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FOTDECLSTA - Status Information Rep Data Electronic Data Transmission

FOTDECLTYC - Return Type Electronic Data Transmission to Authorities

FOTDECLTYT - Name of Return Type Electronic Data Transmission

FOTETAXC - Settings Electronic Data Transmission to Authorities

FOTETAXPC - Parameter Values Electronic Data Transmission to Authorities

FOTETAXUSMAPCH - External Tax:Mapping Table Change Document

FOTETAXUSMAPPER - External Tax: Mapping Table

FOTETAXUSMAPREG - Extenal Tax: Mapping Structure Registration

FOTETAXUS_FIELD_T - Table of fields


FOTPARAMC - Parameters Electronic Data Transmission

FOTPARAMSCRN - VAT Refund Applications, Parameters, Dynpro Fields

FOTPARREFC - Assignment of Parameters Reporting Country Return Type

FOTPDTF7300088 - Derivation rule:One Time Postings Acc.Princ. 01

FOTPDTF7300089 - Derivation rule:One Time Postings Acc.Princ. 60

FOTPERSCRN - VAT Refund Period, Dynpro Fields

FOTREQINP - VAT Refund Applications, Dynpro Fields

FOTREQSCRN - VAT Refund Applications, Dynpro Fields

FOTRFDITM - VAT Refund Items

FOTRFDITMCHG - Change Documents, VAT Refund Item

FOTRFDITMCHG_S - Version of VAT Refund Item

FOTRFDITM_S - VAT Refund Items

FOTRFDPARA - Parameters for VAT Refund

FOTRFDPER - Period/Month in VAT Refund Application

FOTRFDREQ - VAT Refund Application

FOTTBUKRS - Assignment of Company Codes to Dominant Enterprises

FOTTDCLCON - Multinational ATR Confirmation (TaxDeclarationConfirmation)

FOTTDCLITM - Multinational ATR Items (TaxDeclarationNotificationItem)

FOTTDCLNOT - Multinational ATR Rep. Data (TaxDeclarationNotification)

FOTTDCLXML - Country-Specific ATR Reporting Data (XML Format)

FOTTDCL_MOSS - Items: Taxes on Sales/Purchases: Electronic Services

FOTTDCL_POST_DOC - Posting Documents for Tax Payable

FOTTDCL_POST_MOS - Tax Payable Posting Information for MOSS

FOTTPRTXML - Country-Specific ATR Log Data (XML Format)

FOT_ACC_DOC_HDR_KEY - Key fields of an accounting document header

FOT_ACC_DOC_ITEM_KEY - Key fields of an accounting document item

FOT_ACC_DOC_TAX_ITEM_KEY - Key fields of an accounting document tax item

FOT_AIM_TRI - Table with transports for tax rate import

FOT_ATR_COUNTRY - Countries which are using FOT_ATR*

FOT_ATR_TAX_BOX - Adv. Tax Return: Tax Box

FOT_ATR_TAX_BOXT - Adv. Tax Return: Tax Box Texts

FOT_ATR_TAX_BOX_KEY - Adv. Tax Return: Keys of the Tax Box

FOT_ATR_TAX_BOX_S - Structure for FOR ATR Tax Box Struct Type

FOT_ATR_TAX_GRP - Adv. Tax Return: Tax Groups

FOT_ATR_TAX_GRP_KEY - Adv. Tax Return: Keys of the Tax Group

FOT_ATR_TBOX_TGRP_MAP_KEY - Adv. Tax Return: Keys for mapping TaxBox to TaxGrp

FOT_ATR_TBS - Adv. Tax Return: Tax Box Structure

FOT_ATR_TBS_KEY - Adv. Tax Return: Key fields of the TaxBoxStructure

FOT_ATR_TBS_MNTT - Adv. Tax Return: Maintenance Type for the TaxBoxStructure

FOT_ATR_TBS_TYPE - Adv. Tax Return: Tax Box Structure Types

FOT_ATR_TBS_TYPE_KEY - Adv. Tax Return: Key fields of the TaxBoxStructure Type

FOT_ATR_TBS_TYPT - Adv. Tax Return: Tax Box Structure Types Texts

FOT_ATR_TBTG_MAP - Adv. Tax Return: Mapping TaxBox to TaxGrp

FOT_ATR_TXGRP_EXTENDED_KEY - Adv. Tax Return: Keys for the 'extended' Tax Grouping

