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GMRABA - GM PBet Report - Amount Structure

GMRABK - GM PBet Report - Key structure

GMRABL - GM PBet Report - Detail List Structure

GMRANGE_CHAR20 - Generic Use of Ranges.

GMRBBOBJECTS - Master Data For Revenue Increasing the Budget: RIB Objects

GMRBBRECS - GM Master Data For RIB: Budget Receivers per RIB Object

GMRBFMREC - GM RIB: FM Budget Receivers

GMRBIL - GM report structure for billing list

GMRBOL - GM external fund report structure for budget overview list

GMRBOL2 - GM internal fund report structure for budget overview list

GMRB_S_ANVAL_PER_ADDRESS - GM Budget value per budget address (RIB)

GMRB_S_ATTRSEL - GM RIB: Selection using attributes of RIB objects

GMRB_S_BUDGET_DATA - Budget data for creating new RIB document

GMRB_S_BUD_RECEIVER - GM RIB Master Data: Receiver of RIB Amount

GMRB_S_FMREC - GM Revenues Increasing Budget: FM Budget Receiver


GMRB_S_INDEX - Interface structure for GMRB_IDX class

GMRB_S_MAINT_1010_FM_REC - GM RIB : screen structure for FM receivers

GMRB_S_MAINT_1010_GM_FM_REC - GM RIB: structure for screen 1010

GMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN - Screen fields for RIB object maintenance

GMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN_RECEIVER - GM budget receivers: Maintenance of RIB rules

GMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN_SURPLUS - GM RIB Surplus : Maintenance of Rules

GMRB_S_MAINT_TREE_M_STRUCTURE - GM RIB tree model structure

GMRB_S_MAINT_TREE_STRUCTURE - GM: Structure of Tree Control for RIB rule maintenace

GMRB_S_MD_RECEIVER - GM RIB object master data: Receiver of RIB amount

GMRB_S_MD_SURPLUS - GM RIB Surplus Budget Object

GMRB_S_OBJECT_PROTOCOL - Structure for GM budget list reports

GMRB_S_RBMD_HELP_FIELDS - GM: derivation of RIB Object (additional help fields)

GMRB_S_RBMD_ROBJECT - Deriving a Proposal for RIB Master Data: RIB Object

GMRB_S_RBMD_ROBJECT_SUPPL - Deriving a Proposal for RIB MD: RIB Object Related Fields

GMRB_S_RBMD_TARGET - Deriving a Proposal for RIB Master Data: Target Fields

GMRB_S_RBOB_ADDRESS - Original account assignment for derivation of the RIB object

GMRB_S_RBOB_ADDRESS_SUPPL - GM: derivation of RIB object

GMRB_S_RBOB_HELP_FIELDS - GM: derivation of RIB Object (additional help fields)

GMRB_S_RBOB_POBJECT - GM: derivation of RIB Object

GMRB_S_RBOB_ROBJECT - GM: derivation of RIB Object

GMRB_S_RO - GM RIB: Data for RIB objects

GMRB_S_ROBJECT_KEY - GM: Key of RIB Object (for Lock Object)

GMRB_S_USERLOG - GM RIB time stamp

GMRECBDGTCONTEXT - Context for GM Reconciliation

GMRECBDGTRESULT - Result of GM budget deletion for ALV

GMRECCONTEXT - Context for GM Reconciliation

GMRECONRESULT - GM Reconciliation Result

GMRECRESULT - Result list of GM reconciliation

GMRELAT - Generic Role Manager: Child-Parent Relationship

GMRELATIONSHIP - GM Relationship definition between grants and other objects

GMRELATIONSHIPT - GM Relationship text

GMRELATION_DATA - GM Relationship header data

GMREPCLASS - GM Report Class

GMREPCLASST - GM Reprot Class Text

GMREPORT - GM Report Tracking


GMREPORTRULET - Description of GM Report Rule

GMRESP - Responsibilities structure for ALV grid

GMRESPEVENTS - Grant responsibility events

GMRESPTYPE - Responsibility types - Sponsored programs management

GMRESPTYPET - Responsible type text

GMREVACTUAL - Revaluation of actuals

GMREVBDGTFM1 - Defult settings for GM revaluation of currency

GMREVBUDGET - Revaluation of budget

GMREVCONTEXT - Revaluation context

GMREVPARAM - Parameters for GM revaluation

GMREVRESULT - Result list of revaluation

GMREVRESULTALV1 - Result list of revaluation

GMREV_S_RANGE_REFDOCNR - GM revaluation ranges of ref documents

GMREV_S_RANGE_REFRYEAR - GM revaluation ranges of ref documents

GMREV_S_RANGE_VAL_TYPE - Value types ranges for GM revaluation

GMRGRL - Grants Management report structure for grant list

GMRGSL - GM report structure for grant sponsor list

GMRLDI - GM reporting structure to display ledger document items

GMRMBDGT - Budget Document Types- Records Management Interface

GMRMBDGT_ACT - Budget Document Types- Records Management Interface

GMRMBUPA - Business Partner - Records Management Interface

GMRMBUPA_ACT - Business Partner - Records Management Interface

GMRMCONFIG - Grant type configuration for records management integration

GMRMELEMENTS - Parameters for Records Management Interface

GMRMELEMENTSTEXT - Parameters for Records Management Interface

GMRMGRTYPE - Grant Types - Records Managment Interface

GMRMGRTYPE_ACT - Grant Types - Records Management Interface

GMRM_ADDON - Generic Add on for Records Management Interface with GM

GMROMD - Reporting Structure for GM Object Mapper

GMRRB - For GM Resource-related billing result

GMRSCL - GM report structure for sponsored class list

GMRSPL - GM report structure for sponsored program list

GMRSPO - GM report structure for sponsored object list

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