDS_STR_RNG_CLIENT - Range Structure for Client

HDS_STR_RNG_COND_CAT - Range Structure for Condition Category

HDS_STR_RNG_FIELDNAME - Range Structure for Field Name

HDS_STR_RNG_TREE_ID - Range for Tree ID

HDS_STR_SUBSCREEN_ID - ID of a Subscreen

HDS_STR_TARGET - Structure for Target Object

HDS_STR_TEST_MIGRATION - Test Structure for Migration

HDS_STR_TEST_PLZ - Test Structure for Unit Tests

HDS_STR_TEST_TRAVEL_INPUT - Input Vector for Test Cases (Without PURPOSE)

HDS_STR_TEST_TRAVEL_SOURCE - Source Vector for Test Cases (Journey)

HDS_STR_TEST_TRAVEL_TARGET - Target Structure of Test Application

HDS_STR_TREE - Derivation Tree as Structure

HDS_STR_TREE_ACT - Header of an Active Tree Version

HDS_STR_TREE_ACT_DATA - Data Fields - Active Trees

HDS_STR_TREE_DATA - Data Fields - HDS Tree

HDS_STR_TREE_DESCRIPT - Structure: Tree Name / Description

HDS_STR_TREE_ENQ - Identification of a Tree

HDS_STR_TREE_HIST_DATA - Data Fields - Tree History

HDS_STR_TREE_ID - Identification of a Tree

HDS_STR_TREE_OVERVIEW - Overview of Derivation Trees

HDS_STR_UI_CONDITION - Display Fields for Condition

HDS_STR_UI_DERIVATION_SIM - Display Fields for Derivation Simulation

HDS_STR_UI_NODE - Screen Fields for Node(s)


HDS_STR_UI_TREEITM - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field Length 255

HDS_STR_UI_TREEUITM - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_UITE + TEXT Field Length 255

HDS_STR_UI_TREE_COLUMNS - Columns for Column Tree

HDS_STR_UI_TREE_ID - Identification of a Tree

HDS_STR_UI_TREE_PROPERTIES - UI Fields for Properties of Derivation Tree

HDS_STR_UI_TREE_SELECTION - Structure for Selection of a Derivation Tree

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