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FMRC01_FICA - Results List Comparison of FM/FI (FI-CA Documents)

FMRC03_TOTALS_TYPE - Structure for Reconciliation Report RFFMRC03

FMRC07 - Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FI

FMRC07_OUTPUT - Output Structure for Payment Matching

FMRC07_WO_BUNDLE - Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FI

FMRC07_WO_BUNDLE_OUTPUT - Output Structure for Payment Matching

FMRC07_WO_BUNDL_OUTPUT - Output Structure for Payment Matching

FMRC20_KBLESUM - Output Structure for RFFMRC20 Totals Records

FMRC20_KBLP - Output Structure for RFFMRC20 Line Item

FMRCCVARI - 'Variant definition'

FMRCCVARIA - Company Code Assignment

FMRCCVARIT - Variant Text

FMRCKEY - Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents

FMRCN_ASSIGN_MAP - assign Mapping to totals table

FMRCN_MAPPING - Field mapping definition

FMRCN_MAPPINGT - Field mapping for recon tool text

FMRCN_MAPP_FIELD - Field mapping

FMRCN_MAPP_ITEM - Field mapping

FMRC_BKPF - Reconciliation of Headers from FI

FMRC_BSEG - Reconciliation of Lines from FI

FMRC_FMIFIIT - Reconciliation of Lines from FM

FMRC_RC_PAY - Results List: Documents: Bank/Clearing Acct Matching FM-FI

FMRC_SEL_KEY - Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents

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