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FTRS_ALRT_PRESELECT_KEY - TR Alert Preselection Key

FTRS_DEALNR - Range Structure for Transaction Number

FTRS_DEAL_AND_SEPOSITION_FLOW - Treasury: Transaction Flow + Securities Position Flows

FTRS_FIX_TRANS - Rate Fixing

FTRS_FIX_TRANS_DISPLAY - Treasury: Market Rate Fixing: Display Structure

FTRS_FIX_TRANS_FX_DISPLAY - Treasury: FX Rate Fixing: Display Structure

FTRS_FIX_TRANS_FX_RATE - Rate Fixing - FX Rate

FTRS_FIX_TRANS_KEY - Rate Fixing - Key

FTRS_FIX_TRANS_NO_KEY - Rate Fixing - No Key


FTRS_FP_SEL - Financial Position Selections

FTRS_JOURNAL_REPO - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities

FTRS_JOURNAL_SE - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities

FTRS_JOURNAL_SE_FORWARD - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities

FTRS_JOURNAL_SL - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities

FTRS_LMT_WRKLIST - Limit Details Structure for VTGFHA_WRKLIST

FTRS_MATCH_NUM_RANGE - Structure for Number Range for Match ID

FTRS_MD_FIXING - Common market-data fixing (so far TRCPAT and TRCPAT2)

FTRS_NR_TRANS_NUM_MM - Structure for Transaction Numbers for Money Market

FTRS_NR_TTYPE_DE - Structure for Transaction Type Definition: Derivatives

FTRS_NR_TTYPE_FX - Structure for Transaction Type Definition: FX

FTRS_NR_TTYPE_MM - Structure for Transaction Type Definition: Money Market

FTRS_NR_TTYPE_SEC - Structure for Transaction Type Definition: Securities

FTRS_NR_TTYPE_TF - Structure for Transaction Type Definition: Trade Finance

FTRS_PRODTYPE_MM - Structure for Product Type Definition for Money Market

FTRS_PRODUCTCATEGORY - Range Structure for Product Categories

FTRS_PRODUCTTYPE - Ranges Structure for Product Types

FTRS_VTBAFINKO - Structure for Alternative Conditions (Without Key)

FTRS_VTBFASGT - Account Assignment of a Financial Transaction Flow

FTRS_VTBFHAPO - Structure for Financial Transaction Flows (Without Key)

FTRS_VTBFINKO - Structure for Financial Transaction Conditions (Without Key)

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