FOT_ATR_TXGRP_EXT_ID - Adv. Tax Return: Include for Aditional Localization Fields

FOT_ATR_TXGRP_SIMPLE_KEY - Adv. Tax Return: Keys for the 'simple' Tax Grouping

FOT_BTT_ASGNMNT - Assignment of BTT Code to Tax Properties

FOT_BTT_CODES - Business Transaction Type Codes

FOT_BTT_CODES_T - Texts for Business Transaction Type(BTT) Codes

FOT_CC_SCP_MV - Generated Table for View

FOT_CIT_SCOPE - Basis Structure for CIT Scope

FOT_CONN_STATUS - Connection Status

FOT_CONN_STAT_T - Connection Status text table

FOT_COUNTRY_SCOPE - Basis Structure for Country Scope

FOT_CPI_RFC - RFC Destination for CPI Integration

FOT_CTRY_EXR_TYP - Exch. Rate used for Conversion into Tax Amt in Country Curr

FOT_CTRY_SCOPE - @1D@ Deprecated use FOT_ISO_CTRY_SCP instead



FOT_DISCLAIM - Disclaimer US tax calculation and reporting

FOT_ETAX_AIF - Standard index table for AIF (copy from /AIF/STD_IDX_TBL)

FOT_ETAX_OBS - External tax - Outbound service

FOT_ETAX_UJCS - US Ext Tax: Unified Jurisdiction Code Structure Indicator

FOT_ETAX_UNIFY - US External Tax: Unify Jurisdiction Code Structure Indicator

FOT_ETAX_US_TRAN - US External Tax: Transactions Registration

FOT_EXT_TAX_CONN - External tax system: connection data

FOT_E_CERTPAR - Tax partners certificated by SAP ICC

FOT_F4 - F4 Help

FOT_FKK_ECSL_IN - Summarized Message Interface to FI-CA, Parameters

FOT_FKK_ECSL_MWSKZ - Summarized Message Interface to FI-CA, Tax Indicator

FOT_FKK_ECSL_OUT - Summarized Message Interface to FI-CA, Result

FOT_GL_TAXDATA - GL Account Tax Attributes

FOT_HEADERINFORMATION - Header Info. for Tax Reporting Date derivation in reversal

FOT_HIST_RTE_ACT - Temporary solution: activate historic rates for tax abroad

FOT_HXF_ACT - Historic Exchange Factor Activation

FOT_HXF_CURR_CONV_FACTORS - Currency conversion factors for taxes

FOT_HXF_DP_TO_BE_CLEARED - Downpayment to be cleared

FOT_HXF_MIGNSTAT - Historic Exchange Factor Migration Status


FOT_ISO_CTRY_SCP - Scope for ISO Countries

FOT_MIGRATORS - Migrators to be executed for tax applications

FOT_PTK_BUKRS - TV Structure with a Company Code

FOT_PTK_BUKRS_GLOB - TV Structure with a Cross-System Company Code

FOT_PTK_INTCA - TV Structure with a Country

FOT_PTK_VAT_REFUND_DATA - TV VAT Refund Data for Transfer to FI

FOT_PTK_VAT_REFUND_DATA_CS - TV VAT Refund Data for Transfer to FI

FOT_REG_COUNTRY_SCOPE - Basis Structure for Tax Register Country Scope

FOT_RITA_CC_SCP - Tax Abroad scope on a company code level

FOT_R_DECLPER - Ranges Structure for Reporting Period, Electr. Data Transfer

FOT_R_TBUKRS - Ranges Structure for Leading Company Code/Company Code

FOT_S_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS - Additional fields for the external tax calculation


FOT_S_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS_PLUS_I - Import paramter of preprocess BADI

