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FMDPEFCLR_EXP - FM: Exporting struct. with clearable amt for auto-clearing

FMDPEFCLR_IMP - FM: Importing struct. with clearable amt for auto-clearing

FMDPEF_AMT_DISTR - Amount distribution

FMDPEF_BLARTFSTS - Assign Document Type to Fieldstatus

FMDPEF_DISTR - Distribution Methods

FMDPEF_DISTRT - Text Table distributions

FMDPEF_DISTR_USE - Distribution use

FMDPEF_DOC_HEADER - Doc header create DP with EF reference

FMDPEF_DOC_LINE - DP with EF reference doc line

FMDPEF_EF_SEL - Selected Earmarked funds


FMDPEF_FSTS_NM - Field selection string for FMDPEF

FMDPEF_FSTS_NM_T - Test table fied selection string for DPEF

FMDPEF_FSTS_SAP - Fieldstatus FMDPEF SAP delivered

FMDP_DPR_CLR - Activate the DP Clearing and DPR Clearing and update

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