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FIRO_FS_S_EXCLDOCTYPE_SELOPT - Structure for Select Options with Exclude Document Type

FIRO_FS_S_F10 - Romania Financial Statement: 10 Form

FIRO_FS_S_F20 - Romania Financial Statement: 20 Form

FIRO_FS_S_F30 - Romania Financial Statement: 30 Form

FIRO_FS_S_F40 - Romania Financial Statement: 40 Form

FIRO_FS_S_GAAP - Romania Financial Statement: GAAP All

FIRO_FS_S_GAAP_ALV - Romania Financial Statement ALV Item

FIRO_FS_S_HEADER - Romania Financial Statement: Header

FIRO_FS_S_NEXCLACCT_SELOPT - Structure for Select Options with Not Excluding Account

FIRO_FS_S_PERIOD - Romania Financial Statement: Period Conversion

FIRO_FS_S_RANGE_BUKRS - Range Structure for Company Code

FIRO_FS_S_SEL_PAR - Romania Financial Statement: Internal Selection Parameters

FIRO_ONESBAL - Manage one-sided balances for G/L account

FIRO_RANGE_BUKRS - Range Structure for Company Code

FIRO_S_DSPL_FACTURI - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Serie

FIRO_S_DSPL_HEADER - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Header

FIRO_S_DSPL_ITEM - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Op1

FIRO_S_DSPL_ITEM2 - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Op11

FIRO_S_DSPL_LISTA - VIES-RO 394 XML: Totals Output

FIRO_S_DSPL_OP2 - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Op2

FIRO_S_DSPL_REZUMAT1 - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Rezumat1

FIRO_S_DSPL_REZUMAT1_DETALIU - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Rezumat1 - Detaliu

FIRO_S_DSPL_REZUMAT2 - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Op2

FIRO_S_DSPL_SERIE - Romanian Domestic Sales Purchase List - Serie

FIRO_S_GLACC_TRIALBAL - G/L Account Trial Balances

FIRO_S_TB_HEADER - Header for TrialBalance and Lineitem reports

FIRO_S_TB_HEADER_DOC_SPEC - Document specific header for TrialBalance and Lineitem rep.

FIRO_S_TRIALBAL_AMOUNTS - Amount fields for Trial Balance reports

FIRO_S_VAT300_XML - Romanian VAT 300 Declaration XML structure

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