FOT_S_BUKRS_UMKRS - Internal Table of Company Codes

FOT_S_CTRY - Filter Structure for Country-Dependent BAdIs

FOT_S_DATE_CHECK - Structure for checking dates after change fields cloud badi

FOT_S_DATE_PARAM - Electronic Tax Return: Parameter Period Determination

FOT_S_DCLITME - Electronic ATR: Table Structure Amount Preparation

FOT_S_DCLNOTE - Electronic ATR: Table Structure Amount Preparation

FOT_S_DECL_HELP - Electronic ATR: Help Table with Additional Data for Return

FOT_S_DEKY - Parameter Structure XML Generation

FOT_S_ECSALES - Additional Fields for Electronic EC Sales List

FOT_S_ELSTER - B2A: Elster Gen. for Data

FOT_S_ENHANCED_FIELDS - Enhanced standard fields for accurate tax calculation

FOT_S_EXTAX_DOC - external tax document header input data structure

FOT_S_EXTAX_ITEM_IN - external document item input data


FOT_S_EXTEND_HEADER_FIELDS - Extended header data for external tax calculation

FOT_S_EXTRA_USER_FIELDS - Extra user fields for RFUTAX00 table change BADI

FOT_S_FCDF - Field Cat. for Electr. DT to Authorities - DetailScreen Ind.

FOT_S_FCDP - FieldCat. for Electr. DT to Authorities - DetailScreen Param

FOT_S_FCMA - FieldCat. for Electr. DT to Authorities - Main Output Screen

FOT_S_FCPR - FieldCat. for Electr. DT to Authorities - Main Output Screen

FOT_S_FCXM - FieldCat. for Electr. DT to Authorities - Main Output Screen


FOT_S_HEADER - Header data for external tax calc. Preprocess cloud BADI

FOT_S_KZWI - Structure of KZWI

FOT_S_META - Metadata for Downloading a MOSS File

FOT_S_MSG_TXT - info msg for the tdt post mig report

FOT_S_PVAL - Parameter - Value


FOT_S_RFDFKEY - Foreign Key for VAT Refund Items

FOT_S_RFDGEN - General Data for VAT Refund Items

FOT_S_RFDKEY - Key Structure for VAT Refund Items


FOT_S_RFD_LOCK - Lock Structure for VAT Refund


FOT_S_RFUTAX00_BADI_PLUS_FIELD - Output type of the RFUTAX00 BADI for changing table

FOT_S_RFUTAX00_BSET - Tax Data Document Segment for RFUTAX00 cloud BADI

FOT_S_RFUTAX00_FIELDCAT_ALV - Fieldcat ALV structure for RFUTAX00 cloud BADI

FOT_S_SVZL - List of Returns in FOT_B2A_SVZ

FOT_S_T007A - Tax Keys

FOT_S_TAX_ALLOWED_FIELDS - Fields that may be altered in the user exit.

FOT_S_TTXD - Description of Tax Jurisdiction Code Structure

FOT_S_UMSL - List of Returns in RFUMSV00

FOT_S_XMLF - Table Structure XML Generation

FOT_TAX_RT_DETERMN_ADDL_KEYS - Additional Keys to determine the tax rate

FOT_TDT_ACTVSTAT - Activation Status for TDT

FOT_TDT_AUM_BSEG - BSEG lines created during verification of the tdt migration

FOT_TDT_AUM_BSET - BSET lines created during verification of the tdt migration

FOT_TDT_BSAD_BCK_MIG - TDT Migration table for the BSAD_BCK table

FOT_TDT_BSAK_BCK_MIG - TDT migration table for bsad_bck table

FOT_TDT_BSAS_BCK_MIG - TDT Migration table for BSAS_BCK table

FOT_TDT_BSEG_MIG - BSEG migration output list

FOT_TDT_BSET_MIG - BSET migration output list

FOT_TDT_BSID_BCK_MIG - BSID_BCK TDT migration output list


FOT_TDT_BSIS_BCK_MIG - TDT Migration table for BSIS_BCK table


FOT_TDT_DATES - Time-Dependent Taxes: Date fields

FOT_TDT_DFKKOPK_MIG - TDT migration table for DFKKOPK table

FOT_TDT_DFKKOP_MIG - DFKKOP table for the 'post migration report'

