Select data from sap tables GTRF

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GTRFIAPAR - Grantor: FI AP/AR related data

GTRFIAPARDOC - Grantor: FI AP/AR related data - Payment Type - Doc Type

GTRFIBILLREL - Relationship Table Grantor Billing Doc <-> AP/AR Doc

GTRFIBILLREL_ALV_STRUC - Display Structure: Relationship GTR Billing Doc & AP/AR Doc

GTRFIBILL_H - Header of Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc

GTRFIBILL_HT - Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc Header Text Table

GTRFIBILL_I - Grantor Billing Document Items

GTRFIBILL_IT - Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc Header Text Table

GTRFIBILL_SEL - Grantor Billing Doc FI-AP/AR: selection paramters

GTRFIINV_TRG - Trigger Table for Grantor Notification to CRM

GTRFINEXC_DEF - Default Financial Execution Interface

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