FOT_TDT_DFKKSUM_MIG - TDT Migration table for DFKKSUM table

FOT_TDT_EINE_MIG - EINE table for the post-migration report

FOT_TDT_EKPO_MIG - TDT migration table for EKPO table

FOT_TDT_ESLL_MIG - ESLL migration table for post migration report


FOT_TDT_MIGNSTAT - TDT Migration Status for Country


FOT_TDT_MMIV_ACCASS_MIG - Migration tdt table for table MMIV_SI_D_ACCASS

FOT_TDT_MMIV_GL_ITM_MIG - TDT migration table for table MMIV_SI_D_GL_ITM

FOT_TDT_MMIV_ITEM_MIG - TDT Migration table for table MMIV_SI_D_ITEM

FOT_TDT_MMIV_ROOT_MIG - TDT migration table for table MMIV_SI_D_ROOT

FOT_TDT_NM_BSEG - BSEG-TXDAT lines not considered during tdt migration

FOT_TDT_NM_BSET - BSET-TXDAT lines not considered during tdt migration

FOT_TDT_PROD_ACT - Activation Product for TDT

FOT_TDT_RBCO_MIG - RBCO tdt migration table

FOT_TDT_RBDRSEG_MIG - RBDRSEG tdt migration table

FOT_TDT_RBKP_MIG - RBKP tdt migration table

FOT_TDT_RBMA_MIG - RBMA tdt migration table

FOT_TDT_RBTX_MIG - RBTX tdt migration table

FOT_TDT_RF_STEUERINFO_LIST_2A - Structure for RF_STEUERINFO Detail List 2 A Time-Dep. Tax

FOT_TDT_RF_STEUERINFO_LIST_2B - Structure for RF_STEUERINFO Detail List 2 B Time-Dep. Tax

FOT_TDT_RF_STEUERINFO_LIST_2C - Structure for RF_STEUERINFO Detail List 2 C Time-Dep. Tax

FOT_TDT_RSEG_MIG - RSEG tdt migration table

FOT_TDT_SCOPE - Basis Structure for TDT Scope

FOT_TDT_T042J - Bank charges determination for TDT

FOT_TDT_TRANS_DATA_MIGRATOR - Structure for TDT transactional data migrator

FOT_TDT_VBRP_MIG - tdt migration table for VBRP

FOT_TDT_VBSEGA_MIG - VBSEGA migration output list

FOT_TDT_VBSEGD_MIG - VBSEGD migration output list

FOT_TDT_VBSEGK_MIG - VBSEGK TDT migration output list

FOT_TDT_VBSEGS_MIG - VBSEGS TDT migration output list

FOT_TDT_VBSET_MIG - VBSET TDT migration output list

FOT_TDT_WBRP_MIG - for post migation report for WBRP table

FOT_TIF_BTT_US - Relationship beteen Tax Interface and BTT Code

FOT_TRANSACTN_DATA_MIGRATOR - Structure for Transactional data migrator


FOT_TXA_REGISTN - Foreign Registrations for Company Code

FOT_TXA_SCOPE - Basis Structure for TXA Scope

FOT_TXA_STAT - Status for Tax Abroad

FOT_TXA_T030K - Tax Accounts Determination for TXA

FOT_XI_VATDECLARATION_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_C - Proxy Structure (generated)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_CONF - Proxy Structure (generated)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_CONF_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_CONTACT - Proxy Structure (generated)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_DIGI_SIG - Digital Signature

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_DIGI_SIG_PRIVK - Digital Signature Key

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_REQUEST - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_REQUEST_MSG - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_REQUEST_OUT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_TAX_OPERATOR - Proxy Structure (generated)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_TAX_PAYER - Proxy Structure (generated)

FOT_XI_VAT_DECL_VAL_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)

Return Table index